10 May 2011

Oh Man..Please..Please..Please..

i'm a woman so please allow me to speak like a woman..
hye beautiful..

you tell me..berapa kerat sangat lelaki hari ini yang benar2 gentlemen and act like a real men?yang ada hanyalah yang hampeh..kalau xhampeh pon..hampir2 hampeh..ade yang tak respect women, ada yang macam sial perangainye terhadap perempuan....even kadang2 org terdekat ngn kite..father, husband, boyfriend..brothers..etc..kadang2 bertindak sangat2 tidak gentlemen..

what i mean by gentlemen bukanlah harus mempunyai badan berketul2..gagah perkasa..owned a Lamborghini..but..mind your attitude towards women..

in short,,I don’t think of myself as a gadis malang kat tengah jalan waiting to be rescued by a prince with perisai yang gagah perkasa.but at least..men show me that u are real man..i think being gentlemen dengan perempuan tak salah..its only shows you respect women,it shows courtesy towards women. kan?kan?

kepada lelaki2 yang budiman..in case u read this entry..

bila kamu berjumpa dengan kawan perempuan kamu kat tengah jalan..or dia datang ngn public transport untuk berjumpa kamu..please..please..Always drop the lady back home. Or at least offer to drop her home..

in case kamu busy or ada hal yang mustahak..At least ensure you walk her to the bus stop or put her in a taxi or the most convenient mode of transport in case you cannot drop her home...bukan susah pon?kadang2 show to the women that kamu seorang lelaki yang bertanggujawab..

it is so sweet things..kan women?

sebagaimana marah or bencinya kamu kat perempuan tu..Don’t ever say to them Bitch or betine sebagai ganti nama... It’s a MAJOR turn off. its really disrespectful. Lelaki yang gentleman die cool je and tak kan saying sesuatu yang menunjukkan mereka tidak menghormati perempuan like what a BIG JERK always do..Bila kamu nak menggelar seorang perempuan sebagai bitch and panggil die betine..at least..think about YOUR MOTHER or YOUR SISTER..they are women too just like the one u hate the most in front of u.

When walking with her, take the side closest to the street. It makes her feel protected.Jangan berjalan meninggalkan mereka jauh dibelakang anda..JANGAN membiarkan perempuan yang anda kenal or sayang rushing mengejar anda dibelakang..

offer your seat if you see a woman standing. Especially when you see a pregnant lady boarding the bus.itu menunjukkan kamu seorang yang penyayang..trust me women will be very happy when u do that..

offer to help her when kamu tengok a women tengah pegang barang2 yang penuh ditangan..and kamu nampak diorang macam tersekat ke nak turun dari bus ke..or nak keluar dari pintu ke..why not try to be nice?at least offer dengan muka or tangan korang seolah olah cuba untuk help them even kamu TAK buat pon..i just want to make u know that, offer untuk menolong pon enough to make women happy even mereka menolak untuk ditolong oleh kamu.

Time pergi dating pon..
it’s only gentlemanly to pull out your wallet to pay. At least on your first date.bukannya bermaksud women ni materialistik or tak mampu nak bayar sendiri..but for me.. It’s just a dating etiquette,it’s plain respect...bayangkan first time jumpa pon..korang bayar asing2..nampak sgt tak gentlemen kan?

when a women doing something for u..or dia just buat sesuatu yang simple..like bagi ruang dekat korang untuk masuk terlebih dahulu..why not say "Thank YOU" or at least a smile even how VVIP you are..Respecting one another is always a good thing to do.

so easy kan?

honestly.. I don’t expect a guy to open the car door for me, I don’t expect him to pull up the chair for me, I don’t expect him to pay all the time, i dont expect him to baby-sit me as I don’t even expect seorang lelaki berjalan dihadapan saya all the time..i dont even expert die menyalakan api rokok without seeking my consent....i just wanna be treated like a women..im happy when i see men do respect me in that way..am i asking too much readers?

so lelaki..this is so general..wanita bukannya mahu dilayan seperti puteri..It’s just a way of respecting us..life would be so beautiful when men know how to make women happy..it is just a simple thing but believe me..semua perempuan mahu dihormati dan dihargai..

Women just want to be treated like women

be good to women..show them your respect..
please..please..please..please..be gentlemen is not that hard..it is just the simple things to do..

So guys..
whats your comment?

thanks for reading this


  1. pang je laki2 yg hancos tu :)

  2. kalo laki 2 malu nak wat cmna plak???hehehe..kena yg jenis malu gila kat pmpuan...payah gak 2...

  3. yeahh ! everything is truth :)

  4. huhuhuhu, bermakna, Peja adalah seorang yang gentleman terhadap pompuan.. huhuhu.. xcaya, tanye wife Peja :D

  5. hebat !
    sis sgtt chantek lah.
    thx view blog kite :D

  6. tq utk info2 ni. akan cube jadi laki yg gentleman utk wanita. gentleman pun takleh memilih kat wanita tertentu je kan. klau boleh gentleman kat semua la tak kire umur, wajah or pape je la. hehe

  7. kak, ada betulnya..ada gak laki skrng yg xhormat pompuan, mungkin dia tu mmg xtahu hormat org ..tapi betul, pompuan mmg nak laki hormat dia, sama jgk cam laki..:-)

  8. gentle man?lelaki lembut?hehehe..nice entry..pompuan memang senang jatuh hati kpd lelaki gentle man mahupun gentle woman hehehe

  9. yess...totally agree with you...cumenya.... stail tulisan yang berombak dan beralun menyebabkan mata sy beralun untuk membacanya..but still sy boleh read apa yg kamu sampaikan.. :)

  10. believe me, these are things that i've done for my girl. yup,it's quite hard to find these kind of guys these days.simple,just try to be nice.

  11. lelaki zaman sekarang xde budi pekerti langsung.
    byk kali dkt parking lot kite kena tolak kereta sbb ade kereta block kereta kite.
    then ade beberapa GUYS wujud kt situ tapi dorg bole wat do no je.
    WTF kan?
    and yg paling teruk dorg bole tggu dlm kete sbb nak amek parking lot tu.
    mmg loser la lelaki2 mcm2.

  12. suka entry ny . setuju sgt hope psney ayh sy jdi gentlemen , klau jln2 kat bndar . jln sblh mak sy bukan di depan :)

  13. agreed sis:) tapi mcm mane pulak for those GIRLS yang suke gntikan name bitch/betine/cika kat perempuan yang diorang benci? even they are girls jugak? hurmm

  14. just a simple things to do men . tak tahu laa kalau korg xleh wat jugak. hehe agree 500% kak nurul :) nice entry nway ^^

  15. sis dengan BFF dia lawa!!! haaaippp geram nk cubit pp ehehehehe

  16. i like this sentence kakak,
    JANGAN membiarkan perempuan yang anda kenal or sayang rushing mengejar anda dibelakang..

    really like, nice job !

  17. love this entry, yup majority llaki skang very NOT gentleman..

  18. just love this entry. mmg betul. perempuan tak mahu lebih. cuma mahu disayangi, dihormati, dihargai.
    love u NBL <3

    *susa sgt nak jumpa yg betul2 gentlemen. -.-

  19. sangat setuju!!!! :)
    well, umm just to share.
    I know this one gentleman.
    He always has that nice and warm words which my other girl friends will smile whenever he passes us by. And yeah he is polite too ;)

  20. kalau dating,biarlah lelaki yg keluarkan duit

  21. perempuan juga ingin dihargai :)

  22. as a girl, seriously im happy when a guy treat like what akak said, he shows some respect,and dari cara dia tu boleh nampak dia protect kita :) even, he is not my boyfriend. teeheheh :p

  23. Waaaaaaaa~ as a lady myself, huhuhuu I do agree we deserve respect, especially from our men, if x boleh nk harap from men that don't feel they have any obligations or commitments towards us..huu yup kata ganti nama mmg one of vital factors yg sumtimes x dipandang berat kn..lg2 tgh mrh..haruus jgn ikut sedap mulut.. kn ada pepatah yg ckp the tongue can be sharper dari pisauuu..huuu~ and tlg angkat brg2 berat is obviously patut tlg la..wanita kn x berapa kuat, ad aone time tgh angkat brg x cukup tgn ada mamat ni(my fren sebenarnye) lalu buat buduh2 je, I had to call out to him baru mau tlg.appparaa..LOL..pjg plak I merepek ye..(not sensitive just expressive) Have a luvly day dear~

  24. btol tuu .hargai la seorang perempuan :)

  25. guys sejati.TOLONG LAH BACA entry ni ...

  26. very well put nurul! ;)

  27. Alhamdulillah..die tnjuk n buat semua ni..

    even abg sndiri siap suruh letak hndbag kt tgn yg die himpit kita n die akn jln kt belah kereta lalu..rasa protected gila..syukur..:)

  28. Agree with u ! Besungguh i bce entry nih. Love this one :)

  29. setuju entry di atas tp ttp tak setuju bila ckp berapa kerat je yg respect...mash ramai lg yg respect, bagi saya lagi bahaya yg respect wanita sbb ade udang di sebalik batu conth mcm memperdayakan wanita atau mempermainkan itu bagi saya paling bahaya....

  30. betul nurul. agreed sgt. kite bukan nye takbleh buat semua tu sndiri sbb kdg2 kite sndiri pun tak suke jgk dikatekan manja. but those thing u mentioned tu, was a women's natural. we born with that. so takbleh ke dorang faham kite mcm mane kite faham diorang yg TINGGI EGO tu? ni tak.. di layannye kite ikot cara diorang jer.. :(

    nice entry! ♥ this!

  31. salam.. i ada copy and paste your quote kat status fb i.. harap u ok.. tak marah. i cuma nak sedarkan seseorang, suruh dia baca.. :)

  32. bf saya sgt menghargai saya. alhamdulillah :)

  33. thanks sbb mpertahankn wanita..
    #ceh mcm la yaya yg dianiayai..

    sbb saya p0mpuan, s0 xtau nk k0men paper..cuma yaya nk cakap, ehh baju kam0 sama la..T_T

  34. btOl tU akQ..susaH nAk jmpE lElaKi yG gEntLe & caRinG gN pOmpUaN aN..yuP,, sUmE GurLz nK di hArgaI & di hOrmaTi..

  35. Wow.
    I wonder what makes you write all these stuffs in here coz it seems you're dealing with issues that relate to, maybe one or two points that is written above.
    But yeah, I couldn't agree more.
    I mean, it is a basic thing for men to possess these gentlemen-characteristics thingy coz if you're wanna gain respect from girls, this is what you should do.
    But don't forget girls, you do have your part to be done.
    It's not fair when we men do everything we can to act gentlemen but girls take it for granted.


  36. yeap ! thats true.and especially part yg kita tlg dia buat apa-apa . at least tunjuk la kalau dia appreciate apa yg kita buat .

  37. susah nak jumpa lelaki yg gentleman sekarang..seriously,,lagi ramai yg suka maki hamun perempuan..tapi bukan semua laarrr..segelintir

  38. susah nak jumpa lelaki yg gentleman sekarang..seriously,,lagi ramai yg suka maki hamun perempuan..tapi bukan semua laarrr..segelintir

  39. sokong sis sgt2! seorang lelaki xperlu jd kaya atau handsome. if you know how to treat a girl, it's like you have the world. haha!

  40. tak boleh ke publish entry ni dekat magazine ke hape ke ? bagi semua lelaki tau. kan sis ? hehe.

  41. setuju!!

    pissstt.. comel lah akak berdua ni.. jeles saya.

  42. part yg kalo dating tu n drop kt umah terus or tumpangkn smpai bas stop or lrt station tu sokong sgt..jd laki kenala genttleman..:)

  43. wow sis .

    you're darn right there .
    but the thing is, it's their mentality that we must change as everything roots from there .

    jarang sangatlah orang lelaki malaysia nie nak berfikiran macam yang disebutkan oleh sis dalam entry nie .

    correct me if i'm wrong, but i do think that most of them, is either malas or lebih suka jadi ignorant . yet they know how to be pissed off when some of us critics that "lelaki malaysia kebanyakannya tak romantik or gentleman or you name it ."

    p.s. takkan benda remeh macam nie pun nak kena dijadikan satu subjek kat sekolah kot baru pandai nak berfikir ... kan? (;


  44. wow hebat! walaupon nani ni perempuan, tpi bile baca tu, pergh~~ hebat ar..saya setuju dgn awk!

  45. lelaki sekarang, payah nak cari yang gentleman.. kalau dlm lrt contohnya, nmpak makcik berdiri bersesak2 pun sume buat bodooo je. teruk kan? but, saya takkan nak kat laki yang hanya gentle dgn saya je, or nak berubah utk saya. saya nak laki yang sememangnya gentle dari dalam diri dia sendiri. tak patut plak kalau dengan kita tiap kali klua dia sanggup blanja makan, tapi nak bagi duit kat mak kat kampung tiap2 bulan bukan main liat lagi. kan? kan? whatcha say?

  46. i love ur post everyday la kak nurul..update slalu taw..heee.. ;)

  47. okay, cuba bayangkan laki buat baik kat pompan yg tak kenal atau kawan kelas maybe. kalau lelaki hensem, dia akan kata, "wow, gentleman!". kalau hodoh, dia akan kata "ishh nak menggatal lah tu". diskriminasi. tu sbb taknak terlalu baik dgn pompuan2 gini. kalau awek sendiri, 4 sure lah be nice kan. :p

  48. oh please please girls stop being a bitch or slut

  49. sangat2 setuju...seme tu tak pakai duit pon..juz a lil respect.. :)

  50. Salam Nurul:) I really love the way Nurul wrote and see things. Nampak Nurul such a nice and warm person.I heart you! And yes, totally agree with you about this man thingy. Dah kurang guys yg respect woman, so yg nice tu kita kena appreciate kan.I'm just blogging for myself, tapi free2 Nurul jenguk la ye:) miloisme.blogspot.com

  51. thanks 4 de comments reader..

    life is more peaceful and meaningful if we all respect each other.:)

  52. sangat sangat susah nak jumpe lelaki yg gentlemen zaman skang nih.. haihh. -_____-"

  53. yeah..as u said..a man must do all thing..because a man like a leader..so he must care and protect who beside him..:)

  54. Good day,

    This is a classic case of the ugly rude princess demanding the moon sebagai hantaran. what you wrote is a great wake up call to the young malay boys out there, and I applaud you for that.

    Then I saw your other postings. Nak gentlemen treat you as a lady, kena la jadi lady dulu dik oi.

    a gentleman can always seperate a lady from a bunch of girls and women. kalau susah nak jumpe, paham2 je la :)

    by a man, from the lost tribe of the malay gentlemen (honest!) :)

  55. thanks for the comments readers.:)
    im happy for that..
    it is so wonderful to read those of positive comments..


    did i asking too much?
    apa yg saya tulis just the simple things to do..in general..why not show them your respect?disregard pompuan tu act as lady or not..it's not an issue..it is juat my opinion when i saw some of guys today..really have no respect towards women..


  56. okay!
    bahek lah.
    thanks for ur advice :)


  58. dear, sangat in love tau bace ur article.... sangat relax but penuh dengan nasihat...and love sangat sbb nasihat yang lembut... me doakan nurul selalu success and hopefully one day me boleh menulis dengan baek...just like u my dear

  59. sukarnye lelaki skarang untuk tunjukkan mereka tu gentleman ek...huhu

  60. wah, bagus... sy suka entri nih. lelaki skrg sikit je yg gentleman nya haih

  61. Its a good thing to ask to be Gentleman but Some take for granted probably sebab nak senang hidup~

    tell me....you know what you want to expected from a guy rite ..but do you know what guy expected from you in return~

    Aritkel ni bagus tapi berat sebelah jer.. Top to bottom yg agree semua perempuan...cuz mmg patut lah its true...sy tak condemn tp you wahai cik writer kenapa tak tulis the keburukan yang MUNGKIN juga wanita ada terhadap lelaki...

    The way I see this, you got a point and as a guy..SOME OF the point taken. BUT please do write also about girls too.

    Some guys do something for a reason,me myself lah I OBVIOUSLY tau takan nk show and not be such a guy that are NOT to be like by that girl kan lagi2 ON THE FIRST DATE.
    Some are try to see the REACTION from the action. This days woman can be Too dependable to something rather be independent. I believe most guys are MORE amuse to a independent woman.

    I say such a stupid person to show such behavior on a first date kan??

    Than a again
    "If we looking for the guilty we actually need to look at the mirror"


  62. Cik nurul,

    Muga harapan cik nurul ni tertunai.kita sangat2 kekurangan gentleman sekarang ni.yg ade cuma perogol, penyimbah asid, pempunuh, perompak, penipu.

    God plz help us.

  63. saye seorang gentleman. tu kompem:DD hahaha

  64. Oh my gosh!Definitely like this entry damn much.
    Sangat suka and setuju... :D

  65. This post kinda harsh,an ugly truth bout men in today's world. I hate it(this facts) but i must admit you've got yourself some points there mate.

    Just an opinion,
    to all men try your best to be a gentleman & women,PLEASE try your best to be a ladies too. *wink*

    win-win situation is the best IMO. Bytheway rasa bertuah pulak bile tersesat jumpa blog ni. Keep it up,you're interesting. =)

  66. Kite ada jumpa llki yg gentleman tsbut. tlg pggkn brg, byrkan blja, jln dkt jln raya, dll.

    Sungguh, hati asyik teringatnya saja.

    So, guys kena la jadi gentleman, baru la perempuan suka dan terkenang2kan anda! haha~

  67. salam..

    kenapa perempuan jer dapat semua keistimewaan..

    lelaki juga ada hak...

    jika ada 'gentleman'

    so ada 'ladies'

    so apa yg kadies kena buat if ada gentleman..

  68. sebenar nyer....padan zaman skrg nie.....perempuan kan slalu nk klah kn laki....kate sume bende perempuan boleh buat.....jd kenape perempuan nk harap kn....lelaki menjadi gentlemen....xyah gentlemen sgt...bukan nk buat bini pon.....klu betol kompom buat bini...bukan stakat gentlemen....jiwa dan rage lelaki sanggup serahkn....hahahahhaa

  69. Lawaanyee cardigan you. beli katne eh? hihi

  70. betul sangat tu.

    patutnya biar ramai lelaki yg baca entri ni. buka akal fikiran, mata hati sikit.

    actually, semua tu bukan dengan pompuan je, dgn sesama lelaki pon tak salah.

    layan dia sebaik mungkin sebagaimana kita kita suka orang len utk layan kita sebaik yg mungkin.

    berlapang dada,
    berfikiran terbuka (jgn la terbuka sgt)
    tenang (jgn fikir bukan bukan,manusia ada kelemahan memasing).

    banyak bersabar ( jgn asyik nak hangin satu badan or mudah melenting sgt).

    basically, untuk both la lelaki n pompuan.

    nice entri cik nurul. TQ

  71. yupp...as woman, we dont really ask to be treated like a princess, but a little kind of respect is already enough..and one more thing...ucapan TERIMA KASIH tuh...biar sesimple mane pun perempuan buat, just say thnx u n do apologize sumtimes, ok laa, kompem perempuan dah ase cukup dah lelaki ni tuk aku...x nak yg lain..kekeke


say anything readers but please dont hurt me.thanks.