22 March 2010

sekolah oh sekolah..

if org tnye i what is my most wonderful moment..of coz my answer is..my school time...

my School life started when I joined tadika around 1992..then..1993 in primary school..

masa tu..the school meant play, play, and more play Instead of sitting in the classroom and learning something..
time tu..de game yang aku suke main..galah panjang..i forgot already camne nak maen..tp aku still ingat lagi lah..aku sellau je kalah..hehe.

Time sKOLAH rendah..

the best thing is..selalu je dapat nombor satu...sukee...miss that moment heavily.
budak tadika yang comel..sgt tidak menipu.

then..after finished my primary school..i was admitted in a Sekolah Menengah Agama Khairiah..all girls there..quite boring la..i read there from form 1 till 3..time ni..aku ade byak masalah disiplin..skip clazz..olwez...hahahha..still remember how naughty i am at dat time..
then..after finished my PMR, I sifted to school where located sebelah my village..

at 1st, new School was not very pleasure to me. I can remember the first day of my new school. It was boring without any friends! I was thought about my friends and want to back with them. But my mind changed after some days. I found many friends and forgot my pain... still ingat lagi..when this is de 1st time i fall in love...when i was in form 4..being a pure science student helping me to got a big glamor la...time ni paling best n seronak dalam hdup i..there is few male student who admire me..betul..i got my 1st love letter..n i keep it till now.. antara ayat2 jiwang dalam letter tu..

assalamualaikum nurul..
saya nk berkenalan dengan awk..saya dah lama tgok awk..
saya xhensem..tp saya baik..haritu..masa perhimpunan..saya nak tegor awak..tp saya xberani..ni no telifon rumah saya
ada ubi..ada palas..
kalau sudi..sila lah balas
yang benar
cannot mention his name here.

hahaha..kelakar kan

9 years yang lalu..time laku ni..hehehhe

university life...

things changed so faster..being in school..and being in university..is totally different.
.being a law student..make me stress all the time.not as in school time..enjoyed everyday..
but as usual..a girl like me..olwez be cool..n keep rockin..huhu..
but..how faster my life changed.. my school life was the best..is de best..just like..small..sweet..n simple..

sedikit pro ...sudah besar panjang aku ni..

p/s: tuan surat..maaf ye kerana tidak pernah membalas surat awk..hahahaha


  1. da cukup comel da ney nurul.. cantik da ney.. hihi

  2. you are pretty and more than pretty - you have personality to go

  3. salam.. kalau orangnya dah memang cantik, pakai apapun jadi cantik.. sy minat kat rumah kayu tu, mesti ada kenangan silam yang blues yang boleh dikongsi..

  4. nurul sekolah khairiah ek? pttla cam penah kenal je name tuh. Glemer kot. sy dah bc sume entry n best lar! uhhu.. :) kirenya kite ni same batch kot. same batch ngn fiey kan?


say anything readers but please dont hurt me.thanks.