01 October 2010

salah ke nak menegur kalau niat kita baik?

i pray to God u are reading this.itupon kalau your vocabulary is sufficient for u to understand.:p

she: demi maruah..please don’t on and off bertudung.u just make urself not more than a cheap cheese.

me: saya cuba utk berubah..but the word cheep cheese really hurt me..

she: u deserved it

ni conversation aku dalam Ym ngn one of my old friend( not really actually) beberapa bulan yg lalu..Friend masa kat secondary school. Thing is..dia ni..sangat membenci aku..for the reason that I never knew.

semalam..aku ade bukak fb dia..dia ni anak orang baik2 I can say..xmacam aku..anak muaallaf yang xde pegangan agama( ayatnya yang buat aku menangis)..bertudung and yess..cantik and come from a very rich family.stop.

storynye mcm ni..aku Nampak pictures die dengan her bf, Idk where..tp mcm kat pulau..then aku rase mcm xsesuai..so many pictures that too annoyed(sorry) hugging..kissing kat pipi sume.duduk ats peha peluk2..awww.yang bagi aku..sgt tidak sesuai dipublishkan..apatah lagi dia bertudung dalam pictures tu..

so I MSG die kt fb

ME: Sorry syg..but I think u should remove ur hugging2 n kissing pictures kat fb..mcm x elok la publish gambar2 mcm tu..sorry kalu awk marah.

she: oh don’t HAVE TO school me..awk tu bukan baik pon..ikut suke hati aku la nak letak gambar aku beromen ke..buat sex ke..kau peduli apa..baru je pakai tudung elok2..nak tegur aku..Typical muslim girl!

me:your words hurt me.saya cume nak tegur..terpulang awk.maaf..

She: back off..kubur masing2.btw..u shop in MNG?omg!mcm xpercaya perempuan yang xpernah pakai converse pon tahu MNG..THAT baju MNG tu aku tahu..COST RM56 after sale kn? poor girl.


mase sekolah dulu..dia ckp aku ni selekeh.aku still ingat die kutuk aku coz aku pakai the fake adidas shoes. she said I cant enjoy their fashion and she think CONVERSE is God! I ckp..hello..converse is..forget it..go freaking worship. she said coz I have no money thats why I cant enjoy their fashion.thats why Im so jealous I cant shop in Converse coz she think I couldn’t afford to buy it.owh fish!!

pastu dia suke ckp aku pompuan gatal when I talked with guys..she think I try to flirt. berdose ke kalau aku ade conversation dengan my guy friends?hey girl..i don’t fuck around ok!

dia jugak kondem aku that im cheap bcoz I date with a guy that his family own luxury cars and (you so damn cool because you date with a football player in schoc0l that rides bicycle..huh

when it come to gossips..aku just tahu cakap..ye ke?and kau cakap aku ni cemburukan kau.even the way I share my foods with my best friend was a crime. she said im disgusting.am I what??wtf!

bila cakap pasal future.she ask me..aku nak jadi apa.i said I wanna be a lawyer in future. she laughed at me for the whole day and setiapkali aku terserempak dengan dia..she said..lawyer dtg..lawyer dtg..im cry a lot bcoz of that.

tu dulu..ntah..sekarang aku just nak cakap..

if I were to follow ur way of fashion..huh..maybe I akan jadi the most ugliest in the world.

I shop in MNG when it come to sale because im smart. not like you..buy for RM500 GUESS bag today even u know tomorrow on 50% sales.

if I were gossips as much.. I will end up like yo.

if im not smart like u claim..i am not me today.

if I am too cheap because I date with guy..How about kissing and hugging your guy? im cheap and u cheapest?

you rasa u paling bagus and u terlalu memandang rendah pada orang lain..thats why u dont succeed. oh bout the romen and ur sex things..publish la lagi aku xakan tegur lagi..coz u make me aware..kubur masing2.

Whatever shit u give to me..i accept it coz I nak jadikan ia baja untuk tumbuhan.dont worry u still anak orang yang kuat pegangan agama..:)

yes..my MNG cardigan just cost RM 56 AFTER SALE..


  1. salam,
    tak salah menegur untuk kebaikan yg penting niat ikhlas

  2. Pernah juga terjadi kepada sy apabila orang menyalah tafsir teguran yg ikhlas.. Sejak dari itu, sy lebih berhati2 dalam memberi teguran.. Takut jadi bergaduh pulak nnti..

  3. x sgka..mcm cerita dalam TV..
    boleh tahan mulut dia ya...
    panas ja rasa

  4. takpe la nurul. biarlah die takmo dengar atau ape. at least, u dh jalankan tgjwb u. dh tolong ingatkan die. tapi pity her sbb still dlm kegelapan. Allah tak beri die hidayah.. harap2 die akan sedar satu ari nti.. insyaAllah..

    n ya, i pon tak suke org nak expose2 gambar dorg dating, couple or what so eva. nak2 yg over smpai hugging2, kiss2 pipi, n etc. huhu. dah buat dosa, pandai2 la simpan. tak perlu nak publish n bangga2. sedangkan Allah pon menutup aib hamba2Nya, tetapi kenapa kita sebagai manusia sndiri yg membuka aib sendiri? nauzubillah~

    apepon, cheer up, nurul. u are the way better than her. yg penting kite improve. dn akan mjadi lebih baik. insyaAllah~

  5. dun worry much dear. some girls just hate you without reasons because they cant be like u. n some people dun like to accept any advice because it's true. :)

  6. yo babe~!! give me five~!

    she deserved it..damn psiko la that gurl..memg la family dia ade pggn agama yg kuat, tp iman bukan utk diwarisi. WTH she think she is?? harta benda leh msk kubur?? all of sudden dia melenting bile u tegur dia elok2, then ckp psl "pic sex.." ..mungkin penah merasa la tu kot berani ckp gitu..

    But babe, u da best ar..well said.. =)

    --hahaha..tetibe emo lak--

  7. niat kamu eclaz..
    sgt suke dis entri...=)

  8. huu. sabar kay nurul. just let her be, u know urself whats good and what not ;)

  9. takpe lah nurul. what goes around comes around. maybe one day dia akan sedar what she did was evil. and i wonder why someone yang hate us must read our blog~

  10. salam.im just one of ur silent reader.
    just wanna share this:
    beauty doesn't need money even a cent...real and the most truly beauty is ISLAM.so whatever you do as long still based on syara' just keep doing it.eventho no one look at you remember..HE will accompany you,always.

    here, i share my symphaty to your friend.

    lastly,you're beautiful dear.no offense!heee

  11. ignore what she said.just u know the truth.GO GIRL! :)

  12. omg, sharing food pun boleh jd masalah? whats wrong with her?

    orang yang cuba berubah adalah okay, berbanding orang yang x pernah nak berubah..

    kaya bukan hanya pada harta, tapi hati budi

  13. haaa kakak...
    macam2 pesen org dalam dunia..
    dat type of person pun ada..
    ouh all i can say,
    she is pathetic..hihi ^^

  14. klu dapat lempang pompuan 2 pon best:P

  15. a girl hugging and kissing her bf..watdehell..
    she is cheaper than free..

    and..about the kubo masing2 tu..cakap kat dia..knape perlu org laen mdi kan dia bile da mati.knape perlu tanam dia.dahla busuk.pegi la mdi sdri n gali+masuk+kambus kubo tu sdri.heh.

  16. tak salah cuma kadang2 someone tu terlalu sensitif n x open mind.so apa yg kita tegur dia salah tafsir then mula lah gaduh padahal niat kita ikhlas je daripada nk terus dia malu dpn orng lain better kita tegur dulu ;)

    haha.panjng mula mukadimah. ;D
    hye sis nurul.mira pun frst time melawat kat sini.nie to know u.sisi cantik lah.berminat dgn style sis bertudung.lawa ;)

  17. dia dah sampai tahap camtu, n u still label dia 'kawan'??
    sila jgn jadi baik sgt...

    btw, nice RM56 after sale MNG cardigan, i have RM9.90 Giants' T-shirt, and I'm proud of it...

  18. ayark. tegor baik2 pun x boleh trima. biarkan aje kot, dr jd kes yg lebeh truk. takot dy buruk2 kan kamu plak nnti..

  19. salam nurul..huh! ignore the shit one ni.. susah la.. org berlagak baik jek.. one thing, anak muallaf xsemestinyer xde agama kan.. i terasa kot bila kutuk2 cam tu.. coz im oso like u.. beza my mom was buddha dulu.. isk3.. geli i dgn org tu.. rasa nk ban laju2.. take care nurul :).. sometimes anak muallaf ni lagi baik sebab she's try to change day by day kan..

  20. xpyh la nk tnjuk baik pn. ko tu pn bkn baik sgt. jaga hal sdiri sudaaa

  21. anon- elelele..mcm la aku xkenal kau sapa..benci aku tp baca blog aku..ala cyg bucuk2...

  22. kunak press- yess..klu xtegur..sampai bila org xsedar kan

    rafhan- ni lah..nurul tegur sbb dulu die selalu tegur nurul

    alinac- mmg ade..!!

    soffea- kite sama syg xsuke mnde yg same

    farah- they can hate me but please dont hurt me wich such kind of word

    khumeerA- THANKS dear for the nice backup

    chenta- thanks dear

    yana- yess i try tuk bersabar dear..thank..love u

    maizatul- yess sgt wonder y yng benci baca blog kite..dengki la tu..kn syg?

    damia- owh god!thanks n i love uu

    ciput_ thanks too my dear..

    echah- after this sis konfem ignore

    beebob- mybe die duk planet len kot xleh share food kn?

    ceguzeha- yess sweety..she is phatetic

    kobe- u tolong lempang tuk i leh?

    koroe- she never aware of that fact

    humaira- thanks syg

    cero- also i love my bundle bag:)

    pinky- xnk tegur dah die sbb die saiko

    me suya- owh kite same??wah2

    teratak indah-huwaaa..nanges sudaa

  23. first time vist... thaxs 4 drop yepp.. ouh,, demm poor dat gurl.... annoyying btol org mcm tu...

  24. gua suka kawan dgn mat rempit..budak jalan semua..walaupun gua ber-educate..sbb dorang lebih tahu erti persahabatan dari pada budak alim2..

    tak gtu?

  25. ada orang boleh terima cara teguran kita ada orang tak..nak tegur kena tengok org yang kota tegur tu macam mana....mungkin yang awak tegur tu jenis tak boleh tegur...dan tak suka kaco privcy life dia...tapi awak dah tegur..kira tanggungjwab awak dah lepas...

  26. biasalah ada org yang melawan bila kita tegur. orang mcm tu jenis yang x nampak kesalahan sendiri. kita kenalah sabar. huhu~

  27. dear nurul,
    u know what, dat girl sgt cemburu dgn kamu..tu je, since sek kan?? so dah jelas..die iri hati dengn kelebihan yg kamu ada. k. just ignore sbb bila kita layan orng mcm die, nant kita pun akn jd mcm die..ok dear.. :) kamu cantik dan patut bersyukur dgn kelebihan yng tuhan bg.

  28. hehehe...i like Anonymous...hahaha

    Nurulbadiah:ckp kat dak tu mmg kubur masing2 tapi kang die mati sape yg nak kene bace talkin,spe yg nak kapan die,spe yg nak usung mayat die..semua tu perlu kan org...

    so jgn sesakli ckp kubur masin2 hehe..

  29. dear sis. ur stories membuatkan terpukau seketika. boleh buat cerpen ni untuk menginsafkan yg lain. haish... they are coming from religion family, but they not practice the tradition and the customes and manners that they should do as the title they hold is too noble!

    be aware of this kind of people. they can be the thousand faces, so, never judge a book by its cover. sekarang ni dunia sudah terbalik, semuanya klintang pukang tak kenal siapa.

    n for u, i think u don't have too worries because u have do ur responsibilities to make them think for a while of what they have done. take care sis:)

  30. bodoh gila dia. sebenarnya dia jeles dengan u.

  31. nurul...u sgt cool bila org ckp mcm2 kat u...must be hurt, tapi selagi kita kuat dan bnyk bersabar, x de satu pun yg boley jatuhkan kita...
    n i love the quote 'cheapest' tu..hahaha....pandai3...
    lagi satu x salah rasanya nak beli waktu ade sale...i lagi suke! ahaha...buat ape beli mahal2, membazir tu kan amalan SYAITAN....

  32. persetankan jer ape orang tuh nak cakap. lantak pi r. dia rasa dia bagus sgt. lagipun kalau dh publish kat org gambar2 mcm tuh, aduyaiii. tak leh nk cakap pe r. duk bangga plak. cakap kat dya, lelaki(yg dya duk bangga kan) kalau dah puas, tinggal dya mcm mcm sampah jela. haa time tu baru dya nak sedar. dah kene mcm2. baru tau langit tinggi ke rendah.

  33. hahahaha...ape2 jelah so immature..x suka2 pon still komen kat blog u juga..biarlah dia dgn hal dia.well, apa kena mgena teguran u tu dgn baju MNG RM56?so childish lah...hahahaha..neway tat cardigans looks nice on u dear!

  34. salam...

    nak folow blog tuan rumah...

  35. hoho
    die xkesah lgsg pasal pic pic tu?
    sangat xde perasaan malu da!

    ps: she is noting. susah bile nk buat baek dengan org mcm nie!

  36. alaaa. nurul. nak dengar cerita yang best2. asyik dengar cerita macam nie jeaa ;DD

  37. euwww...apa punya pempuan la tue !! nak ajar org..dia sendiri x terajar... heeee..meluattt

  38. She's a Typical 'Baik' girl..today dia sound orang, esok lusa dia lupa yang dia tu penah sound orang..

    Eh, mana FB dia? nak tengok gak mana rupa budak kubur masing2 tu?

    The Sharkox: Jejaka Hensem dari Sintok

  39. rock on Nurul!!
    biarkan dia orang yang tak mau berubah nih memang tak patut dinasihat pun, sbb kalau nasihat banyak la alasan yang dibagi untuk menolak nasihat.. benda baik memang payah org nak terima.. so biarkan dia !!kita dah cuba nasihati ..
    Kuman "iphone 4" Entry

  40. ish2..ujud org camni..abaikan je org mcm tu.kite xrugi seposen pun.=)

    btween,bf awak belaja dkt uni mane ek kt sini?kot2 la sy kenal..=)
    nice knowin u.=)

  41. its oka badiah. abaikan dye. sesungguhnya tidak sempurna iman jika tidak mengasihi saudaranya sendiri. kuatkan hatimu ye badiah. doa saudara islam selalu ada. :)

  42. menarik entry ni..kalau i..memangla sakit ati gak kne ngan org camtu...but atleast kite dh jlbkb amanah tegur gmbar2 die yg tak malu tu kan...

    i think die jealous dgn u la nurul..thats why die cam psiko, semua u buat tak kene n siap nak bace blog u lagi..psiko je die tuh....oopsss..

    by the way i pon first time smpai sni :)

  43. wakakakakaka...kelaka la korg nih.....bkn nk ckp pe la...masing2 dh besar...masing2 da pendirian n pendekatan sendiri....TP..

    xkan parent korang x mengajar apa itu erti HORMAT MENGHORMATI????

    komen ni bukn nk sokong sape2, tp pls la.......

    tertarik pd beberapa teguran dlm post ni....

    teguran pd tuan pnya blog, betul gk pendapat dia....xmanis klu ON,OFF...btw, klu dh always pakai tudung bgs la....bkn pe, hukuman balasan TUHAN, perghhhh!!! takut woo...baru rambut...

    then pd teguran FESYEN lak....adoiyai korg nih, mcm bebudak la....bukn nk ckp pe la...klu stakat ORI ke, TIRUAN ke...korg x perlu kisah sgt la...janji korang SELESA then korg HEPI.....

    pas2 pasal kutuk2 nih...adoi, korg telah mengesahkn pendapat org tua2 kata pompuan suka mengata kutuk org lain...pls la GURLZ @ GUYZ....kutuk mengutuk ni xpenting la.....yg penting nape korg nk berkawan....

    HASAT DENGKI lak....perghhhh..ni la perangai S****N yg paling ak x suka...patut xperlu la kot berperangai mcm 2...

    pelik ak tgk manusia skg nih..


    pe2 tolong la....HORMAT MENGHORMATI 2 perlu dlm diri manusia...xde benda 2..abis la korg....

    ingt x pe org kata FREE THINGKING, FREE THOUGH, FREE WORDING, FREE SAYING....benda2 2 smua sbnrnya mengajak kita ke arah manusia tanpa pendoman...tolong la ek....

    p/s: xnk dgr xpe...ak xkisah...janji ak dh jalankan tanggugjwp ak...nnt tuhan tnya, dpt la ak jwp dgn hati terbuka....kata KUBUR MASING2....hahahahahaha

  44. orang cantek memang ramai orang dengki huh..tapi tak pe..i like ur way...

  45. Itulah risiko bila menegur.. Yang penting, kita tahu teguran itu baik.. Nurul doakan sahaja dia terbuka hati.. itulah yg sebaiknya.. Apapapun, jika orang ckp kita tak baik.. jgn kita drop yek.. kita try jadi yg terbaik.. insyaAllah, bila mana kita ingin improve diri kita.. tuhan pun akan bg kebaikan yg lebih itu.. dan kalo kita mnegur pas tu, dah takda org ckp apa2.. stedy jak.. hehe,..

  46. juz ignore jer the fucking gurl tue...
    dia totally jeles ngan nurul...

  47. dear nurul the lawyer..

    u are way way better..
    just ignore kwn mcm tuh..

    mari kita reverse psikologi.;)
    u r gonna be a lawyer..ke suda jadi lawyer..hee.
    bagus tau org jadi lawyer ni,tau byk fasal undang2..org tak ley tipu ..and the most important thing, u da tunjuk kan u ni sorg wanita yg berpendidikan (educated lady)..
    sbb..u ni keje sbG PROFESSIONAL..

    professional won't condemn or jealous other peeps without good reasons..professional have good attitudes and ethics..u did it..u changed to a better person in many aspects.
    and yeah,u must prove to her that u r gonna be one of the successful lawyer in the future.
    one day, baru dia akan tau, langit tuh tinggi ke rendah.
    just live ur life to the fullest,lady..;)

    may ALLAH SWT forgive our sins and bless our life..;)

  48. hehe, sume dah bagi kata semangat! di sini. saya ingin menyatakan.
    love u sis :)

  49. wahh..ade eyh org cmtu..hebat gile..haha..
    ps:converse style la..utk perempuan xtau la plak..

  50. salam cik nurul.. i just read ur blog.. ini pn kawan saya baru like ur blog ^_^... so, i also nk bg komen, bukan ape just for sharing an idea maybe ^_^
    >> u are too good nurul.. bukan semua orang dpt berubah cm nurul even its not complete yet... but u tried to change... u know, GOD more prefer that people yang hendak berubah dari yang serba ada.... means, HE gave u guidance... u should proud of it..even me cant get what u get.. so, dont ever heard that people said that u " hypocrite" or what so ever... n insyaallah, u'll completely change when the times come ^_^ (ayumi)

  51. salam nurul..

    br jadi follower, recently..tp baru baca post ni..sorry.

    btw, apa yg xkene dgn pmpuan tu? teruknya...

    bwk2 la bersabar dik..lebih baik kita berubah jadi lebih baik sikit demi sikit drp jadi org yg rasa bangga dgn apa yg dia dah ada & tak nak berubah langsung...

    bab pakai tudung tu, bagus la..teruskanlah biar jadi lebih baik. blajar n improve sikit demi sikit xper..buat dgn sabar..insyaallah, lama2 ok la tu...

  52. salam perkenalan

    dear..Allah sentiasa berada di pihak yg benar..teruskan usaha kamu itu

    May Allah Bless You..

    smga Allah buka pintu hati beliau..amin...

  53. takpe2. jangan dilayan orang gila. so, just ignored :D

  54. die jeles la tue...myb u ramai kwn @ cntik dri die...haha3

    just ignore her...jauhi die so u will not hurt.... :)

  55. bcos of jealousy mmg jadi macm tu lah kot.....just ckp je kt dia.,..kalau nk jadi jalang tu..make sure jadi jalang yg the best....ni takat poyo masuk facebook buat gelak org je kot!

  56. salam, tak payah layan orang cmni. kite dah tegur elok2 pon taknak dengar. watpe susahkan diri kn? anyways, lantakla ape orang nak kate pasal kite, janji kite tau sape diri kite n masih ade lagi org lain yg sygkan kite. :)

  57. just came across this post, nak cakap apa pun rasa semua orang dah cakap. satu jelah, just don't let this kind of incident turn you to the "other side", you know what I meant. :) because I've seen some people did that. apa pun, biarkan je lah. pikir banyak pun buat pening je buat apa. betul tak?

  58. uishhh.. sampai mcm tu skali..?? erm... just ignore je.. org mcm tu kalau tak ubah perangai, smpai bila2 pon tak maju...

  59. its so k dear..u did your good job!

  60. ingat aku heran engkau tulis psl aku dlm blog ni??what a stupid poor girl.shopping MNG time sale buat malu je..meh2..aku bagi duit kat ko perempuan.im so generous!hahaha.
    pergi skolah paka baju kedut2.xde iron ke umah ko?opps..lupa..ko kan org miskin..wakakaka..
    eles gambar aku nk peluk2 pon ko nk kesah.ko jeles ke ape?bf aku hensem erk?kalo ko nak blowjob dia let me know la.aku murah hati je..wakakaaka

  61. I think it's a test God is putting u through. It's how u handle things like this that shows what kind of a Muslim u are. My advice? Don't bother talking to people like her. You'll just put urself in the same position as her, nun bawah kata sana. Be patient, be moderate. And when harsh words are thrown at u, smile, and just move along. You're not at lost, she is. Oh, n money wont buy u a ticket to heaven, ur faith will, so just remember that. Btw, i like ur 'on-sale-for-rm56-mng-cardi'. Looks good on u.. :) I'd buy things on sale too, even if i did have money to buy it when it's not. So don't fret dear.. ;)

  62. salam..selamat berkenalan..
    tgh buhsan keje,usha2 blog n dapat ur blog plak.1st..i mean latest entri juz make me super curious nak tau sape bitch yg dengki sgt ngan u tu..abeh entri i baca..hahaha..

    pasal that bitch..i think lantak pi la ngan dia.everyone dah baca dia nyer komen n replied,so dah bleh judge sape yg bodowh sombong kat sini. Orang camtu mmg ramai kat dunia ni. Mungkin kurang kasih syg, didikan agama or memang jenis perasan bagus. pedulikan jela dia..janji u r happy with urself. And u know where ur self-worth is!

  63. org kaya la beli time sale..
    org KURANG pndai beli time mhal...
    btw, i hate converse cos style dia sgt boring! plus design sll xupdated n same je.... =_=

  64. ada je hater. menyampah lah. baideway, salah ke kalau kita berubah dr tak cover rambut ke berhijab? it s a freaking good thing. and i pun berubah mcm tu. i thank Allah ive never experienced any of this shit but yes, annoying gila kot. haish.

    baideway, kak nurul badiah, sukaaaa sgt la tgk akak dressing, dah lah cantik. (: u'll be one of my inspirations heee

  65. anda sangat cantik

  66. sy yg x pernah kenal kamu =)October 24, 2010 at 8:19 PM

    beliau kne beli stuff yg mahal n without discounts utk jadi cun..tp kamu,bli stuff murah n dgn discount lg dah nmpk cun hbs..tu sbb beliau sgt jealous n annoying..

    anwy,,sheronok ok~shopping time sale..haishh~

  67. kesiannya awk.. sbar k.. klaw sy mmg dh meraung klau kena cmtu...

  68. i pon prnh jadi mcm 2
    u mcm my reflection la sbb i pon selalu je kena mcm ni
    kena cerca, ade je tak kena
    sabar je ok dear :)

  69. manusia macam tu bt dunno je,at least beli time offer lg jimat,rather than wasting ur money beli sampai ratus2 kan?biarla manusia camtu

  70. tahniah sebab berani menegur seseorang,
    bukan senang nak dapat kekuatan itu...

  71. bodohnya orang tuh beli time bukan sale. padahal tahu akan ada sale. HAHA! al maklumlah, banyak sangat duit..

    kak nurul sangat pandai beli time sale.. very smart!

  72. iman tak dapat diwarisi lah..

    akak cantik!!;)

  73. salam kak nurul.. ahaha, relax, akak.. betol kata akak tue, time sale itu ialah time yg plg tepat utk shopping tau, boley jimat duit utk beli brg2 lain lagi... tp, buat org kaya seperti yg ditulis di atas, x pe, dia org kaya.. tp, maybe dia lupa kot, yg harta kekayaan itu x kn kekal.... n plus, kalau mak ayah berpegangan teguh dlm agama, itu x jamin anak2 dia pon alim ulamak. setakat pakai tudung, tp kalau perangai x elok buat apa... iman x boley diwarisi, ia bergantung pd diri masing2, n, lg 1, kecantikan wajah itu akn luput gak,, tp kecantikan hati sampai bila2 x kn luput... ingat hukum Allah wahai si Anon

  74. apa yang nurul buat, adalah betul. terpulang dia hendak terima..tapi sedih baca bila kawan sekolah ejek nurul mahu jadi lawyer...tapi nurul dah buktikan! :)


say anything readers but please dont hurt me.thanks.