30 March 2010

dinner oh dinner

terengganu NITE..dINNER WITH OUR MB..
this event held on last saturday..
actually time tu..i ta tau nk pkai ape yng suit ngn i..but..just enjoy de pitcha okey guys..hehe
yeah..suda siap..pink kebaya.. girly sikit..

with my friend tia..

insincere smiling..coz at dat material time..my perut sing2 gitu..

nah!!stole de flowers there..buat blik bilik..then..acting like i model..haha

at dat nite...feel little bit heppy..tgok..bayak bunge2 kn..i like!

ni lah resultnye pergi dinner mlm sabtu aritu

p/s: assignment still berlambak..maintain je maen2..hehe


  1. chantekk!!

    nurul pkai cmne2 p0n tetep cantek syg~ =)

  2. ea? kte pon ade kat cni!! hehe.
    ala, xpasan pon! o, org ganu jgk ea?? teheee :)
    nurul mmg comey. :)

  3. sgt suke tgk girls yg cantek including u..=)..
    plus girl tu tggi mmg i adore..=)
    (not les yea)=)


say anything readers but please dont hurt me.thanks.