31 January 2011

Nobody Perfect!Mind that!

salam guys..

Success and happiness..
saya percaya everybody would wish and want to possess..BUT not everyone is capable of having these 2 things well..as whoever-has-said before that NOBODY PERFECT!

Back to the point..im not nobody..im not perfect.i dont label myself as a perfectionist as well..so kepada yang pernah cakap KAU INGAT KAU PERFECT SANGAT KE?Hell u need i repeat it again and again that im not perfect??Me myself..YOU..semua orang..xperfect!

mind that..There's no such thing called PERFECT PERSON in this world..except dalam Dictionary!Forget all the stupid childish dramas(expecially sinetron yang episod panjang giler.bullshit) yang selalu propagandakan ada manusia yang perfect and damn good in everything..but heck..in reality..NO SUCH THING!

but..but..xperfect tak bermakna kita tak boleh menjadi perfect...dalam nak mencapai sesuatu..you should did something extraordinary..you should dare to take risk..kalau kita sentiasa mengambil langkah mudah..langkah paling koman..langkah paling xcun..jangan harap kita nak mencapai dengan perfectnya apa yang kita nak.

risk??memang hidup ini adalah risiko..sesiapa yang sanggup dan berani menghadapi risiko..dia sebenarnya sedang hampir untuk mencapai target yang diinginkannya!so why afraid of taking risk?

let say la..kita ni xhebat..xcantik.xpandai.tapi kita nak jadi hebat.cantik.pandai.so apa salahnya kita berusaha ke arah itu..try harder..harder k bebeh!
let say la..kita ni muka cam pecah rumah..tapi kita suka kat mamat yang muka cam Brat pit(choose this example coz Brad Pitt looked damn bloody hot haha), so kenapa kita nak rasa kita ni xlayak untuk dia..kenapa bother orang nak cakap kita xperfect untuk dia?what you have to do is BERUSAHA and ready to take risk..usha la babe manalah tahu die adalah jodoh u..got what i mean??

having a good life is good..in fact, its super awesome..so please darlings out there..jangan takut bila ada orang kritik kita or hentam kita..sebab kita memang xperfect, but at least..kita ada lakukan sesuatu rather than si PENGATA yang hanya tahu berkata2 je..moral?nobody perfect.take risk.sure u will got what u want!

this is life..beautiful but bit hard.

kalau takut dilambung ombak..jangan berumah ditepi pantai..(erk)

at least..takut nak buat rumah..tapi still kita boleh bermain-main ditepi pantai kn??(got what i mean?)..if u dare to take risk..at least..u dapat something even you xdapat everything..

it's true that not everything WE HOPE FOR become reality..
sometimes..we failed..but be positive,,dont be sad,dont give up.

face everything with smile..open your heart..when you are ready to cry..mean that u are ready to smile again.

see?i told you before..life not that easy..not that hard..just smile and smile..hehe

Nurulbadiah Lai heart everyone..

nota kaki: Lia Katrina thanks for the Beach Photoshoot.

Thanks for reading this:)ou


  1. 5 stars for the model & photographer :)

  2. this is beautiful ! ;D kak nurul suka pakai heels yang itu yea ? :D

  3. cun~!! tringin na pakai heel camtu tp sakit blkg la...ade tips ta? T__T

  4. ada kalanya ada orang fikir dia perfect. hdup ni mcm wyang.kena ada plkon,pengkrtik. kta ibrat mcm plkon,org lain pgkrtik. so rmai yg aggp dy prfect sdngkan xd ssiapa yg prfect,so org yg pkir dy soooo prrfct(plkon) need someone untk sdrkn dy(pnkrtik)lol

    kmerapuan bganda,maaf

  5. comeinya gambar2 kamu..kt pntai mane ni?

  6. Betul tu.. xda sipa yang perfect. Entry ni macam ditujukan kt someone je.. :)

    Nway, nice pic.. slalu ke wat photoshoot ni?

    Taw x apa jadi ngn kes Ariel peterpan? singgah la blog aku kalo rajin. :)

  7. wow .. beautiful website ?
    visit here again ya ?

  8. http://www.plusstyleart.com/

  9. i loike ur post sis,,,,sgt2 bg smangat tuk org mcm i,,tkut tuk dekati org yg ensem sbb rs diri xperfect,,huhu,,,btw,,for me,,u sgt2 la prfect,,cntik n pndai,,thanks sbb byk post2 u yg bg smangat tuk org cam i,,huhu,,^_^ -zati-

  10. benar2!saya selaku manusia hampir perfect bersetuju dgn kate2 badiah.hehe

  11. yeapp... nobodys perfect.. except for the languages.... hehehe...

  12. seriusly..ayat nie mcm bagi motivate sangat2x kat saya..thanks sangat2x sebab currently saya tgh down giler pasal ade org yg giler2x hentam saye but thanks sangat menaip sesuatu tentang semangat..love you..<3

  13. Well said my new blogger friend.
    Anyway, drp cara u berkata2, mcm tgh mengalami gangguan emosi je?
    Xtaw la kan, maybe.
    But I agree with everything u say.

  14. yeah, nobody is perfect.
    nice shots btw!

  15. "kalau takut dilambung ombak..jangan berumah ditepi pantai..(erk)"

    apsal ha ade erk? HAHA. sendawa ke ape? :D

  16. ommggg i love all the pictures sista! :D

  17. wow nice pics as well as the entry ^^

    *yupp nobody is perfecto :))

  18. nurul
    suka laa semua gambar nurul
    yang ada shawl melayang2 tu sgt superb!

  19. suke ! im trying to be perfect even tak boleh . dats mean bila kita taw mmg tak boleh jadik perfect , kita tetap akn berusaha utk jadik kan ? :)

  20. orang yang cantik meragakan baju yang lagi cantik akan bertambah lagi cantik ;)

  21. yup! xde spe prfct.. evn dlm 10 blom tntu ad sorg yg prfct..almost prfct ade la..tp bkn prfct..btw sis, cntek gmbr..=]

  22. sungguh comel n betul la ape yg akak duk taip tu... sokong...

  23. sis memang comei . sape photoghraper tu sis ? ehem yang aritu ea? hehe :)

  24. be youself even you're nobody .
    p/s : hidup kita hanya sekali dan apa salahnya kalau kita merebut setiap peluang di hadapan mata .biarlah kita hidup kerana diri sendiri dan bukannya bergantung dengan bantuan orang lain sebab kita akan dapat merasai nikmat kegembiraan yang ingin kita mahu atas dasar diri sendiri !
    have a nice day n SMILE alwas , kak nurul !!

  25. suka tgk gambar..model n photografi sangat cantik

  26. suka entry...
    when i read this, i feel motivate..:)

  27. yes, without taking risk, we are nobody. maksudnya risiko bertahap sesuai dengan apa yang kita impikan sesuai dengan diri kita mampu cipta:)

    well, i really want to have photoshoot session with u. nnt kita set waktu ok, i dh ada di jakarta sis. march nnt i balik jap before flying to sgp. insyallah boleh jumpa nanti either in terengganu or kelantan. take care!

  28. dare to fail..even kite tahu once kita failed bukan sng nk bgn,,tp tula cabarannya..

    life ne mmg risky...
    either u dare to take it or leave it..

    but kalo nak maju .....lu pikirlah sendiri..hahaha..


  29. i agree!! nobody perfect..only allah the perfect one.

  30. i agree with u..nobody perfect..only allah perfect.

  31. yupp..i love the spirit sis nurul..
    =) thanks for the entry..mmg menekkan semangt taw~

  32. Nice share.. wlaupun santai tapi pnuh dgn mksud yg mndlm bg mrke yg mahu berfikir.. nothing is perfect..

  33. kak nurul!! rindu kakak.. bru dapat jenguk blog akak.. ♥

  34. timekase..skang saye lagi bersemangat lepas bace entry kak nurul =)

  35. yupz2
    suka dgn entry nie
    btw dear , u chantek gileeeeee
    ayu sgt ;)

  36. indeed everybody..
    nobody perfect..so kita jgn rasa kita perfect bila kita nmpak ade org lebih rendah tarafnya dari kita..jugak kita jgn rasa org lain sgt perfect sampai die boleh injak2 kn maruah kita..we are human..we are equal je..

    yang penting..berusaha..semangat..tawakal kepada Allah ..

    thanks 4 de comment and reading this

  37. cantik! bile la sis nk masuk an pic sab nieh. wee~ haha.

    rindu kakak :)

  38. kalau semua orang perfect, tak warna warni la dunia ni...

  39. yes. i really agree with u sis. nobody perfect!

    so, sape2 yg rase dia tu perfect sgt..shuhh2, pergi men jauh2 k. haha

  40. No body perfect..betui tu..i pn mmg x perfect..tp i nk take the risk la try usha2 u nurul..mana tau u ni jodoh i kn..:-)kita couple nak??

  41. nobody is perfect...well, i'm nobody

    okay, just kidding...

  42. like entry neh n gambar2 sis...cntik..;)

  43. dari kecik nak try jadi perfect, tapi memang tak buleh.. hehe

  44. i can't agree more! yes.. nobody is perfect.. (:

    everything yang kita nak memang kena usaha. tapi bila self-esteem tu rendah. macam semua benda pun kita tak layak nak memiliki. it happens on me. seriously..

    its easy to say it but its hard to do. but thank you as you give the moral support. (:

  45. Yuppp setuju. Nobody's perfect. Tapi, gambar u posing ni cun la.. perfect! hehe XD

  46. betul2. nobody's perfect tapi kita boleh usaha untuk jadi almost perfect.
    cantik2 pic tu. baju serius lawa

  47. usaha untuk kebaikan diri dan orang lain tu memang di tuntut dan dikira jihad jugak kan..usahalah selagi boleh!!

  48. sygg!!i wil try harder n harder 2 win ur heart n make u as my beautiful beloved princess..love u soo much sygg..

  49. thanks everyone 4 de comment..really appreciate it..

    love u guys

  50. salam

    at least we try to be what we wanna be kan :)

    btw,do visit my blog :)

  51. akak ..

    nak gi raye rumah esok boleh??hehehe

    hepy chinese new year..

    & i love this post dear:)

  52. salam nurul...

    suka bila nurul sebut pasal risiko..memang, kalo nak sukses betul2, kene berani ambik risiko..bak kata org muda2 - gamble jer!!

    kalo xbuat mcm tu, mcmana nak tahu sejauh mana kita blh buat sesuatu perkara tu dan sejauh mana tahap kejayaan kita utk dptkan anything yg kita nak kan??

    those who dare to take the risk have a bigger chances to win the battle!!

  53. a-aahh , nobody's perfect . but we still can try our best to be 'perfect' :)

    cute !<3

  54. yes ! memang semua orang tak perfect :)

    ps : nak je photoshoot mcm sis :D

  55. nice blog. yup, nobody's perfect but we sure as hell try to be don't we? so who cares what others say...

  56. wah sayang u sis!!
    yeay nobody perfect.
    trmsuklah saya hehe
    sayang sis sgt2 siyezz ;)

  57. Nice entry.

    I assume you probably celebrate Chinese New Year so I want to take this opportunity to wish you Gong Xi Fa Cai.

    God blessed,

  58. ok, aku pernah terfikir...
    kalau tak ada yg perfect dalam dunia,
    kenapa perkataan itu wujud dr awal lg?

    sebab sempurna bukan satu destinasi,
    ianya satu perjalanan yang takkan pernah selesai..

  59. tidak ada siapa yang sempurna
    sebab kekurangan itu membuatkan kita belajar dan sentiasa berusaha untuk menjadi yang terbaik

    anyway, suka gambar kak nurul. photoshoot dekat mane? seriously lawaa :)

  60. yeah, betul tu kak. just be urself. nobody perfect rite ?

    let them judge u, and prove to them that they are wrong :)

    keep smile ~

  61. yeah, betul tu kak. just be urself. nobody perfect rite ?

    let them judge u, and prove to them that they are wrong :)

    keep smile ~

  62. kain tu blend in dengan pokok kelapa kat belakang haha

  63. jadi model kan cantik..pandai bergaya..janji HATI BAIK hee

  64. agree sangat dgn post ni. Anyways Gong Xi Fa Cai

  65. Nice entry babe! You looked beautiful tough! ;)

  66. i loike ur stylee...cantik!..die..die..die :P

  67. nurul...heheh kat mane nk bli kebaya yg lawa2 mcm nurul pakai 2...bole gtau x..

  68. cntik photoshoot...heee

    x perfect tp bole jdi kan sis?=)

  69. kakak nurul cntek..

    "at least..takut nak buat rumah..tapi still kita boleh bermain-main ditepi pantai kn??"

    comel okay phrase tuh n kite phm pew akak nk smpaikn..kite suke akak bg cloteh cmnie..best bce sebab motivate kn kite..:)

    keep smiling c's..

  70. but i think u are perfect gurl....nice to meet u mrs lawyer BURUK......waaakakakak

  71. akak, camana akak lilit shawl tu ek? cantek ah. tgk macam pin kat belakang tengkuk tp nampak kemas je sal xberapa nak nmpak leher..buat lah tutorial ye..

  72. ouh such a wonderful words. sy salah seorg mangsa kutukan. entah ape yg tak puas hati sgt pn xtau la. But after read diz post omg ! my confident level.. up up up and away !!! :D

  73. bila tgk blog ini apa yg saya nampak ialah...CHANTIQ!!~~ kamooo chantikkk!!~~ dan baikhatiii!! shukeww!!

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