06 September 2010

aku marah ni..


aku kalau boleh nak menjerit kuat-kuat...
kau boleh berambus x??kasar kan..aku memang nak jadi kejam..actually aku xsuka nak marah2..tapi bila ada jugak si anon yang sesuka hati nak kutuk aku..siyes terbakar weh..

she/he think that i cant recognize him/her..but..i do have my own formula..u better be careful dear...soon..i will discover it....btw..it is so funny..weird..that i am so sure yang si anon ni..de same person..i actually..dah terbiasa sangat dengan ayat2 si anon ni..the same style.The weirdest thing is that..why u have so many issues with me?lepas satu satu..ade je yang kau xpuas hati..saiko betul...tp seriously..aku benci kau nyah!!sumpah..

fitnah tu xbaik..aku tahu kau tahu..
kutuk, label, under estimated or memburuk burukkan orang lain tu..xbaik..kau tahu kan??well tolonglah..boleh xkau jangan buat mnde2 terkutuk ni kat aku nak2 time bulan puasa yang mulia ni??

dont pretending that u know me..u know nothing actually..tapi..tapi..aku xtahu kenapalah kau ni benci sangat dengan aku..cakap aku suka usha2 lelaki la.cakap aku melayan sana sini lah...hello..ape kejadahnye aku nak pergi usha lelaki or melayan sana sini ni..mcm la aku ni xde kerja lain..kerja aku berlambak2..plus..aku dah ade steady bf sejak berzaman lagi and everybody knows kot.. xpayahlah nk buat cerita murahan boleh x?im not a random girl okay..so boleh tak kalau nak burukkan aku tu..buat secara cerdik sikit..

huh..I don’t want to be that catty bitch that’s always judging them before they even say two sentences to me. It’s not the way I want to be treated either.so..please stop judging me for reason that i never know dear..
yess..Sometimes I find out about people who don’t like me, while they don’t even know me, and I really don’t like that, they don’t even give me a chance to get them to know me.
so..u better sit and talk with me..

respect me for once..please?aku xde buat salah or kacau kau pon..but please..dont say nasty things bout me..itu hanya menambahkan dosa u je..kalau i xmaafkan ?pity u..huhu..

actually..doesn’t matter if you think another person is right or wrong. it doesn’t even matter if he is right or wrong. it doesn’t matter if he did something illegal or against the law or against humanity. but..it’s not my position to judge. everyone’s got their reasons for their behavior.so..just respect..

actually..the word ignorance..very rarely i used it.hahaha.coz im kind of a defensive person..everybody has the right to defense themselves..so do i..
that's why,..bila ade yang buat allegation kat aku..aku kadang2 xboleh merely ignore je..sebab kalau xbetul..aku rasa nak melawan balik..macam bangang kan aku?so korang jangan bergaduh ngn aku..sebab aku jnis xboleh berdiam diri..lawyer attitude mmg macam ni la kot..hehehe..

p/s: dont do to others what you dont want them to do to you.

apa pon kau nak cakap ttg aku ..tp mak tetap maintain seh...kalah kau cik ton!!:P


  1. wiwit! chanteknya. pink lagi.. =)
    sila abaikan c anon tu la yunk..

  2. sabo kak..jange duk ikot sangat ore gituh..owohh..tubik kecek klate plok..tapi xpo dok,akak kan ore ganung..hehe..
    senyum sikit kak..haaaa gitu

  3. huhu.. betul la tu Nurul.. kadang2 just nak ignore tu susah.. depends on others la.. kalo mcm i pon, jenis yg defensive. selagi kite betul, akan tetap tegakkan yg kite betul. nak2 hal2 yg berkaitan fitnah atau mburukkan diri kite. i faham ape u rase. huhu..

    apepon, just be strong ya, nurul. org cantik mmg salu ade yg dengki. plus, u lawyer to be plak tu. pakej k. kuat k, nurul ;)

    chill sweetie ;)

  4. gua kompius, nie muka lu tengah marah ke ape?.. chill beb

  5. siapakah gerangan mamat/minah yang tak tahu malu itu... huhu... kurang belacan betol... suka hati je dy... sabar ye kak nurul...

  6. macam HARAM!!! xabis lg ke si anon 2???
    hahahahahahahahaha.....kelaka2 :D
    budak2 pn lg baik kot dr ko 2 anon :D

  7. hahaha...
    wat bodo jer....
    dengki sokmo...

  8. ko lepuk jer c freakin demm anon tu..dan jgn lupa ajak aku sekali..

  9. satu cara tukar setting komen.. jgn benarkan anom tu komen

  10. setuju dengan ber_u_wang.
    don't feed the trolls. :)

  11. kenapa marah2 ni...
    hilang pahala puasa mcm ni...
    sabar yer :)

  12. biarkan...
    just let the dog barks.
    as usual...
    smile kakak.. :)

  13. : marah benar . sabar je . klu si anon tu carik pasal lg . baling je kasut kat die . sengal gile . jealous kat org tak tentu pasal . HAHAH

  14. gilakk ahh..asyik nk marah jer...

    cool la~ taw ar lawyer wannabe hahaha
    ^^.. xhidup dek puji,xmati dek keji

  15. pe kata xperlu postkn pe anon 2 komen...then wt xtau jela pe yg dia komen 2...

  16. sabar yea dear :) biasa la orang macam tu wujud.

  17. haha. hadapinya secara matang okey ? =)

  18. alahai.
    sape la yg kaco u ni.
    sabo k dear.

  19. betul2, kacau la mcm mana pun. nurul tetap cun

  20. yeahh..lawyer attitude..i like that!
    orang macam ni..x payah layan..kalau layan menandakan standard otak kita sama mcm dia.better u sabar aje.tujuan die tentunya nak buat u panas.& dia berjaya by reading your post menunjukkan u hangen(I guess..)

  21. garangnya makngah :P

    cik anon tu pastinya jeles sama kamu..abaikan org mcm tu

    selamat hari raya nurul!

  22. marah2 pun still control cun ka.. haha

  23. x pew nurul..lau kite cntix diluar n cntix di dlm...bgus...jgn jdi cm anon tuh..even cntix kt luar..tp dlm busuk pown x gune kn..luv nurul :)


say anything readers but please dont hurt me.thanks.