10 February 2010

Oh bunga

setiap kali aku memandang bunga..bibirku pasti tersenyum..setiap kali ku memetik dan mencium harumannya..aku seperti dilamun cinta..setiapkali bunga berada didakapan tanganku..menghiasi rambutku..aku merasakan...akulah bunga itu....aku merasa sangat cantik dan menawan persis sang puteri dari kayangan..*owned by me..

*i feel great..
since i wus a pretty kid..im so obsessed wif flowers..when i wus small..i m so excited when i see flowers..especially roses..damm..i love dat flowers so bad.n i do think dat..all gurls luv flowers..i bet for dat.
..*my mom olwez scolded me as i olwez plucked dat roses...then..im cried after dat roses dies..hehehe..bcoz of dat..i hated them...flowers make me cried all time when i saw its die within 3days..

When I was in my teens , I'd have agreed that flowers are lame, a waste of money and die in three days. Now that im gettin more matured..being a women, I've developed a much broader appreciation for nature, I have to say that flowers are a true luxury. When I have them in my house or see them in a garden I cannot keep my eyes off of them! And of course, I love the smell. Flowers may not last but they feed the soul when they're alive.am i rite?? bcuz of dat..im so pantang if i saw these beautiful flowers..for sure i wanna smell it..hold it..pluck it..it is so sweet..OMG!i luv them crazily

Personally, I love flowers, they're gorgeous and they make me happy..*i can help myself from smiling when i saw these beautiful flowers..



  1. perasan this entry thru linkwithin tu:p hehe nurul memang hantu munga upenyee..saya pon suke ros n my name starting with ros too:DD

  2. no wonder la akak beautiful, suka bunga rupa nya ! *erk..pe kaitan.haha
    you're beautiful sis ! =)

  3. akak...
    saya suka sngat baca blog akak..
    saya tahu akak kata,akak on d way nak brubah kan?akak da x pakai buang tudung kan..
    erm...akak delete la entry nie..x pun edit je..buang gambar akak yg x pakai tudung tu....
    nnt kalo laki tengok akak yg dpt dosa..

    sory kalo ayat kasar..
    sory kalo saya menyibuk..
    but i love u sis..tc.

  4. is dis ur first entry akak? hahaha...


say anything readers but please dont hurt me.thanks.