31 October 2010

ini bukan cerita mat jenim.

salam people..
some people asking me..nurul ceritalah pasal bidang yang u ceburi.oh..Law?actually kalau bleh kat blog ni..aku memang nak lari untuk menulis tentang kehidupan aku yang stress tu..
to be frank..cita2 aku ada dua je..either doctor or lawyer..tapi aku sangat pengeli yang amat dengan darah..so aku dah tanam dalam kepala otak aku..i wanna be a lawyer.fullstop.

Masa apply nak buat law degree, 1st choice is Malaya University, second is my university rite now..tp xde rezeki nak study kat UM.aku mmg bit frust jugak.tapi last2 aku fikir..the law is the law no matter what school you go to..

The first year they scare you to death…
The second year they work you to death…
The third year they bore you to death…
Final year they told u that..come on..u'll become a professional soon..

mase mula2 aku study law..sem 1, giler aku stress..aku rasa cam Law school is for boring smart kids who don't have much personality or creativity..aku dan law books, library, law Act..arghh sangat boring..nak exam kenal hafal kes..berpuluh2..section2..aku sampai satu tahap aku menangis sebab xtahan dengan tekanan..aku pernah rasa nak gile dan mereng sebab terlalu fokus.aku pernah rasa sampai nak quit law dan pergi bidang lain..

then after dah tahun kedua, ketiga, dan final year..i realised..oh how lucky im here..banyak benda yang aku belajar..jadi seseorang yang expert bout laws, lantang dan berani bersuara,meeting dengan lawyer2 yang hebat,
brilliant professors and learned a lot about the human experience buat aku rasa,study law so damn cool and awesome.

study law ni bagi aku ade 3 pilihan..


setiap orang hanya boleh memilih dua antara 3 tu..kalau pilih fun and sleep..homework mmg hancus..u cant stay in law school.fullstop.kalau choose fun and homework, please dont think about sleep.u dont get it.kalau choose sleep and homework..never dream to having fun.that's the rule.
me?aku damn lazy.so setiap bulan..pilihan aku sentiasa berubah..hahaha..aku jenis xboleh hidup dalam suasana yang terlalu skema.so even aku study law yang menuntut kebijaksaan dan proses memerah otak yang kronik..aku tetap lakukan jugak apa yang aku nak lakukan. at first,I did law school for the money and now I dont even care about the money I want to be happy doing something I love.and law adalah my passion..yang lain2 perkara yang aku buat..hanya sebab kegedikan aku sahaja.

now?i cant wait to graduate.after final exam 2minggu lagi..yeah2..im free.alhamdulilah..dengan payah susah malas tekanan kegilaan bagai..akhirnya dapat gak aku hold law degree. im so damn sure that i can be a lawyer..but i will not guarantee that i can be a good lawyer..hehehe..

end of story.aku pon rasa boring nak taip panjang2.muahhhhhhhhx..

i wish that our dress code is purple..hahaha..coz im so damn bored wearing black and white everytime im dealing with law things.:P

legend nih..die sorang je wanita.?yang kat tengah pakai skirt tu adalah aku

ini cukup menggambarkan kami stress!!yang ke3 kat depan tu adalah aku.

bergila-gila after tekanan dah selesai.yang comel2 paling depan tu korang mesti kenal kn?

mereka adalah my junior yang kepala best giler.

gaya mutu keunggulan..yang..so gay!haha.kedua dari depan adalah aku.

p/s: beware anon!plz dont mess up with me.if u still wanna do that kind of shit things..soon,u will know that u are dealing with a wrong babe i tell u!be very worry when i kept quiet!

i love u people!


  1. wah! bakal lawyer ni :)
    thanks untuk info.
    suka gambar last tu memang macam lawyer pun. comel :)

  2. mesti u banyak baju itam putih kan?

  3. kwn yg free hair dlm pic tu org mana ek?

    macam penah tgk jerk..hehe

  4. nnt nurul bukak firm sndiri, nk apply jd kerani la...

  5. Jika saya dibicarakan di mahkamah nanti, mungkin saya akan lantik cik Nurul sebagai peguam bela saya nnti. Ade berani?

  6. sis ni lengkap dh..ade rupe..got brain...:))

  7. nnt klu ada kes2 esok2, fifiey tempah sis ye...hehe..

    anyway, best of luck for ur final exam:)

    u deserve to achieve ur very best dear.. take care.. n ignore anon . he'she is nothing for u, so, don't keep thinking and bothering that matter. ia hanya ulat kehidupan yang cemburu dengan suburnya daun;D


  8. aLways success in ur future...
    muaaaahhh.. hahaa

  9. miza :: nmpk cam lawyer ker??oke..pkai suit tuh mb..

    tp bila tgk picca yg santai tuh..ilang terus cop lawyer tuh...

    nmpk immatured..*honestly oke..

    nurul...aku rasa..mne2 pown sama jerk..mst stress..

    btw..good luck for ur exam

  10. lawyer yg sgt cantex..suke tgk..:)

  11. elegen tu pakai all black.. :D
    hmm kalau camtu maknanya all geng Gothic tu Lawyer la kan.. :D
    kerjaya yg mencabar... good luck in exam..:D
    kuman "november rain.." Entry

  12. mr anon said!:
    gaya, mutu dan keungulan..
    layan dunhil dlu sbtg:D

  13. yes sis, walaupun sy tak amik officialy law, but in my course kne amik 3 law. lagi 2 tak hingat sebab dah lepas. sem ni punye law, biz law. nak hafal case, section, memang rase nak pecah pale otak. tapi sis ni sndiri student law, and u said it is fun, tabik la kat u :)

  14. nurul hehe..nti blh la jadi my lawyer hehe..coz telor nak saman celcom ni hahaha.

  15. smart ahh nurul...dulu ade keinginan untuk jadi lawyer..cita-cita dari form 1 tapi rezeki lebih kpd chem eng pun dah bersyukur sgt...btw..hitam itu smart..serious..^_^

  16. dunia stdy mmg dunia yg stress syg.
    even naz, pjj student pn stress..huhuh

  17. patutnye kite pon amek law jugak..tp masok matrik tolak asasi law..hehe.. :)

  18. huwaaa! bestnya!! x berkesempatan la nak rasa macam ni.. =(

  19. ohh.boringnya black n white..takleh pakai rainbow color ke??hehe

  20. Yeah...hey nurul, saya sendiri tak pernah terfikir tentang 3 perkara tu..apa yg sy buat selama ni, just for fun and keep the pointer at safe level...

    p/s:saya pernah lah masuk court tu sekali....

    Entri terbaru di The Sharkox: Mereka Konvo dalam Hujan

  21. salam nurul...

    good luck for final exam...study elok2...

    anyway, suka dgn warning nurul yg last tu..hehehe

  22. suka baca blog kak nurul.i was once dreamt being a lawyer.even got an offer frm UIA,law degree..but,now i'm teacher-to-be!haha..so funny..but i love my life now!!!

    and i know u really love law so much!congrats and gud luck!

  23. all the best in ur finall...

    gambatteee !!

  24. Well done sis!
    Keep up d good work :)

  25. moga moga 1 hri nnti hani dpt jd mcm akk. skrg ni bru nk msuk sem 2 as a prelawrian. akk comel! ^^

    akk doakan hani dpt jd lawyer jgk ye?
    dan hani doakn akk dpt jd lawyer terbaik di malaysia! amin~ ^^

  26. agree!!!belajar law memg memerlukan critical thinking(!)
    habis segala case and acts nak kena hafal =)
    belum campur all the legal terms LOL :D
    we wear Black and White every Tuesday :)

    Take care~

  27. waaa!
    baca pasal you study law pun i dah tense
    sama lah macam i
    tapi i amek pharmacy
    tension gile nak kena hafal nama drugs
    sampai rasa nak tukar course, amek bakery

    tapi, sebab da minat
    kena sabar laaa

    anyway, good luck utk final exam :)

  28. gud luck for ur final exam in final year...hehehe...pasnih jadi lawyer...seronok nyer.....semoga kuat yer untuk menempuh dugaan akan dtg...yg penting what colour pon yg nurul pkai...mmg suitable la dengan nurul...hehheheh..gudluck my dear!..chaiyok2....

  29. Buat yang terbaik utk final exam yer Dear..all the best..caiyok2

  30. xtau kenapa suka sgt masuk blog budak law!
    sempoi! Good job babe! ;)

  31. suke la bace blog nurul...crite kali ni...besh!!

  32. sebidang tanah tu bukan kerjaya ke nurul

  33. i want to cont in law 4 my degree but im scared of politician in law. huh

  34. really inspired me sis! love this! :)

  35. wah,,pix sue ade dalam entry nie lah..bangga2 hee...anyway..gud luck for final kak...do ur besh!!

  36. huhuhu!!..

    1 thing about law student..
    bila diaorg blajo,
    sume org keliling xmo dilayan...
    bila dia nak fun...
    mereng dia menjadi2, kekadang dak kichik pn kalah..


  37. salam nurul...

    just to inform.. saya dah tag nurul. silalah ke blog saya utk tgk post tu. ada 25 blog semuanya :-D

  38. hai, salam lompat2 blog.... semua all look so sweet? still keep in touch ker?

    anyway, maksu mmg tak reti belajar yg scare to death ni... hi hi hi, seriau

  39. all black! menawan kot..law mmg kene hebat la dalam bercakap..i just take engineering..learn and practical.. :)

  40. budak law mmg kaler itam putih ke?

  41. time belajar, law student memang sakit..
    tapi bila dah kerja nanti masyuk.
    so, bersusah2 dahulu..


  42. cita2 sy dulu smpai skang mmg nk jd lawyer...
    tp syg, masa kat stpm dulu tersilap pilih kos. hancusss. maka impian nk jadi lawyer tkubur... so skarg juz go on dgn kos yg lgsung sy x minat..
    ~sy kenal akak. kita satu SEMBRA.. hehe....

  43. lawa baju! hahaha

    komen yg xde kaitan

  44. excited seeing a pretty girl as like u who has passion in the black and white world =_= sy sukeee law!
    kami bdk bdk baru habis asasi,tp UiTM je laa ;'( hopefully dpt BLS soon.

    post yg nie mmg sumpah menarik sis.and now i adore u.xsabar nak start degree.awtch!sukeee bace if u story more about this dear.

    YOU such a great girl sis;')
    Good Luck ur finals
    congratz for the lawyer tittle soon.

  45. sis ni lengkap dh..ade rupe..got brain...:)


say anything readers but please dont hurt me.thanks.