15 May 2011

pengajaran hari ini: "Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults"

Back with short entry...


i don't have attitude problem...I have ATTITUDE & U have problem!

gosh..what a hot afternoon..

setiap hari..akan ada perkara sedih dan happy berlaku kat kita...kadang2 kita rasa down..kadang2 kita rasa cam kita ni xguna..
setiapkali kite dengar..baca..dan lihat manusia2 yang benci kita..yang suka kutuk kita..yang insult kita dengan perkataan yang sgt2 menyakitkan..kita rasa diri kita ni low sangat..kadang2 kita rasa macam kita ni sangat tak bagus.kita akan rasa kit NI TERUK...itu semua actually..hanyalah parasit2 yang akan memusnahkan kita..

kenapa saya cakap mcm tu?
sebab kata2 yang negative yang kite terima terutamanya dari orang yang xsuka kita.,.akan buat kn kita hilang keyakinan diri..

SAYA paste kan satu komen dari anon hari ni yang agak menyakitkan hati saya..

hye readers,,dun waste time with this kind of bloggers. She writes junks. Save the blog world from this sort of junk blogging.

so if u were me?
apa yang kamu rasa?kalau ikutkan hati..saya akan rase eh teruk sgt kah apa yang aku tulis..buruk sangatkah aku..??apa salah aku agaknya??

kalau ikutkan rasa marah and sakit ati saya..nak je cakap..if u think that i write all junk, then why dont you fucking start your own blog and show the world how to write blogs??

but then..i realize..It is sad that i have been receiving bad comments. But then bad people will always be there......

so i remember this quote....
"Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults"
yaa..it is a better things to do kawan2..bile kamu sedih sebab kamu dikeji..dihina..dikutuk dicaci maki..jangan biarkan ia menjatuhkan kamu..ingat lah apa2 yang indah yang boleh buat kamu happy..forget the insults..

so today..disamping komen yang menyakitkan hati tadi..
I received a awesome compliments this morning..

I like you the way you are, I like the way you think, I like the way you behave. I respect you and I adore you..There is something about the you and your blog that made me realize a lot of things. Just wanted to thank you for making my day..

buang yang menyakitkan..ambil yang menyenangkan hati..

so today..i start my day with a big smile..with a happy feeling..


so guys..wanna share with me what's the best compliment you've ever received???
you are most welcoming..:)

p/s: this is special for anon yang everyday hantar bad comments kat saya..
i don't walk around trying to be what i'm not .
i don't waste my time trying to get what you got .
i work at pleasing me , not satisfying you ..tq

thanks for reading this..


  1. senyum... tak perlu kata apa-apa...
    hehe... anyway.. adik suka baca entri akak.. menaikkan lagi semngt adik.. thanks..

  2. Faz sangat setuju dengan pujian tu.. Faz baca blog ni sbb faz suka dengan cara kak nurul menulis, cara kak nurul mengekspresikan perasaan dan cara kak nurul mengambil apa yang positif di sebalik perkara negatif yang berlaku.... :)

  3. thats true sis.. better kita ignore jia org yg mcm nie,, :)

  4. sy lagi kesian... tak pernah kene kutuk, pujian jauh sekali.... haha!

  5. nice...
    aku pon da selalu kne camtuh..
    komen2 yg x membangunkan..
    so bia kan jer ..
    kite tulis je ape yg kte nak...

  6. yup... saya setujoo...:) manusia ni mmg suka sakitkan hati org lain bila dia rasa org tu lebih hebat dari dia. so, to u sis, terima laa comment mcm tu dgn hati terbuka.. dan rasakan yang sebenarnya diri itu hebat sebab ada org nak bagi komen mcm tu.. btw, x semua org akan dpt komen mcm tu. hanya mereka yg hebat dah owesome akan dpt komen mcm tu. Biar je apa dorang nak kata, but u still have any other follower yg nak baca sis punye entry. keep on writing sis. ^_^

  7. kalau tak pernah org puji kite macam mana? ;'( Dengar org puji org depan kite banyak lah. Hukhuk

  8. betol tu apa yang akak cakapkan..ambik yg jernih dan buang yg tak penting tu..

  9. bak kata Sepah; barang yang lepas jangan dikenang :) Peace systa :) SMILE :)

  10. org yg x ske sys tu dtg gak blog ni. baca gak ur writing..haha
    mgkin dia je nk tulis cm sys, tp x mmpu. then nk emo2..huhu

  11. kaka nurul..i luv da way u motivate thru ur wiriting...keep on writing akak cantek..saye suke sgt bce..sebab saye p0n turut terkesan dengan pew yg akak smpaikan..
    much of luv yea :)

  12. hai kak nurul. saya rasa sedih sangat hari ni. tu je saya nak cakap. bye kak nurul (:

  13. exactly true....!!!!!!
    i always love Ur entry....
    teruskan usaha....
    lets people talk... they'll tired they'll stop....

  14. serius menyakitkan hati.

    please guys, do something dat make u happy. forget others that hate u.

    y? y?

    we do not live because of them. we live for our own good.



  15. This en3 m0tivates me a lot..thx!

  16. do whatever you want.just ignore them :) manusia mmg selalu ade perasan tak puas hati .

  17. nurul, pinjam gambo se deh.. nk wat entry..

  18. sis, always remember that people are jealous of you, cause they can't be you :D

    keep writing. By the way, it is your blog so u decide what to write.

    People out there (readers) are wise enough to decide what they wanna read.

    I believe you never force anyone to read your blog. It's their preference. They followed your blog, cause they like you the way you are. So stay strong, and keep on writing what ever you feel like writing/sharing :)

    peace ^_^

  19. betoi3..jgn biarkan tujuan anon tu berjaya utk sakitkan hati nurul,nurul kne kuat dan itu akan melemahkan die^^

  20. i love your blog nurul. dont worry .

  21. senyum sorang-sorang lepas baca..

  22. It is good to know, that sometime there is a channel to refresh myself ... maybe for me through reading (in this case, your blog) i like to read a lot when i have the free time ... Keep up the good work, whatever other people say as long as it is good according to our law and our religion ... I think that is good enough (as a reason to keep doing something) :)

  23. bese la tuh..kdg2 manusia ni dengki kn? chill k? jgn dipikirkn org cmtu.. sy suke je baca belog awk :)

  24. Hey there.
    To me, it's always like this, I take both good and bad comments that people write about me.
    If the bad comments come from Anon, then there is nothing to be considered.


  25. pelik kan orang2 camni. if they don't like the way we write whatsoever, they could always leave our page. tapi nk jugak bagi bad comment, seolah2 nak menyakitkan hati.

    don't entertain negative people. keep blogging ;)

  26. btol2...ramai je yg nak jatuhkan kite..
    sabar jela ye

  27. salam..
    sister, i know u can get through all this thing..
    remember that people will never stop talking..
    n we can't never stop them..
    be wise..n be who we are..

    love u.

  28. salam..
    sister, i know u can get through all this thing..
    remember that people will never stop talking..
    n we can't never stop them..
    be wise..n be who we are..

    love u.

  29. dat is so true Nurul..
    for me..nobody's perfect...we'll never satisfied others...
    yang penting kite tak macam mereka2 yang suke menjatuhkan orang lain...
    or maybe mereka ini jenis manusia yang cemburu dengan kejayaan orang lain...
    yang penting Nurul or mereka yang mengalami nasib yang sama tidak mudah melenting dan patah semangat...

  30. perkara yang paling mudah ialah

    'jangan masuk blok yang kita tidak suka.'

    tapi anon tu pilih yang rumit skit kot

  31. aiyoo sis. just leave it. the anon just to "pleased" to be u yet he/she will never be.

    but sis!u r pretty in the way u r! ^^

    kene puji...emm...haha segan!comel mungkin?ngee~

  32. Well..Point is there and TRUE~ it is impossible to satisfy EVERYONE~

    When you reaching the point “More people appreciate me that what you try to do” still you also should realize something we said kadang2 maybe terlalu judgmental dan boleh berat sebelah. I thought that so call “OPINION” suppose to be neutral and more likely optional. Where at the end of the discussion, it should the reader make their own mind on what to agree and what not.

    I’m not try to opposing ur blog but just telling by experience. I also once writing a blog where highly controversial to my community, and yeah lots agree with me but then again when I think back again it peoples that time are bind by the stress and disappointed that I share that time. We become more emotional rather than rational and logical.

    What I’m try to say is….insult is not a ALWAYS a parasite sometime we should think “ Is it True ??, ” probably a future Lawyer like you have being shape n mold to be a “Offensive” type a person.

    I sure don’t know what more worst insult that you get in here, but Ur blog sure have lots followers. Thats great when people listen to us.

    I just suggesting probably you can give MORE OPTIONAL OPINION…but its just suggestion~ its up to you ;-)

    “Sometime we only see what we want to believe…..”

    Cheerio ~

  33. tulah ape masaalah dengan mereka2 neh,cemburu lah tuh..kite bace entry2 kamo semuanye best je,sangat berani dlm menyampaikan pendapat..sangat suke itu..yeah jgn peduli aje dgn mereka..gudluck kamoo ^_^

  34. hye u...xyah layan lah dengan org2 yang just nak buat awak rasa sakit hati..ramai lagi yang suka baca blog awak...=)

  35. i read every word u type and i do like it. so much. :)

  36. Cik nurul,

    Manusia begini kita doakan je supaya diorng bertemu kebahagiaan yang diorng cari. Bila sudah bahagia, tak de la rasa cemburu dihati.

    Kadanh2 diam diri lebih baik dari bersuara untuk menangani manusia macam ni.sabar....

  37. ala sabar je akak..sorang benci akak,seribu suka akak.. :) jgn ambik kisah sgt..

  38. pedulikan aje ape anon ckp.. dengki lah tue..

  39. salam..:-)..sorry, i have copied one of ur pics to be put in my blog... this is the link..http://syazanaramli.blogspot.com/2011/05/nurulbadiah-lai.html

    let me know if u feel uncomfortable... tq n sorry..

  40. Salam Nurul..biasa la manusia ni.tak suka tengok orang lain baik dari dia.. kutuk2 tapi tak sedar kelemahn sendiri..tak kuat iman..iri hati, busuk hati..kalo dia baik sangat dia tak mengutuk orang.. so berbanyak la bersabar.. nurul dapat pahala tu.. but amik la kutukan itu sbg pemangkin semangat untuk jd yg lbh terbaik...Peace!

  41. kak nurul sabo yer... biase lah orang yang lontar kan ayat2 keji kat orang lain biase nye cemburu... mungkin xder orang nak baca entry dy kot... paper pon sy suke jer baca blog kak nurul sebab best banyak tips ngan nasihat...hehe

  42. yup..manusia ny once da tak suke kite, macam2 dia boleh buat. Alah, just fikir apapun dia cakap takkan mengubah apapun hidup kita. biar dia sorang2. lama2 dia senyap jugak, penat tak dilayan. just smile =)

  43. manusia..apa lah sangat. biarkan saje..janji tak ganggu hidup kite sudah.

  44. good nurul! dont feel down for junk. they worth nothing at all.

    btw dear, next week i ade interview dekat AG chambers. first time ni, risau gak. do u have some tips to share or soalan bocor? haha3. yela nurul kan dah start chambering, kot nurul ada tanya senior2 lawyer ke...share it with me.. :)

  45. lepas ni lantak laa nurul dengan anon ni. jgn buat entry lagi. nikmatilah dunia blog ni dengan apa yang sepatutnya. kikiki

  46. akak persetankan je smua org tu! sy gemar membaca blog n akak merupakan blogger femes yg punya isi dlam setiap penulisan blog..
    teruskan berblogging! yeah!

  47. dekat fb, komen paling teruk saya kena

    "tak ke mangkuk gila blog dia tu"

    mangkuk dia cakap blog saya?? sungguh kurang sopan ape yg dia cakap tu, tapi saya like komen dia tu, and jawab something like this

    "mengata la selagi ade masa nak mengata aku. kalau aku dah takde pasni, ko dah takde orang nak mengata, kan? nanti nak mintak maaf dgn aku pun tak sempat, kan? so sementara aku ada lagi ni, cakaplah ape pun. aku nak dengar."

    dia senyap terus pastu. ;p

  48. ~auuu~~ good entry kak~~~ hahaha

  49. really thanks to this entry coz it give me some strength ntuk hadapi hari-hari aku yang selalu penuh dengan ujian...

  50. pada sy. blog ni banyak bagi nasihat n idea2 y menarik. sy suka. jangan kesah org yang kutuk tuh. ehe :)

  51. Your words always full of lesson.one of the reason i must read your blog. You inspire me.

  52. Your words always full of lesson. One of the reasons I must read your blog. You inspire me.

  53. errr ape lah anon tu .. dah tak suka sudah lah kan .. huh

    "its better to be hated for what you are , than to be loved for what you are not kak nurul" .. always supporting u ! ^^

  54. sgt betul... buang yg menyakitkan hati, ambil yg menyenangkan... lg pun, buat skit hati je yg menyakitkan tu. skit hti boleh membawa kpd marah dn mrh boleh mmbawa kpd kedut di muka, nant cpt tua hihi

    and, sy suka pic tu... my fav sbb ada 3 benda fav dlm tu, kwsn yg ada lalang mcm tu, gitar, n kipas warna- warni... lg 1, ada kakak cntik kat situ hehe ^_^

  55. hehehe rilek2 :)

    jom lepak sini


  56. sian betul dengan anon tu. jeles sangat kot, tu la sampai xpuas hati. don't worry sis! your blog is not a piece of junks! i love it! it helps me a lot, from fashion to politics. hehe. ignore the haters! <3

  57. lempang je anon tu sis .

    dengki sungguh dia . dia tak tahu berapa banyak post sis yang dah mengaspirasikan hidup saya C:

  58. sy sker ayat nih "i work at pleasing me , not satisfying you ..tq"

    sy ada gak org x puas hati siap nk laga2 kan lg tp mak sy pesan buat bodo jer means buat tataw jgn dilayan kalo di layan kite pun jd mcm dia gak psiko, nt dia dah penat pandai la dia stop huhuhu..

  59. hye my dear readers..

    hidup ni kadang2 pahit..kadang2 manis..sebagaimana kite nak buat xtahu tentang org yg benci kite..kadang2 kite xmmpu gak nk tahan..kadang2 rasa jugak nk marah dan berkecil hati..

    tp ambil yang positif..
    selalu fikirkan yg positif..

    everything will be fine..

    thanks everybody:)

  60. remember this..we are not perfect. Orang puji tanda suka..tak puji pula bukan tanda tak suka.. urmmm i really thought a 'lawyer' can accept critism..ahahahahaha. i'm so naive, man! and so funny kan? and i should change my mindset right now;

    "a lawyer boleh kritik org tp org xbole kritik lawyer.."

  61. kenape anon x serang blog den, kenape!! meh la kalau berani.hehe:P

    ops, lupe, den tak pemes, mane ade org nak serang:DD

  62. sabar nurul..
    always be the best

  63. be strong..
    may Allah bless u always dear

  64. hai...
    sy pun prh kne,,
    klu igt mst sdey kne
    hine maki,,tp sabar..
    sabar kita akan d blas
    kepuasan hati dari Allah dan
    org yg m'yakitkan hti kita 2
    akn d bls bde yg same,,,
    harap awk sabar,,:))

  65. eleh yang dengki2 pon baca gak entry akak..nk suh org baca blog dy ahh tu..xmalu punya anon...

  66. eh .. blog kak nurul bagos laa .. boleh bg org lain sedar n bg org lain knl dunia ni skit .. i like it :)

  67. org yang baik dia hanya melihat kelebihan yg ada pd diri kita... bukan mencari kelemahan org lain...

  68. as usual nurul..

    kalo rs ade lalat2 yg menyinggah tu ketepikan je.kite bukannay leh puaskan hati sumer org

  69. kak!!!! saya suke blog kak!!! jangan peduli semua tu!!

  70. macam2 la kalo orang dah jeles nie~~~
    abaikan jer org gini kawan2..
    mulut(tgn menaip in this case) org mmg xleh ditutup..:P

  71. hye sis,
    usah pedulikan mereka yg mengkritik ok cz saye tau u kuat utk sume ni,i ni bukan lah blogger tp i akan bace blog2 yg terpilih je yg pade i x busan untuk dibace n u adalah salah satunye..dan i rase u jujur dalam menyampaikan ape saje yg u tulis n plss be urself cz i i like the way u rite...ok dear be strong n epy sokmo dear...luv n peace from me!

  72. X aku xnak senyum tp aku xtau mcm mana nak senyum sbb sepanjang hdup aku tiada hal yg mengajar aku untuk senyum..segalanya air mata...

  73. saya suka tgk gmbr2 nurul..cantik.. bertuah nurul dianugerahkan kesempurnaan luaran..x mcm saya.. segalanya buruk....:(

  74. nice blog.. but all that's just for a mere attention. As muslimah, hide your face from the public is better than showing them everything. It's just my opinion.No hard feeling.


say anything readers but please dont hurt me.thanks.