11 February 2011

Make your ex regret leaving u..


make your ex regret leaving u..

just some tips..

Normal situation..bila kita ditinggalkan..1st thing yang biasanya kita akan buat..capai hp and keep calling..keep massaging..ask why and how..crying..begging..kita bagai orang gila tergila gilakan dia but die even langsung xpandang pon kita..damn pathetic aite?

sometimes..kita jangan selalu fikirkan tentang orang yang xreti nak hargai kita..u should think of yourself first..bila anda ditinggalkan..dont follow your heart..dont begging coz it will make everything worse even die tak akan menyesal dengan keputusan dia.
true enough..

First, .dont pushing him..dont continue to pester him with phone call, emails and msg..any contact with him in this time will hurt u more..mybe korang akan rasa dengan contact him all the time dengan alasan nak penjelasan semua akan buatkan ur ex akan menyesal..but in fact..it wont.. trust me..

reality is not like in romance drama..bila somebody tinggalkan u..then after all u menangis..try harder to make him back..then..dia kembali kepada kamu..hug and kiss you( i hate those aggressive kissing scene in dramas gosh make me feel so guilty like watching porn lol)..say sorry and wahh..everything nampak so easy..actually it's not. so try NOT to contact him..

Jangan biarkan dia melihat korang menangis and begging..jangan buat ur ex simpati dengan korang, but make him regret.make he think that he has lost u..so the better way..just remain silent...give the space and let he experience his life without u..
bila u all just be cool,..so your ex akan fikir you do not care at him anymore..dan itulah sebaiknya..bagi dia rasa yang u boleh hidup tanpa dia..trust me..even dia xnak korang lagi..but tiba2 bila korang langsung xcontact and buat tak heran..pasti dia akan merasa sesuatu hilang..

your ex after bangang2 tinggal korang..die mesti expecting yang korang akan call..nangis and merayu-rayu..why dont u dont do this?..buat something yang contrary dengan apa yang dia fikir.By ignoring him and jalankan hidup korang seolah olah dia xwujud..u are making him feel rejected.if he brutality hurt your feelings..why need u make him feel like a hero that u tergila gilakan die and need him so bad?the better way..hurt them back..(i think sometimes kita kena stop untuk jadi terlalu baik and straight)

To make your ex regret losing your love, just accept the breakup and move on.
Let Your Ex see that u have strength and maturity to live ur life without him.bila die tengok korang respect keputusan die untuk be alone..he will have more respect for u then....

time to move on..
nobody has the authority to bring us down..remember that!!

thanks for reading this..
do miss me..P


  1. yup betul tu...jgn kita mudah myerah kalah..

  2. sangat suke ayat tu..

    'i'm afraid to lose u when u're not even mine'

    itulah yang saya rasa..knapa erk??

  3. true! i did just like the way u suggested and my ex want me back.. (^_^)

  4. cant agree more kakak!
    yes so true, 'let him experience his life without us'..
    just then, they'll see that they cant just play with people's feelings :)

  5. you are absolutely correct.. dia yg buat salah, kenapa kiter yg nak sedey.. patutnya dia yg sedey..

  6. setuju...better kte cari org y lebih sygkn kte dr kte y lebih sygkn die....hehhe~~

  7. thats true babe! :) let him regret for losing us~ hehehe

  8. such a wonderful words....and so agree since that i've done it like the way you told us.....ehehehhe....

  9. 100% agreee with youu!
    the best revenge is keep staying alive, happily. No matter what other peoples think about you


  10. yesss. i've learnt precious thing from the first love;

    why should im after him if he doesnt even care about him leaving me. family and friends are rather important then anything else. so live your life and meet someone who can appreciate you more.

    kan kan kan kak nurul???

  11. tips ini yang miza buat. heheh. masa 1st love meraung jugaklah. takpe hidup masih panjang dan perlu diteruskan. anggap je takda jodoh dan mungkin ada yang lebih baik utuk diri kita :)

  12. yes by ignoring yr ex is the best way to tell them that u've moved on..

    tips: listen to "I will Survive"

  13. miss you nurul.

    hmm.actually,its really hard to forget all the memories with someone to talk & someone to share every details & crap..


    you right!

    its time to move on (:

    Allah plan better than mine


    nice entry nurul..

  14. waa, entri ni mcm sesuai pulak dgn sy even sy yg minta clash haha. move on kn kak? make him regret for hurting me

  15. suka entri ni.

    suka kasut awak jugeeeee...

  16. sgat agree dear...it seems pnah jadi mcm nie...i keep begging n cry...tap bla lelama pikir 'y i'm sooo stupid?'....tap kan org boleh ckp mcm2 lupakan,jgn col n everything tap bla kta sorang2 kta still teringat n keep crying....bla kta sorang tanpa sesapa...all d memories come in mind...tue yg buat sedih.... =D

  17. really-really-really like diz statement !

  18. yess! nk uat mcm ni laa. haha. tengss kak.

  19. abaikan je.......lg byk bnde perlu buat..heee

    rindu kak nurul la..

  20. thanx utk entry ni. sngt2 loike ok. huahua *mcm kena dengan situasi yatie okek. hehe. tq so much. muwahh2.. hehe

  21. sngt2 suke entry ni! haha. *situasi yg same mcm yatie lalui skrang. asek menangis tiap2 mlm. pdahal dia buat bodo je kan.. ruginya hidup =.='

  22. i have a friend. he's been hurt sooo much. boleh² ex-gf dia kata "kalau aku rindu kau, aku rindu la. kalau tidak, sorry ja la ahh." it sounded so cruel. i mean, how can she said that to her current bf at that time?

    but then they broke up. and i can say, he ended up with a much³ better person. who appreciates him. i'm happy for him :) that is the best thing a good friend could ask for - his happy smiley face :)

    and to the ex-gf, i heard karma got back on her. she was being cruel cause she didn't realize how perfect her ex-bf had been. sebab tamak sangat, dia masih mau cari lelaki yang lebih baik. sebab tu dia tidak peduli dekat bf dia. at the end, the guy who she thought was into her - was actually NOT.

    but, nice entry btw (.n__n)Y

  23. thanks kak.. i love this entry.. thank q so much.. yup u right, we dont have always act nice and straight..

  24. sangat berguna..
    seolah peroleh nasihat kt sini.
    tq Nurul~

  25. waa... betoi gak tu... tq 4 da info!

  26. I love dis p0st so fuckin damn muc darlink!thanx God..I'm m0ving 0n..and guess wut?syasya lebeh bhgia skrg dgn si dia..hehe nurul pn pnah jmp kn?Alhamdulilah..ni la hikmahnya

  27. i love this entry, aku baru kena tinggal. nak move on ah ni.

  28. yeahh! totally agree wit you. saya dah pernah buat and yes, dia datang semula merayu.

  29. missed u! and thanks for the tips :)

  30. tq akak ! smangat utk accpet the truth thats she's not longer mine berkobar2 pas bace entry ni.btul pe yg akak kate.

  31. terbaik la sis! :))
    rindunya dekat sis nurul nieh. :((

  32. tips yang sangat berguna ! thnx kak nurul. :D

  33. good idea...
    gurls jangan terhegeh2 pujuk lelaki bila ditinggalkan... biar dia tawu kita bole idop tnpa dia...

  34. will do the same like you said..(^_^) life must go on, miera pun tgh try to forget our past...Alhamdulillah, skg dah tak gtal tgn nak keep calling or msj die..tak gune nak keep trying amek hati, buang mase..(^_^)v skg tgh cube nikmati dunia tnpe die..hehe

  35. tengkiu sis!!!!
    suka sgt tips nih..

    mesti sis ade pengalaman banyak dlm berchenta kan..

  36. btul tuu..stuju sgt2 =)

  37. Haha , Nice entri even saya seorang lelaki . Title should " Make your ex-boyfriend regret leaving u.. "

    HEHE ;)

  38. sis....sokong apa yang sis cakap tu :)

  39. wah. thanks kak :')


  40. klu bg pihak laki lak cmne if kne tggal?
    hihihi :p

  41. Hi Nurul.
    Sy setuju dgn entry ini!

  42. Wahhhh..sangat good info!!mmg btol..we must move on if dpt jerks mcmtu!!say yeayyyy to the ladies!

  43. reali love u sygg..jgn sedih2 k dear..i wil always on ur side..mishh u soo much..

  44. yeahhh. i'm totally agree with ur point. kadang2 kite kene belajar untuk jadi kuat. hehehee. :)

  45. dah lama xdgr tips2 psl x ni. dulu2 time gila2 remaja maybe tips ni berguna. tp skg xleh pakai lg dh sbb skg dh kahwin dgn pilihan hati :)

  46. yup....fadz setuju...kite x ley dipndg rendah gak....bile kite duk rayu2 n ceday2...die pOn lgi jdi la manusia bongkak yg pikir kite ni tergila2 kn mreke cgt..gugugaga.....

  47. miss u nurul...
    omgosh! u know what..naz having this kind of situation..but not me la..my friends. 2 of them, 1 of them begging giler..but naz dh nasihatkan, jz move on..myb now bukan his time to be with her kan? but, seyesly..sokong wht u wrote here. will give him ur link, to read this post.

    luv u nurul...really2 miss u.

  48. mcm sama plak entry kita.. hehe..
    yup! sya sangat setuju dgn semua ini.. sya pernh jugak mcm try2 nak msj dia tnya knapa, tpi bila dipikirkan balik tak de guna pun.. bukannya kahwin lagi pun.. hahha


  49. yup2//penah rase ni dulu..i think the best thing in my life is when i was break up with him..:)

  50. its so true nurul! i've done exactly like this when I broke up last year. and lastly after a few month, he admit that he regret for leaving me, he felt lost, and so-whatever bla bla bla. tapi that time I tak heran pun dah dgn dia. hehe.

  51. haah..betul tuh..i pun rase gitu..jgn nmpk mcm kite nie lembik sngt..

  52. hai awak. okay mmg btl apa yang awak cakap semua ni. thanks sbb share. sgt berguna tahu? hehe :)

  53. kak nurul! terbaik ah post nih. thumbs up!!! menyesal gila dulu pergi nagis-nagis bengging-begging dkt ex kita. eeeee malu gila rasa bila buat mcm tuh. pfftf.love your blog kak Nurul!!

  54. uik sis, ada apa2 yang berlaku ke nih..? hmm saya sedang menghadapi nya but, saya rasa lega meninggalkan dan bukan ditinggalkan! perit untuk teruskan..

  55. saya sukaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ini entry !

  56. wahhhh.. ini klo org lepas clash konpem ade semangat nak idop smule.... tabik spring ah k.nurul.. :)

  57. kak nurul ley jdik pakar motivasi nie..

  58. u are 100% TRUE... :)

    NEVER let anybody hurt you, nobody have the right to do that..

  59. yeah~ i totally agree wit u.

    mereka akan rasa betul-betul kehilangan, bila dorg sndiri mahu kita hilang.

    nice entry ;)
    entry ni dtg sama dgn probs i..

    TYSM !

  60. saye pernah alami keadaan mcm nie .bile bace and im thinking yeahh ! why im wasting my time for him .its just a waste !

  61. true--very true..barang dh lepas jgn diingat..bile kite buat bodo aje, enjoy life, cari teman hidup laen, mulalah si ex tu stalker kite..huahua~ time tu u rase mcm -- padan muke hang dulu sambil lewa!

  62. betol3..... tp kalo ex bf . ade awek bru dah... mmg xigt pun kite... huhuhuhu

  63. betol3..... tp kalo ex bf . ade awek bru dah... mmg xigt pun kite... huhuhuhu

  64. wah..100% relate wif my love story..almost 5bulan ecah menagih kasih dia yg padahal langsung xde feedback..n now mmg da realize yg i ni da buat something stupid..yeah, mmg skrg dah xde feel lgsung and tgh fight back to make him regret..sonok bace entry kali ni..

  65. hha , i love this :) sy buat mcm nii kat ex sya :P and mang btol pun , dia cri sye balik. grr . hhe , okayy. just nak share :)

  66. dear readers..
    thanks for the comments..masing2 ade own opinion ..so i can learn from that..hope u guys learn from that too..

    yup hati kita kadang2 memang perasaan kita xdapat tipu..even kita berlagak mcm xde pape..tp hati tetap sakit kn..

    tp kawan2..kita xboleh memperhambakan diri pada org yang xpernah menghargai kita..kite kene move on..kita harus kuat..thats the best solution to reduce our broken heart...

    hope u guys learn something from this..
    thanks for the comments..

  67. huhu..teringat time clash dgn bf lme..mcm nk mati begging and crying..last2 bila dh boleh lupekan die..and die seems to regret wht had happened and try nk kite blek...wht the..?:P

  68. sis.. yeay, its the truth.. penah macam ni..collapse..sangat2.. mcm ape je.. then took time to gain back all the strength to move on.. and hell yeah, for 6months now, cukup kuat la setakat ni..break down tu ade lah, but tak seteruk masa 1st week..

    its true, we are strong if we think we are =)

  69. best!! suka sangat entry ni.. nepa tak ada butang 'like'?? (terbiasa gara2 Facebook)
    Nak double like la entry ni..

  70. OMG.
    kak bad, this is really really the best entry ever yang akak pernah buat.
    sebab apa yg akak tulis memang jd kat saya dan im on my way to keep silent and just be cool.
    thanx kak bad.
    rasa macam nak print entry ni tampal dekat board. baca hari2 :)

  71. sangat2 setuju ngan sis...heeee ^^

  72. salam nurul...

    suka yg perenggan last tu..tp dulu, my exgf yg tinggalkan saya. mmg kalo kita terlalu baik dgn org, biasanya org ambik kesempatan n pijak kpala. so jgn berlembut sgt or nak jaga sgt hati org..kita kene keras sikit. biar defensive supaya kita selamat.

    biasanya drp satu2 insiden tu, ada la pnglmn yg blh diambil sbg pngajaran. pngajaran tu la yg akan move kita forward. masa tu la kita akan dpt strength n jadi lebih matured..saya dah lalui dulu.

  73. yeah...so true darling...i loike this entry .... kasi 100 bintang!!!!

  74. serius sangat setuju kakak cantekk!!:) rase maruah diri dipjak-pijak if kite begging ex kite.. padahal die langsung tak pandang lol.. haha entry ni besttt!!! muahx!

  75. yes, ini bagus untuk ex yg tak desperate crik perempuan lain. =,=

  76. super duper true! sy suda laluinya, dan sgt menyesal marayu2 cam org gile.i shud juz let him go.. n silent (:

  77. i miss u sis!!

    mmg tak patut begging..da die nak sgt putus,ikut je kan tp kdg2 ade certain lelaki yg mngharapkan kita pjuk die balik..kununnya nk uji keikhlasan kita cinta kat die..ayoyo lelaki n pompuan,perangai macam2..huhu..:D

  78. setuju !! :D
    i've got experienced to0. begging hanya buat kita tambah sakit hati. dia bergembira. buatpe? juz teruskan hidup kita. pedulikan dia walaupun it really2 hard to do. :')

  79. sometimes kite x boleh menjadi terlalu baik n straight!

    yes, i agree with u.


  80. stuju sngat ngan nurul yg lawa lg cun dan cantik lg cerdik ni..klu u my gf.x sanggup i nk ex kn u..i x de kekuatan nk melupakan u la nurul walau pikosaat..i'll be regret forever la kata org kg i.;)alamak.. termengayat la plak..kih2

  81. im so lucky to stumble upon your latest post. Memang I dlm this situation right now. and thnk gd i do it the right way...

  82. u know what, honest from men heart, somehow.. men at the beginning only made her gf just like trophy. we proud to show gf to another. especially if his gf really2 hot. but once they thinking to move forward in life,or thinking more2 about future.his wife not hot as much as his past gf. maybe like a regular girl. im not say every men like this, but its true, its happen.


  83. oMggg!!!

    entry ni mmg terbaik sgt2 la sis nurul!! jgn bagi muke sgt la kat laki ni kan!! yesss!! i like it!!! sumpah suke!!

    one more thing! gambar atas tu sgt penuh dgn makne tersendiri....siryesss!!! gambar lebih pandai bercerita kan? :))

  84. true.
    jangan menangis, buktikan anda boleh hidup tanpa dy!
    huh, semangat!

  85. yes! terlalu setuju1 entry nie best, x sangka bleh jumpe blog best camni. Actually, klau ex tinggalkn kte, improve diri, be confident n Insyaallah kte akn jumpe yg lg bagus! ske blog nie!

  86. i like this. thats absolutely true. i really hate this type of man. stupid. not ever appreciate people who loves them. just ignore them. and Allah will gives u sooo much better man after this. i'm sorry i'm a little bit emo , haha. but then i kene , my friend kene , n i'm sure there's so many girls lg yang kena. whatdhell lah lelaki zaman skrg.
    ouh thanks for your information :)

  87. salam akak chantek...sy nak share entry akak ke blog sy bole? sy pun baru ditinggalkan..nanti sy link ke blog akak..kalo bole la..:)

  88. ouh and i copy this entry and put it at my blog aw. i need my friend to read this. if u don't mind :)

  89. macam ada pengalaman aje?.. btul2 terjadi pada u or someone close to u????... MOVING FOWARD... ^^

  90. Nice one dear... betoi apa yang u cakap.. love u dear take care XOXO

  91. yang lalu biarlah berlalu... memang pedih, memang sakit... lama2 masa akan merawat kelukaan...

  92. aish..kak nurul nie..slalu je wat sye rse bsemangat balik, thanks2..!! hehhehheheh

  93. aish..kak nurul nie..slalu je wat sye rse bsemangat balik, thanks2..!! hehhehheheh

  94. this entry means a lot for me dear...thx sebab buat entry camni...luv u !

  95. dia bukan milik kita.. thats it.. buat apa kite nak fikir panjang2 kan.. and for sure kita akan jumpa dgn yg lebih baik.. ada hikmah segalanya yg berlaku.. Tuhan sengaja bg kita jumpa dgn org yang salah.. supaya kita lebih berhati-hati and jiwa kita lebih terdidik..

    panjang lak ceramahnya nie..hehe..

    p/s: jom singgah blog saye!! =))

  96. suke entri nie gile2.. now, i will make him regret for leaving me..ngeeee

  97. nice entry nurul. ur entry relate to my cndition now.n i will take it as advice from u dear. much thnx. life must go on. mayb a better person waiting 4 us. .

  98. lupakan kekasih lama sebab bila dah lama nnti, kita akan sedar yg kita sbnrnya x benar2 menyintainya...

    jom singgah blog vee ^^

  99. i tak beg after putus but now i think my ex fall in love with me again...

  100. 1st...love your picture..
    gorgeous okay! hehe
    2nd sgt true...and although it's hard kne jugak pksekn dri kan...
    sometimes i hate begging..arghhh

  101. thanks for the good entry..hehe..

  102. good entry ! I LIKE ;))

    thank u nurul, for sharing this !

  103. saya rasa macam awak tulis entry ni untuk saya... im really2 in this situation.

  104. huhuhu. terkena kat batang hidung i lah. T____T nasib baik 1 week jer macam orang gila. hahaha. but, Allah Maha Adil. dia pinjamkan saya seseorang yang betul2 ikhlas mencintai saya dan sekarang we both are counting our days. semuanya kuasa Allah, perasaan 'tet' itu hadir buat beliau dan boleh lupakan my ex dengan sangat senang. then, my ex asyik mesej nak bagitau return back lah. menyesallah. Alhamdulillah. saya sekarang boleh senyum dengan lebar. :)

  105. break up doesn't meant dat u lost someone special,it means dat u will find someone better..;)
    miss u kak nurul('',)

  106. like this entry tapi sayang. dah terlambat nak buat ex regret. dah tersalah langkah. pasrah je la. lagipun cerita berkurun punya hal. i like this entry.

    My latest post: Sony Ericsson Xperia Tampil dengan 4 Model Baru yang lebih hebat

  107. aaaa....
    i like this one~~~

    you inspired me alot~~

  108. saya share ur link kat fb..
    mintak d halalkn..

  109. waahhhh.so nice entry laa sis.
    yaa.sometime kita ta boley jadi baek sngt kan.chenta hnya utk yg menghargai.:)

    *gila suka entry nie.thanks. :)

  110. yup, totally right.. but i cant move on.. his memories st9op me to forget him..:(

  111. Salam adik Nurul..it is so so true apa yg dituliskan ini.....& I 100% agree with u & u won't regret at the end...for being this tough.

  112. this post..
    waaahh.. like!!
    feel so close to me..

  113. Yeah !!! Yup !!!
    Pernah cube ..
    ^_^ mmg ser0n0k walapun hati kelat
    ^_^ dan sekarang dah jumpa yg betul2 hargai saya !!!

    Terima Kasih Tuhan ...
    Sy tak menyesal tinggalkan kam0 & ditinggalkan kam0

    Yeay !!!! Strive f0r life
    Hahhaa =P

  114. yeay...btul sgt tuu kak....sy sokong sgt2....=)

  115. now i read this n feel like want to cry..nurul!!!!!!!:( i miss u sayang n i need u!

  116. like it..
    it happen to me and xd salah sape2.. mungkin xd jodoh.. so sy accept dgn hati yg t'bka.. w/pon memg sangat perit rsny..

  117. hai awak :) saye da join awak :) http://tayarpancit.blogspot.com/2011/02/mesti-tengok-seriussumpah-lawak.html

  118. yeah..!!! you right sis... thums up... :)

  119. thumbs up to this entry! love cik nurul!

  120. lelaki ni jrg yg tahu nak mghargai kan... mmg patot pun kena mcm ni. buat smpai dia mnyesal.

    jgn tunduk kpd lelaki slg dia belom bergelar suami.peace :)

  121. lelaki ni jrg yg tahu nak mghargai kan... mmg patot pun kena mcm ni. buat smpai dia mnyesal.

    jgn tunduk kpd lelaki slg dia belom bergelar suami.peace :)

  122. suke sgt bc post:) i did the same thing as u said nurul! n guess what??
    i felt so damn satisfied !!:)

  123. i can't agree more. and i rasa sangat relief after reading this. sangat sangat.. macam dah jumpa jalan keluar.

    thank you for posting this. suka (:

  124. yerlah, kumbang bukan sa-ekor? per der hal! XD

    Entry ni sesuai juga buat lelaki! thx ye :)

  125. huuu...i dah buat mcm nasihat u neh...tapi sebelom tu,,i dah buat dulu bende2 yg u suruh avoid.. hahaha...memang pathetic!

    now kat FB,,,my ex duk post status2 yang mengata kat i...its ok...yg penting i tak serang pompuan tuh...my frens revenge 4 me..muahahahah...
    yg paling klaka,,he asked me to remove him from frenlist...wutta???hahaha...

    Sgt tak matang!

    but now,,,i really enjoy my single life to the fullest!!!Yeayyyhhhh!!!

    mohon izin mahu post kat my blog ya...

  126. huhuhuhuhuuhuhu.. ske entry ney.. sgt bergune.. thanks sis.:)

  127. sangat bermakna ! mira pernah buat macam ni and yeah berjaya! haha suka lah entry2 mcm neh :D bagi semangat!

  128. Wow that ωas unusual. I just wгote an rеallу long comment but after I clicked ѕubmit my comment diԁn't appear. Grrrr... well I'm not writing all thаt oѵer agaіn.
    Anyway, just wanted to ѕay great blog!
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say anything readers but please dont hurt me.thanks.