05 February 2010

Its my birthday

its 23th january..sharp 12 am..then..happy besday to me!oh God..sgt heppynye..
i juzz celebrated my besday wif my beloved one kt KFC..with a piece of cake..but i am so happy...

*so delicious..i swear!
thanks honey for d besday party..heheh..Just wanted to thank you again for d cake.for d gift..sgt2 gmbira~~. but I'm certainly glad you did! What a nice surprise... but im still young..even when my brothers told me dat..kak long dah tue~huwaa..yup2..i get more older..but no worriess..coz i look younger thn my age.I almost don't mind getting another year older. .hehehe.. jeng..jeng..hadiahh yng sy dpt..thnks2222222..

*OMG! sukenyer...

*OMG!OMG!OMG!Wut a nice surprise..sgt cantik d tgn sy kan??

im not trying to show off okey..but i relly did it!hahaha...hoping dat i can b a better person..DEAR GOD..pless bless me olwez..

thnks mom n dad for raising me up..thnkss..Thanks mom didn't have an abortion,
Or my birthday wouldn't be on 23th....*MOM..love u damm much!

I wish dat..for all people dat i luv in my life will care about me as much as I do. Happy birthday to me..

~~My smile tells evrything~~

*credited to KAY N MATHA*friends of mine

opppss..btw..im still waitin for bezday gift from my very2 special bestfwen...i cant wait..




  1. eh..itu sama mcm jam besday yang saya baru dapat....waaaa...!!!

  2. gila rajin mencari entry untuk dikomen.. :P jam tu.. jam rado... T_T fyi, i minat jam ("\(^_^)/")

  3. hye sis..sy bru je blogwalking kt blog u sis,sian kt u..ade anon yg u always siad bad things about u..btw..ur burthday 23 januari ke>?lau ye..sme ngn sy..hehe..btw,be strong k

  4. Happy Birthday akak Nurul ! may Allah bless you akak yang cantik... best dapat hadiah yang gempak2 tuh =)2ndpost-done !

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