13 February 2010

music and me

When I am bored I sing a song in my head...
Where am I goin'? I don't know
Where am I headin'? I ain't certain

All I know is I am on my way
I heard that on a commercial once and I always sing that when I don't know what I'm doing..

music oh music!
i definitely can say dat..Music plays a HUGE part in my life, Unfortunately, I can't play any instrument...hahaha
Even Music isn't the most important thing in my life, but it's up there. Music never helped me get through anything really, but I do enjoy it a lot. *especially when someone dat i love dedicated a song 2 me..i'll re-repeated it till im vomit..hehe umm..wuts next ya..ok2..I listen to mostly all types of music because I think it is important to have a variety of favorite genres..punk rock.country song..are my top priorities..*I was.. influenced by my siblings.. but i listen to some old school rock; indie, jazz..the slow, lovey dovey kind. So why is music important to me? I think it's because music has the power to influence my heart, mind, and soul in ways in which no other outside source can (except for God and His Word, Holy Quran). for me la..Music can be both exciting and sobering, scary and enlightening. Everywhere I go, I hear music; it plays whenever i go..
im not a rock star..ini lakonan semata2..

You can be sitting with a person who doesn't know your langauge, a person who hates your country, hates your religion, hates your political stand point, however once both of you hear this wonderful composition both of you will be compelled to talk about its wonderfulness...am i rite???

i've learning how 2 play guitar wif my own..my master ar internet n book..sometimez, i asked my bro 2 teach me..proudly says dat..i can play hey they delilah song olredy..haha

i sing..i cry..i laugh


  1. Nurul~~

    upload la vid men gtar!

    sya2 nk neng0k!!plz3~~

  2. "You can be sitting with a person who doesn't know your langauge, a person who hates your country, hates your religion, hates your political stand point, however once both of you hear this wonderful composition both of you will be compelled to talk about its wonderfulness...am i rite???"

    yes ! absolutely right sis !

  3. ni mase mula2x akak berblog,nampak teenage giler. n ur english are superb...i enjoy it well, music n guitar? waaaahhhh...my favvy too...gud job akak...


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