28 August 2010

entry ni tuk si anonymous yang pandai itu..

in my previous entry

Anonymous said

are you really a law student?
your English is just....yeah, leaving me speechless.

its better for you to stick with bahasa malaysia for everyone's benefit.

not that i loathe your blog, but i have this tiny weeny bit of pet peeve with someone trying to sound COOL with his/her too-broken english.

its either you improve on it or stick with your mother tongue.

-a practicing lawyer-

okay encik..let me answer u..
my dear so called-anonymous a.k.a A practicing lawyer-

Blog is a medium for me to deliver my own thoughts and express my feeling.... either i use formal english or not, it is my own business...

It just a blog dear..it's not like i am using my blog for a thesis or assignment and so forth that i have to use a very correct language dear ..
so, i do not think that it wud be a big deal or problem for a E
nglishman so called-a practicing lawyer like u to read..
and dear, i do agree that u have a good english i can say.. i admit my weaknesses which i think they make me a better person..

BUT..u have to know.. i do know the right language to use when i am dealing with my court/legal practice..so don't question me..ARE YOU REALLY A LAW STUDENT?-
i nevar ask u so called a practicing lawyer to read my blog..if u think u cant read my entry because my language so it would be nice if u just stay away because my blog just for anyone that can read and accept what i wrote..

i guess u may stay away from my blog if it is not achieving your high level of english
im learning and keep learning..i do not see mistakes something that is bringing me down ..it helps me a lot in improving..
i am so done and have had enough of your so called anoy id which u think i cant recognize u..
deep down..i do believe that u acting like u know everything because u want to be looked up to..correct me if i wrong..

amazingly each of your condemning comment does really make my day and i hope..
it does make yours too

and yeah baby..this is MY BLOG..
.i do accept advice..but for certain thing..u dont have to school me..
Plus, i think it is a better way if u could put your link or id so i may be able to improve my so called broken english from a master of this language a.k.a YOU..

with love


p/s: i dont live to please u.tq

chapter 2 today..
tadi outing with my roommate..actually nak pergi beli kad raya tuk yang tersayang..hehehe..yang tersayang..wait ya..i dah beli kad raye tuk u..hehehe..
but the funny thing is..
im suffered..coz xdapat nak shopping..running out of money..just window shopping je..sedih..

then..my roomate lak..time drive..jalan lah dah bz..ramai giler keta kat atas jalan..then..kitaorang dah tersalah jln..nk u-turn lak..sgt2 jauh..so tanpa berfikir pnjang..kitaorg nampak satu garisan kuning n terus U-TURN yang mmg konfum xlepas n dijalan yang salah..
tup-tup..masuk je lorang yang salah nk u-turn tu..betul2 kat yellow line kat gate police station..siap ade 3 org lagi polis kat depan tu..giler..kecut perut kitaorg..si police tu siap tunjuk2 lagi kat kete kitaorng..but then..dengan nervous giler..aku pon tersenyum lebar yang amat..sambil angkat peace..at last..si polis tu senyum balik..fuhh..lega..terus kita blah..

ni ha..roommate aku yang xpenah takut kat sesiapa melainkan katak..

p/s: aku xgatal..tapi aku nakal..:)


  1. ade je y jeles ngan cik nurul nie...pe la masalahnye ntah

  2. they're just a bunch of anonymous who commented a lot but never have the courage to reveal themselves. itu lagi coward dari orang yang berani post up broken english language.

    keep on smiling dear :)

  3. salam..

    people will always criticize others..
    as long as you know what you're doing,
    I think it's ok..


  4. wakakakakaka

    kpd practicing lawyer....


    xsalah nk menegur org, xsilap nk menegur org.....but please be polite and encourage...kalau boleh teguran itu biar la lebih bermakna dan membina....teguran mcm tulisan merah kt atas 2 umpama mengaibkan org lain.... n 1 lg ek...nape perlu merahsiakn identiti???? xperlu malu klu nk menegur....

    kenapa rafiq komen???? sbb rafiq xnmpk pn kt cni apa yg dkatakan professional.... "xsalah nk menegur tp biar berkhemah dan tidak mengaibkan" +

    kamu a.k.a english master + practicing lawyer.....sy ni xbaper pandai tp sy FAHAM apa yg dikatakan sebagai blog....klu kamu rasa sy salah pd terms blog itu, betulkan la ek........

    klu nk wording yg baik utk english sy suggestkn website library...LOCAL da, INTERNATIONAL library pn da....g la melawat2 d sana n bca la words english yg kamu nk baik sgt 2......

    kta di blog ni bkn nk jd stress mcm kamu, kta nk enjoy the reading...janji message 2 sampi...

    PESANAN KERAS: KLU RASA NK BERSEMBUNYI SI SEBALIK NAMA anonymous, g tempat lain la........ HUH!!!! panas ak dgn org pandai PRACTISING LAWYER NIH :(

  5. chill sis.
    lantak je dea nak kate ape
    tah tah dea nak berbahasa inggeris tu pn kena tgk OXFORD DICTIONARY :D pity him/her.
    as long as we have the effort to practice and try to speak and write,
    we actually learn.
    he/she is just showing the jealousity of diri dia tu je :)
    he/she must be the person who feels very bored with their lame life so , dorang kacau lah hidup orang ;)

    Pity you stupid :D

  6. lawyer ape lagi, masuk court la.. hehe.. joke,

  7. English is not our mother-tongue, so its ok for us to make mistake, sometimes, even the great engineers with PhD in their resume also makes mistakes, because we are not a NATIVE speakers. did we as malay talk bahasa baku every day? think about it anonymous!

    "mak, saya mahu makan makanan yang sedap-sedap belaka pada hari ini"
    sound weird huh?

  8. isk2..sgt2 terbaik komen master kita tuh..hahaha

  9. hye nurul ;)

    erm. biase lah.. adat idup. bile kite senang sikit, ade je yg rase susah ngan kesenangan kite tu. pdahal kite sedikit pon tak susahkan die. die je tibe2 rase cm susah sndiri. sbb tu nk kaco idup kite lak. ignore je. at least dgn blog, leh improve gak english tu.. practice make perfect wut~ hehe.

    dugaan ramadhan tuh ;) chill nurul comel2~

  10. mula2 baca, serius je..
    part last tu kelakar lah pulak..
    siap angkat peace tu.. hehe!!

  11. hehe..sis..i nak nyibuk gak la..huhu

    HOI! anonymous! sshhohh..sshhoohh..hehe
    ok..sab dah halau!


  12. Anon tu ada masalah dengan pembacaan dia kot.. tak pelah Anon je pon. =D


  13. x gatal tapi nakal...perempuan melayu kah anda..?? ni namanye lawyer..? perasan cantik daaaaaa...eja gorgeous pn salah...ada ati nk mngaku diri tu gorgeous...

  14. baiklah cik dan kuncu-kuncu cik, suka hati cik lah nak membebel apa di sini. saya tukang gelak saja lah.

    its your blog (photopages) by the way. *sigh*

    your attitude will give trouble for your "chambering" time later. but whatever makes you happy and shiny and 'hot-as-you-claim-to-be" as always, do it with all your might, my dear.

    My name is Shahril by the way, but maybe you don't even eager to remember. Nevermind, see you around courts someday, hopefully.

    (my last visit to your 'whatever blog' so no worries after this. time to pose again and again and smile for the camera and wonder why your pictures were on fake fb huh?. have you learned cyber crime yet? oh, no. i forgot, you haven't. oh well, study hard, lawyer-to-be)


  15. sys , kool okeyy! :) abaikan je emua orang cakap tu . diorang jealous la tu KOT :) hee ! kool okeyy!

    dan kepada anonymous anonymous sekalian , tolong lah jaga adab dekat blog orang :)tak semestinya kita eja semuanya betul ! semua orang buat silap :)okeyy ! maseh ;)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. astaghfirullah...anonymous ni..nak ketuk2 je rasanya...hahaha..lina da kutuk2 kat post before tapi oredi deleted lepas consider x elok pulak buat macam tu...hahaha...do u know him by any chance,nurul?

  18. sombong mu shahril..mu ase mu hebat sgt ke kalu mu jd lawyer 2?mu ase mu speaking hebat sgt dh?mu jgn ingat jd lawyer 2 mu hebat la shahril..sbb ape mu nok condemn entry org dlm blog org lain..cik nurul tulis entry nih dlm blog die skadar hobi die..xdok sakut paut dgn idup mu pon..bukan nyer die g tulis entry dlm blog mu shahril.pastu jgn la nk condemn org dlm blog org..mu jgn jd bodooo gok sgt shahril wehh..mesti mu duk bace blog org sbb mu borink kn?xde ke pompuan nk kt lawyer yg terhebat a.k.a shahril nih??kesian kt ko..org mcm mu nih la yg memalukn lawyer2 tau..jenis yg bodo sombong..

  19. ur english is so fluent like waterfall lah...haha

    Cerita Budak Hensem dari Sintok

  20. Dalam kita ber-blogging dear, akan ada 2 jenis comments, iaitu comment negative dan comment positive.
    Comment positive, will help you to improve in whatever that 'they' claim to be ur weakness.
    negative comment will only talk base on emotion. usually from those people who are actually jealous.
    to me, if it is a guy (sharil), he might just want to gain ur attention.
    because, gorgeous people owez envy by others!!!

    pape pun nurul, just ignore him. sesape pun blh claim kata diri dia sharil (kononnya..) maybe he got chicken out to reveal him/herself!

    p/s: ur english are just fine!!! jia you!!

  21. jawapan yang terbaekkkkkkk...cayalah...

  22. hihi..dat guy mite fall in lurve wit u..huhu..
    by da way diz is ma 1st time reading ur blog n 2nd time reading pasal anon2 yg tak puas hati pasal blog org (within 1 hour)..isk kelaka..its obvious they just jealous :)

  23. encik an0n..
    Begini la encik..why not u msg me through my fb,0nly then i kn0w..h0w superb u are.xsabar nk berguru dgn anda..
    W0w..statement sy xgtal tp sy nakal p0n awk nk bt satu isu erk?plz,if u are really a practising lawyer,buat secara ber educated plz..bdak 5thun thu nk bza kn camne dat w0rds bermaksud.c0me 0n la dear.ini blog la,n0t a legal discussi0n,n0t in legal firm or bar c0uncil..i dont practice here..chill la..0wh.mybe hdup awk sgt b0ring kot,dats why awk questi0n me..beginikah lawyer?haha
    u just a practising lawyer,n0t a g0d dear,h0w 0n earth u sgt s0mb0ng?i dont get u..ape yg myebabkn sy akn ada msalah ngn my chambering?are u out of mind?apakah perkaitan nya my writing dlm blog ngn my legal practice?its t0tally different 0k.n0te it.
    Kenapakah awk sgt berbangga sgt with da way u are thinking as a lawyer..awk ni t00 superb ke,n0 0ne but u under this sun?pity u man s0 called shahril as-u-claim..i knal rmai je lawyer yg dh brthun2 practice..sy tgk dieorg biasa je..0k je guna br0ken english..xda p0n pr0b..
    Again..typing err0r p0n nk djdikan isu?sygnya anda pd sy..
    Regarding my blog..adakah sy tulis blog ni utk ape2.xda kn..either ni ph0t0page or wuteva blog..mdatangkn mslah pd awk ke encik..
    Cyber crime?0wh.apakah.cpt2 encik ajar sy..nak thu..
    Btw..i m0re advanced than u la bout da fake fb.d0nt menti0n b0ut s0mething u didnt kn0w anything..
    I xpnah ada pr0b p0n be a law student,playing with camera,claim as h0t 0ne..bers0sial..i ok je..lawyer kena b0ring mcm awk ke.s0ry dear.i w0nt.

  24. tu 'lalat' yg menyibuk kot?!
    abg eq dah kena dulu...
    ada je pendengki...
    blog kita, suara kita...org lain tak yah campur...tak gitu...hehe

  25. biarkan sahaja dia nak cakap apa.. terus menulis dan saya yakin ramai yang suka dengan tulisan nurul....

  26. kaw2 ko bagi dia balik eh yunk..fadanmuko !!! mencik sungguh ngan org yg berlagak pandai padahal BODOH !!!

  27. 2 mister shahril, rasa nya kamu kene jd "PRACTICE" bukn "PRACTITIONER" lawyer.....tp dlm PRACTICE 2, 1st kene belajar n kenal apa itu ADAB n 2nd apa itu blog n most important belajar buang attitude "BODOH SOMBONG".....

    hehehehe....kelakar la.....seumur hidup ku KENAL mahkamah, xsangka lak apa yg ak dgr selama ini ada rupanyer.....

    MEMALUKAN Bar Council n ahli2 nya la.......

    to lovely nurul, u w'll be find wif ur awesome job n hobby......being a stiff lawyer like Shahril may create more chaos than solve the problem....like DAMAGES :) u know that drama????

    hehehehehehe....adiosa :D

  28. wuhoo.
    encik/cik ano.
    are u damn sure that u're a man?
    are u sure dat ur name is shahril?
    or are u getting freaked out to unveil ur identity?
    nway, correcting people isnt wrong.
    but then, it is wrong when u're actually "condemning" people.
    under-estimating people will only make u a schizophrenic even more i guess.fuh.

    to kakak:
    u just can be urself without a schizophrenic approval.

  29. wah... jangan laa bergaduh.. bulan pose ni.. semua cool laa.. tak suka semua orng bergaduh3 ni..

    tapi tak setuju jugak dengan en. yang komen ni. sebab kalau nak tegur pompuan, kasik laa lembut skit.. hehehe..

  30. oh i ingat i sorang je yang notice tntg ejaan gorgeous tu..ahahhahaa..n i sokong en. shahril.

    jelas skali en.shahril lebih berpengalaman tentang hal2 chambering what so ever. btw, y not u post all comments yang anon ade post jugak. sebab i ade post something tapi u tak approve atau pun u delete. kalau nak jadi lawyer, kena berani terima kutukan kalau tak habislaH. Lagipun, dalam court tak payah posing bagai muke bajet cun mcm ala2 model gitu.

    u tau tak, i singgah sini sebenarnye untuk ketawa terbahak2 aje. u really make me LOL. btw, hanis zalikha the true part time model pun tak de amek gambar atas tangga.

    ahahaha...tak sabar nak tunggu ur next entry. kalau berani, jangan DELETE comment ni. I dare u.


  31. xde point la teruskn komen2 nih....xde semangat membina...byk kepada perli n menjatuhkn jer....

    ini blog, bknyer formal learning pnya tmpt...

    aiyo, klu tiap msa nk kene betul perkataan nya, maka stiff la jd nya mcm ano shahril or adie 2 nk...

    makin d komen, makin jd mcm diorg....g dlu la ek....

    hehehehehehehehe...askm :)

    p/s: nurul, jd diri sendiri lebih baik .... :D

  32. Apa mau peduli sama orang macam tu...yang dia tu yang langsung tak tau buat blog...entah dia lagi teruk..

  33. haih..base dok reti base sungguh la natam bodo nih..blog org wak nape mu nok sibuk nyer adie?blog nih mcm satu tempat org tuh utk jd diri die sndri.blog nih utk relief tension pon bleh.cik nurul nih buat blog utk diri sdnri jer..dgn wujud nyer org mcm ko nih adie aku ase dr nk relief tension lg bertambah tension.cik nurul nih buat entry ade ke menyusah kn idup ko?ade die tanye ko nk tulis ape?pas2 apesal la ko nk kesah psl die amik gamba kt mane?cik nurul amik gamba sbb 2 dh mmg hobi die..xkesa la kt tepi tangge ke ape?apesal ko xcomment kt pic org lain yg amik gamba kt dlm toilet ape 2?aku x rs salah klu amik gamba kt mane2 pon.jgn la ko nk sakit kn ati org lain kalu org tuh xpernah kesah n susahkn idup ko..jgn nk jage tepi kain org lain la..

  34. oh here i go again. thanks again adie for the nice backup man.

    i am freaking know its your blog, its your so-called privacy, and like what you said miss defensive and of course your nice supportive friends here. aww, i am touched, truly. yeah, the friend that doubted whether i used OXFORD to look for words which indeed i do for my own benefit, and ask your friend over there (the early comment) to look for the word 'jealousity' as she said i was having.

    there is no such word as jealousity, miss.

    i may be cocky or plain rude or whatever name you want to say, i dont even give a damn.

    and there is a difference between someone who writes about herself and someone who writes about her so-called-i-am-hot self. yeah, you figure it yourself.

    If you cant take people condemning you like this, and come out with strong reasons (which i doubt, not really..more towards making myself LOL) oh, well...good luck for your chambering, miss. that is what i meant before.

    Like Mr. Adie said, check on Hanis Zalikha's blog. You will freaking know what i mean, miss. Ah, and dont bring up about 'its your blog yada yada yada'. Everyone says the same thing. Typical narcissist.

    And for the last and really final here, dont cry. you will be a lawyer soon honey.


  35. okey here u it goes,kakak.
    listen, i am here not to fight back with those two anoy.
    i am here to say something to u,sis.
    if people say something about u or
    judge you as if they know u, don't
    get offended..just remember that "dogs don't
    bark if they know the person"

    so, it is either u grow up or u give up.
    so, just let them be and say whatever they wanna say.
    okey sis? :)
    chill!nak raya dah ni ^^

  36. Assalammualaikum..

    pertama sekali, saya agak terkejut dengan entri ini.rupanya hal macam ni boleh terjadi juga?agak kurang matang bagi mereka yang suka merendah-rendahkan orang lain hanya kerana penggunaan bahasanya.

    buat kak nurul yang manis,
    usah ambil peduli dengan kata orang sebegitu.Adat manusia,ada yang suka..ada yang tak suka apa yang kita lakukan.Saya juga punya blog yang saya jadikan wadah untuk melepaskan apa yang terbuku di hati, terkesan di minda walau dalam apa bahasa sekali pun.sama ada rojak atau tidak.itu hak kita sebagai empunya blog.mungkin saya kurang bijak berkata soal hak di sini, tapi ini pendapat saya.kenapa orang lain nak kecoh??

    apa yang saya cuba nak sampaikan ialah terpulanglah pada pemilik blog untuk gunakan apa sahaja cara untuk menyampaikan mesejnya.saya juga rasakan en.anoy ini kurang pendirian juga.sekejap komen mengenai penggunaan bahasa,sekejap lagi sentuh soal peribadi.tergelak saya membaca komen dari en.anoy mengenai gambar anda duduk atas tangga..apa kena mengena dengan isu utama??

    akhir sekali,nasihat saya untuk kak nurul..bersabar dan buat tak tahu..komen-komen ini tidak akan berupaya mengganggu-gugat hidup anda.anda tahu siapa anda.

  37. "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do" - Dale Carnegie

    There is always a difference between giving 'comments' and giving 'critics'/'condemns'.

    'critics/'condemns' are negative & destructive in nature while 'comments' are positive or at least neutral.

    A blog is a personal space that is shared by the blog owner. Yes, every blog.. no matter what the concept is, has an owner. The owner, on the other hand, is a human with feelings and emotions.

    As such, it is highly advised that whenever we want to leave a feedback to the blog owner, we do it wisely. We do it constructively. We do it with 'hikmah'. Why is that so?

    Simple.. nobody is perfect. The blog owner is not perfect and that does not make the person giving the feedback perfect either.

    The only One who is perfect is none other than Allah SWT.

    To Nurul, have lots of patience. Do try your best to be the best in whatever that you do. Every critic should make you better. With every insult, you'll gain deeds.


  38. si anon syahril and adie ni..

    first..aku nak ketawa lagi kuat dari u all si anon..apa kes a professional like u nak condemn org dalam blog orang?it's like u berak merata kat rumah org...where is your manner?>?
    okey..u said u just nak tegur..bukan nak condemn..but i dont see that..
    why need u put this?
    ..but i have this tiny weeny bit of pet peeve with someone trying to sound COOL with his/her too-broken english...

    ini bermakna u are under estimating this girl and it totally bullshit u know..
    im a practitioner also..i am doing my chambering right now and i know this girl even i am not too close with her..

    so far..i dont get what are u trying to say by mixed all the things in this blog with her practicing soon..dont say that you are so professional that u know everything about the chambering things coz i do know so..
    my father also a lawyer.practicing for 35 years. graduated from Malaya university and have a well established firm..but..i never saw my father behaved like a shit(sorry..but i think it is fit u)..
    till now my father still use malay n English..yes..sometimes, broken english coz we are Malaysian..English not our native language..but still..my father can survived..i bet more excellent than u..sorry to say..

    if..u really want to correct this girl..as an educated person as u claim..i dont think this is the right way..your act somehow make me think that..are you really a lawyer?
    a good lawyer always know when/where to behave like a lawyer..and i think..this girl also know when/where should her act like a lawyer..

  39. to adie.
    if the owner want to delete or disapproved your comment..its mean that..she never care bout u and she really prove it..but i dont see that u do the same..
    i can see that u are trying to cover ur crime by saying that..
    aku dtg sini sebab nak ketawa terbahak je..

    cess..kau nak intai si girl ni tp impliedly u hiding behind that reason..if u really hate this girl..actually..u dont have time pon nk read this blog..at least..u xpedulikan pon apa yang dia tulis..but..when u said that..bout the pictures..sampai the one yang ambil gambar atas tangga pon u perasan..bermakna..u sangat2 kesah pada budak ini..kan?shame of u..kalau i jadi u..dah kate benci..menyampah..so just stay away..bukannya u pergi tilik2 sume gambar2 die than cari kelemahan die utk u jadikan modal?
    it shows ur stupidity mister...

    btw..the way u compare hanis zalikha with nurul badiah its not relevant at all..they are diff people with diff personality..diff life style..perlu ke seseorang yang nak jadi model..yang nak jadi cantik..yang nak claim as hot should be like hanis zalikha? u stupid at this point adie..u are seriously stupid i can say.

    the way u wrote here..i can say that u have nothing to say actually..but u just do this on purpose..just to hurt this girl..i swear its true..

    if u are a professional photographer.plz tell me..on what principle u stand?..xboleh ambik gambar atas tangga?but sorry..u aint a photographer aite? that's why..each your commentary just shows your stupidity..that make me..yeah..speechless..

    i xsuka pertahankan sesiapa..even this girl..but at this point..it's really make me think that..apabila seseorang yang bodoh berkata kata..ianya hanya memalukan dirinya sendiri sahaja..

    last but not least..this blog that u label -so-called-i-am-hot self- at least..she know what she want.she just being honest..not like u..hiding!f**k.

    saya tak fikir apa yang ditulis dalam blog ni adalah salah.ikut suka hati dia la nak claim dia ni hot ke ape..sememangnya dia bagus..dia cantik..dia smart..

    i know her for 4 years..not i backup her..but as far as i know..she was a good girl with a good attitude..she is a clever girl and bila di dunia sebenar..she is very humble person..dia mmg cantik, gorgeous..she dress well..and u know what..ramai yang menjadikan dia contoh especially the girls yang close dengan dia..
    dia xbuat masalah pon..even dia malas or perasan kerek or perasan hot..xde sapa pon ade masalah termasuklah i sbb dia xkacau orang pon..
    satu lagi about her language..i nampak dia okey je...and u know what..saya sangat respect this girl..because dia xpernah malu mengaku yang dia ni trg girl..dia cakap trg dengan kwn2 trg...ckp malay dengan kwn2 yang lain..and dia cakap english when she have to..so..u xpayah kot ajar dia psl bahasa ni..dia lagi tahu..lagi pula..ada ke lawyer nak ajar orang guna bahasa yang betul?law is law..dia bukan budak sastera okay..

    pasal gambar2 tu..si adie u tak perlulah komen kot..sebab mcm xperlu je..i do respect this girl because even she was a law student..tapi dia xpernah jadikan law ni sebagai penghalang minat and cita2 dia..

    better u think before u speak sir..:)

    and please..dont fall in love with this girl..nanti benci akan jadi sayang dude..:))wakakaka

  40. salam nurul...

    teruskan harimu dgn ceria ok..

  41. nurul sayang...

    sape yg buat rumate sya cmni~

    xbaek betol laaa

    sabar ehh

    kalo nk tgur org biarla care berhemah

    bkn dgn cr cmni nk kondem2 org

    kalo dier saket ati xpyahla sebok2 nk bc blog nurul ni...

    aihh~~berangin plak rase

    saba syg ehh~lebiu!

  42. i think shahril n adie is the same person. just hiding with different identity and name. blah la weyyyy!

  43. banyaknya yang tak suka dengan cik lawyer manis kita nie. haish~ apa2 pun kalau cik lawyer nurul nie tensen2 meh datang blog en.tikus sekali-sekala. hehe. jgn layan kan sgt cik anon2 diluar tue. okey ? ;D

  44. adoi.. de je org dengki.. haish~ ntah hape2~ hmm

  45. yang tegur u tu tak pro lahh

    bagi lah link dia kalau betul nak tegur org mcm ni kan kan kan

  46. hi miss lawyer...
    just ignore mangkuk2 anonymous tu...
    alah, stakat letak nama...without any accessible links...baik xpyh...pengecut..sah lelaki dayus tu...

    xpe2...nurul xrugi pape pun...diorg yg rugi..just keep on blogging k...=)

  47. Bonjour!
    To you my dear so called shahril = adie, first of all thanks DEARS for actively following my blog...
    Oh gosh, I appreciate it so much from the bottom of my HEART. .
    I guess it is human’s nature to compare one human being with another...
    well, no need to. Waste of time d0n’t you think BABE...
    But it is okay BABE, I’m born to be cool with it...So chill! :)

    By the way, no one’s English is perfect unless you’re 100% European, Australian and so forth...
    you know what I mean.
    owh then, i suppose you must be born overseas then to have such perfect English... Owh lucky you... but again, I’m thankful with my English proficiency. As people say practice makes perfect and we learn from mistakes. Haven’t anyone told you that before. Oh, pity you dear.:)

    And one more thing, it’s weird how you have so many issues with me...from correcting my English to how you’re so annoyed with the way I photograph.
    Be kind to human nature 4 once.
    Trust me you definitely won’t gain anything beneficial.
    Anyway, I accept your comments and criticism positively. No hard feelings taken.
    As my mum always says having countless friends is better than having one enemy.

    Oh yes, got to go. Feel free to comment back.

    But please don’t be emotional yourself when commenting back as you know rethink, reedit before you click SEND..Remember ya!!!:)

    au revoir (by the way i don’t want to be cocky but that means Bye in French)

  48. salam nurul... :)

    saya suka chapter 2...
    sila abaikan chapert pertama... huhuhuhu....

  49. aik..bukan ke dalam court kena guna Bahasa Malaysia???
    and most of Indian n Chinese Lawyer is very Terrrrible with Malay language..

    Layan jer..

  50. hak hak hak..sporting a polis2 tuh

  51. siannye sis ni :(
    saya nak marah diorang jugak!!!

  52. ish..suke ati kite arr nk guna bahasa apa or tulis apa kt blog kite kan~ org tu skema giler kot~ apa2pun banyakkan sabar ye cik nurul..org jeles kt blog cik nuruk kot...:)

    nice entry: chapter 2..:)

  53. ish..suke ati kite arr nk guna bahasa apa or tulis apa kt blog kite kan~ org tu skema giler kot~ apa2pun banyakkan sabar ye cik nurul..org jeles kt blog cik nurul kot...:)

    nice entry: chapter 2..:)

  54. sy x kesah pun badiah nak gune bahase aper.. gune bahase jawa lagi bagus.. :) Kite kan org malaysia, ade identiti sendiri..

  55. heran dgn anon... dua orng tue mest orng sme...

    kak nurul sngt sopan sntun, lemah lembut dn baek...

    dh la kaitkan ngn hanis zalikha, x kena langsung, apa kena ngena, bengong, xde point la tue, smpai isu nak tangkap gmbaq mana pon jadi isu, apa laaa punya orng

  56. blog is just for fun. ape mslhnye kalo broken english pun kn. tah pape. haiyaaaaa

    btw, nakal is just so so cute attitude ;)

  57. ait. knape ek dorang dua tuh?
    *dua ke? ntah2 sorang jewp. ckp sowang2 seyh! haha. kcian dye!*
    hehe. soey2. tah pape je lh korang nie. xde keje laen ke? xsuke blog owg, xyah la tgk2. stkat gi blog nie nak bebel n korang kate nak gelak guling je kt cni? aiseyh. rileks lar der! bende mcm nie crik gdoh. tawu lar akak nurulbadiah nie canteq, kamoo jelez ka??

  58. huhu wlapun lmbt bca tp this is a nice blog ^_^
    sis sgt cntik..
    br mau ikt skit2... tp dh nk final so xsmpt nk bca dr frst entries ^_^
    erm i think sharil n adie tu org yg sama n a girl..
    cara ckp pun dah tau, cm pompuan ckp hehe...
    plus, lawyer mne de time nk bca2 coment org or even blog,...
    drng bz ngn keje n kes yg bertimbun2.... =_="
    bnyk lg bnd drng nk bwat dr stalking org len haha...
    its not da way a lawyer should act...
    xkn xblaja etika profession..
    bodo pny penipu!
    ko tipu org yg ko lawyer then nk bruk kn lawyer2 len.. blh blah la wey!

  59. a big words from so be called a tiny person i supposed..be strong kak nurul..

  60. be strong . i will follow perkembangan akak k . ur my cute law sis . always stand by u . :)

  61. To Nurul... ignore jer en/cik sharil a.k.a adie tu.. kita buat apa yg kita rasa patut kita buat asalkan kita bahagia.. peduli apa dgn apa dorang kata.. lagipun.. TAK MAJUNYER KALAU PANDAI BERBAHASA INGGERIS.. TAK MUNDURNYER KALAU HANYA BERBAHASA MELAYU.. BAHASA MELAMBANGKAN BANGSA KAN..?
    To en/cik shahril a.k.a adie.. SILA BUKA MINDA ANDA.. JGN JADI KATAK BAWAH TEMPURUNG.


say anything readers but please dont hurt me.thanks.