15 February 2010

if u kill your child..you deserve to die!

i'll hate u if any of u do diss!!

I am only several inches long, but I have all my organs.
when i in ur womb..I love the sound of
your voice. Every time I hear it, I wave my arms and legs. The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby.
You know what Mommy, I'm a girl !!
I hope that makes you happy. I always want
you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad too, and I cry with you even though you can't hear me. but mommy..
Why didn't you want me Mommy

*why dont u gve ur baby a chance like my mama did?

When I heard bout the news..(bayi dibuang dan dibakar)..i relly feel extremely disappointed..Feel mad..Who r u BITCH? r u fuckin maniac or alien.. y u r so heartless? you should never kill something that you made!!

How come u threw ur newborn child like a piece of trash? then..u kill em? do u called ur self as human? where is ur humanity..i cant gve u any title bitches..i cant even calling u as animal*coz I do believe..Animal never do dis to their kids.. i knew coz I hve cats..

How can any of you be so cruel? Did it do anything to you? No. Could it have if it had lived? More then likely but it doesn't mean it deserved to die like that… *why dont u gve ur baby a chance like my mama did?

I Still wondering..How come u kill ur baby?

that baby did nothing wrong other then being FORCED to be birthed from a PIECE OF SHIT! Its horrible..u kill her..so..u r not deserve to live too..i hate u!!! Can you imagine hearing your mothers voice for your little bit of life, coming out only to be held so she could dump you like a rubbish..Then burn u like a trash? Have you felt what it is like to be burned? Like your lungs are on fire and they will burst. it doesn't feel good at all. What did that baby do to deserve such a disgusting demise? she is innocent u know..

if u as the mother doesn’t want the baby i think its tough u had sex and comitted the act so u should live with the consequences afterall the baby didnt ask to be born. although if the women was raped it should be up to them to decide whether they want the baby. REMEMBER - any young women ut there who dont want there baby u cud always put it up for a doption afterall there are thousands of couples longing for a child..

But why do women in this world want to kill a innnocent child, they were not asked to be put on this world. I mean if you don't wanna get pregnate then don't open your legs. its just that easy, so for those women out there that wanna kill there baby im just saying don't because they didn't ask to be on this world with you, you put them here…


if u afraid of losing ur pride..y not u go n abort ur fetus at 1st??y must u wait till she wus born? how cud u kill her after u seen her in diz world? i understand if u make mistakes dat u cannot undo..but..u no nid 2 be dat meany aite? go n hve the abortion, even it is illegal..still i can accept d reason y u do this.(dont get me wrong..i against abortion.)at least..they still in ur womb n unborn aite?

or..after u gve birth..then..u leave ur baby at mosque for example..or in front of somebody house..i still assumed dat..u might love ur child..but u dunno wut shud u do..even u r living in sins..but at least..u not kill em..u still gve her a chance to live..am I rite.?.

gurls..plz listen 2 me..n think ok..

First of all, if you’re not ready to have a baby. Why are you having sex? The best way to avoid a baby is incest. Don’t take an innocent life just because ur newborn baby might takes ur privilege of life.. Remember, next time you have sex think about how lucky you’re to be alive. U shud Thanks to your mom…


If after u having sex..u got pregnant..u shud be honest 2 ur parents..try ur best effort to tell them..but..if u afraid of ur future..u shud get rid ur fetus before it become a baby rather u throw her like a rubbish or kill her..

But..if u still keeping her in ur womb..then..just raise her up..or gve to someone else..there is many people outside there want babies..i want too!

so please take my advise and don't kill it...put it up for adoption if you don't want it after you had it and seen it.

Don't kill babies, they're a God's blessing.....killing is wrong...there is no such thing as a LEGAL ABORTION/KILLING in God's mind....

p/s: if you dont want a baby...DONT OPEN UR LEGS if you are a girl and if you are a guy KEEP YOUR DICK IN YOUR PANTS!!!



  1. heartless!!

    i hav no idea why d0 pe0ple kill their baby!!then burn it!!

    shitt!!mother fucker!!

    i'm s0 sad when heard about it~ T___T

  2. 1. But..if u still keeping her in ur womb..then..just raise her up..or gve to someone else..there is many people outside there want babies..i want too!

    2. p/s: if you dont want a baby...DONT OPEN UR LEGS if you are a girl and if you are a guy KEEP YOUR DICK IN YOUR PANTS!!!

    I really luv these 2 statements and also ur background music. Sometimes, i fikir u ni mcm grang pun ade tp deep in my heart, u r so pretty. Hopefully, ur behavior also. Sincerely; raudhah =)

  3. as'kum nurul.....

    really adore u so much...
    n u know what, i am starting to read ur blog only by early of this year, n u know what, i opened n read ur previous entry, one by one, dont wanna miss all ur great statements n stories ;)

    anyhow, wanna stress on the first paragraph of this entry....it made me wanna cry....the words of a baby... felt like my little one inside is talking to me T_____T i am near to 6-month-pregnancy now... how i miss my baby sooo much even she/he is inside me.... i am sad too for those heartless parents out there, or should not represent them as parents, rite? all the best to u dear.... keep on following u....... ;)

  4. P/s kat belakang tuh..pergh...dasat meh...hahaha..

    manusia tp x berperangai mcm manusia, sdgkan binatang syg ank dia..ni kan pulak manusia...xde hati perut..nauzubillah


say anything readers but please dont hurt me.thanks.