10 November 2010

ini bukan video lucah tau..

hi guys..im back..
okey now aku nak pakse korang watch this video..ini bukan video lucah okey..ini video cute hahaha perasan as usual.

saje aku nak bangge aku dah pandai upload video kat utube for the 1st time..nampak sangat aku hidup kat zaman paleolitik kan..hahaha..
this just my silly video..just nak buat korang smile or at least..korang ketawa sebab video ni memaparkan adegen2 xsenonoh aku..but then..i made this video with all my heart taw..
sorry xberkualiti sangat but this is khas for all my followers and readers..
hope u enjoy it..

now aku dah pandai buat video so pasni aku akan buat video tutorial itupon kalu ade permintaan..harap2 jangan ade yang mintak sebab aku malas giler nak buat video hahaha..
selame ni korang tengok gambar aku je kan..kadang2 edit je lebih..now korang tengok video..so this is de real me..(pas tengok jgn kutuk nanti aku kecik hati huwaa)

special for u my beloved followers and readers..i love u damn much!

p/s: make sure korang on volume k..sebab ni lagu fav aku..:)

p/s: please forget about my messy room..besalah duk hostel kan..
(ayat cover malu)..muahhhhhhhhhhxxx..


Paan Ovrtd said...

Jakun. Hahaha!

Naz Al Yahya said...

ololohhhhh~ comelnye nurul....

Unknown said...

T.T kt opiz xley bukak utube...uwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

BabiesMom said...

one word.. CANTEK n CUMEI... erh tu dah berword word dah.. ahha... Nurul keep on blogging ok.. speak what u want to speak.. XO tetap sokong.. ceh cam nk mengundi plak.. kamo ni mmg natural beauty kan, ALHAMDULILLAH.. sweet erhh laguuuuuu.. LOVE U TOO DEAR>> XOXO

Izzatie said...

Hahaha. You looked so cute!! :)

Julia said...

ya Allah...cutenye nurulbadiah Lai..cute sgt..macam korea mari..jatuh cinta!!hahaha..
i watched this 5 times and save already in my desktop..jgn marah..
cute and naturally beauty!

Khumaera Ismail aka Mariam Ismail said...

apa tu cik bad?? konpius sudah..hehehehe~comel2..cepa2 wat tutorial..na tengok =)

NiEzA aNiEyZa said...

comelnye sis......cute sgt..hihihi

Anonymous said...

comelnya awak..muka awak xsepadan ngn usia..nampak cam budak 15 tahun.

saya nak awak bleh?

-just your silent reader-

zarifahmr said...

wow lucah nyaaaa hehehe
comel2. uhuu
eh thanks tau follow belog saya ;)

Nur-Za Marlyana Mohd Kamal said...

hahaha kakak ! adoi silly u , silly me jugak. same je kite , suke merapu sorg. hihi. lagu tu lagu fav cite korea zama. my girl kn kn kn? :D nk jugak suruh akak buat tutorial nnt ! haha :P

hannah hermosa said...


MOMOCHAN said...

HAHHA nice la simple je:)

Fiq si Secret admire said...

u buat i tersenyum2 pagi2 ni..dah la tadi kene marah dengan bos tapi once tgok video ni..ngn gaye u yang kiut miut..buat i tersenyum taw..
u mmg natural beauty..

Kalau i dapat u..nak je cubit2 pipi u..ololo comelnye

Nurulbadiah Lai said...

paan: jahat ketawakan nurul ye..:)

naz: hahaha..mane de naz..btw thnaks dear

eiffel: balik nati tgok k dear..hahaha..pakse terus..

lady xoxo: omaigod..terkesima..malu2..thanks syg..

izatie: thanks honey..love u..

Julia: alhamdulilah..hahaha..saved?ok lah..kalau itu leh wat awak senyum saved la..nurul xkesah..

Nurulbadiah Lai said...

khumera: hahahah..jgn konpius..okey2 nati nurul wat tutorial k..

misss nieyza: thanks adik manis..

anon: 15 tahun?then esok saya kene pergi sekolah lah kn lol..

zama: kite same je syg..love u so muchhhhhhhhhhhh...okey nati kakak buat tutor k..

hannah: thanks syg..hahahah..budak la sgt..

momo: thanks dear..

fiq: alhamdulilah kalu this video buat u tersenyum..thanks:)

wani said...


paDel said...

heheh....pasni leh buat movie pendek...hehehhe....nice...

nerves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

awk comel.noktah!

nerves said...

haha...nak gelak...
kat ofis sy ni.takde speaker..takde sound
so dpt tgk gerakan vid kamu yg agak gedik..
haha*sambung gelak
peace yow!


eZmALiZa said...

arhh...comel2!! :)) cute gile nurull...nak lagi..nak lagi....lagu lain pulak...hehehhe... :)))))

AM SYA said...


rumate saye sntiase c0mel!!suker2~

lagu ni sntiase mengigtkn sya pade nurul taw..

sedeh aritu jmp kejap je..

xsmp nk j0get2..

tak smpt nk berGAMBA p0n!! T__T

Aida Azryn said...

wah~ cutenye dia~ hehe~ ;)

Sarazaqea said...

CUTE SANGAT (kalau boleh nak tulis font lagi besar sebab Excited). Put some more videos. You are sooooo adorable (=

akuvision said...

suka sangat lagu ni, siap jadik ringtone teman di hanset!. suka citer die ( MY Girl )

Unknown said...

hohoho...ramai yg jatuh gedebuk...eh salah.jatuh terkesima. hehehe

Jom beri pendapat: analisis survey kitar semula

Anonymous said...

now i have no doubt la before or after this if anony just give their 'stupid comment' on your blog..
because you are pretty enough to make them jealous..
and now u make me jealous too.

u cute seriously i hate haha.

Rafhan said...

Video ape ni Cik Nurul? Sy x dapat tgk la coz university sy blocked YouTube.. Adoi sedihnya.. Kempunan nak tgk video awek cun idaman ramai ni. hehe.. Kene tggu balik kampung la baru sy dpt tgk video ni.. (penantian satu penyeksaan)

Nurulbadiah Lai said...

mawar: thanks dear..

padel: kalu nurul buat movie pendek padel konfum kene tgok okey?

iamnerves: hahaha..jahat ko ckp aku gedik..hahahahah..peace

ezmaliza: thankss my girl..okeyy nti nurul buat lagikk

syasya: i miss u very much my sweet darling..miss our memories

Puteri Iqa Izyan said...

wee..comel + kiut ;D

Izzati Mustaza said...

sumpah comel oh sis!


haha untuk en.tikus yea ? -___-"

ingatkan ada cakap cakap kea,

*tersengih jea tengok video nie, keh keh

Anonymous said...

wow..u looked absolutely cute,darL..speechless sy..hee~ (n_n)v

amer|zhafran said...


mantop sis!!!


platipus said...

comel la awak ni nurul

alin said...

comel2!!! :)

cik manis said...

comell ! :)

Nazifa said...

mcm anak patung plak tgk real2.. ;)

cikyin said...

bijakk...bijak.. :)

Anonymous said...

jatuh cinta lagi..lagi lagi aku jatuh cinta..

kau terindah..

b.r.u.t.a.l.s.o.l.o said...

nurul asal rasa boleh heppi dan buat rasa ok... layan saja

notso_violet : seindah bunga seri pagi said...

haha gedik sgt! tapi comel lah awak. sangat adore ur cuteness :)

Wahidah said...

wah dh pandai wat video..ne yg kena tlg ajar ne..hehehe

nice one..:)

Bro Framestone said...

thank untuk kiss tue...

terbaik he...23x if dapat digayakan dgnbentuk tutorial lagi menarik...

pasti memberi faedah kepada semua

BroFramestone Blog
@ Sudi-sudikan melawati BroFramestone In D' House

zacky786 said...

waahh ~~ kamoo mmg cute.. :D

Arief Arf said...

nice video walaupun agak mengundang..
confirm ramai jatuh cinta kan?

Unknown said...

hehehe..comel je ek~

kalo yong..mampus segan nk wt video..hahhaa

muse said...

perghhhhh...first wa tgok belog nih.....tgok vid nih...perghhhhhhh...comel gilooo....tepaksa la wa follow belog nih....nyway....u too cute....keep smiling...

ceguzeha said...

hihiks tak lucah tak lucahhh

comel aje!^^

Unknown said...

bestnya kalau dapat jadi teddy bear rabbit tuh. HAHAHA (:

dayah said...

cantik! ingt kan tgh ckp. nk jgk dgr kak nurul berckp ala-ala lawyer. comel oke.
buat video lg kalo rajin.

Naz Al Yahya said...

nurul pun tau nurul comey :)
tu org tak bole nak sangkal..cz tht true :)

Mardhia Yusof said...

darjah berapa nih??
nmpak muda gila laa..hehe..;)

CahayaCintaIlahi said...

hakhak..cOmel laaa.. :))

sw33tdarling.com said...

canteq nya ko nii dikk.....! cute!

Anonymous said...

ini sudah comel nak mampus!aku nak jadik anak patung tu sebab boleh rase anak patung cium anak patung.comel nak mampus!

Nurulbadiah Lai said...

semua2 yang komen..thanks sgt2..nurul xsempat nak reply satu2..sorry ye..
rasa dihargai bila korang hargai apa yg nurul buat..
thanks i love u all:)

THE GREEN said...

salam nurul...

aduihh...malu pulak tgk... :->

maaf, sbnrnya xsampai hati nak kata nurul acting mcm budak2.. nak tgelak pun ada, tp tahan jugak la..

just 1 thing i like about your experience buat video sendiri..rasanya elok juga kalo buat video tutorial. xkisah la mengenai apa2 tajuk pun..rasanya followers lain mesti akan ada yg nak tgk and nak tau apa yg nurul nak sampaikan tu..lg bagus kalo nurul buat video secara lebih profesional..confirmed, lg ramai yg akan suka!!

anyway, its still a good way utk sampaikan mesej :-D

have fun, nurul!!

Razif Radzi said...

Lidah terkelu..
COmey macam baby..
Macam main cak cak dengan baby..

Anonymous said...

kak nurul memang mcm budak2..xsesuai ngn usia kak nurul..suke sgt sbb kak nurul mmg kecik molek comel.ina suka sgt..
tp ina tahu kak nurul mcm budak2 tp korang jgn terkejut sbb kakak ini ni garang even kiut2 pon..kan kak nurul?

u act like a girl but u think like i women..i know u very well kak nurul.sayang kakak.

hikhik..ina pon baca blog kak nurul..adore u siste

aibaks said...

keh3... mmg cute..

-Incek Fik- said...

Woww!!! Chuuuuuuuuuumeyyyyynyerrrrrr...
(18 harakat bagi menunjukkan akak Nurul ni comel tahap gaban)

Nanti meletop² arr orang nak serbu U-Tiup nak bukak video akak yang cute nie...


Cheno Zainordin said...

comelllll gile gilee comellll!
nak video tutorial pliss.hehe buat jugak! :P

..aKuBuKanKaMoO.. said...

siyes comey..=)

Bulan Purnama said...


Mardhihah Mat Ishak said...

pengsan!! soooo cooommmeeelll!!! :))


comel nyee die, gewam hihi
mmg sah video tade keje, kan?? haha

sab said...

omg! :)

b.r.u.t.a.l.s.o.l.o said...

apasal aku nengok sekali lagi nih

Rara Farah said...

aiyakkk...lagu nieyh....huhuhu....bestkn...never say goodbye..sis nmpak mcm lee da hae...hehe..cumel

cik amalyna said...

kaka comel sangat!!!
admire la nan kaka
nak lawa cm kaka bole ta T____T

Unknown said...

nurul !! comell sgt2 ! much2 love teheee =)

Syima Emi said...

ingat nak menari dangdut tadi..hihi...

alexayussida said...

dah dah penat gelak..kekeke:D
cumil sgt..tp kelakar...kekeke jgn mara yang..

satu yg saya pasan..nurul nmpk sgt2 lembut:D

Maisara said...

i watched for 3 times..still xpuas..my lil sister asyik suruh bukak this video nk tgok kaka cntik katenyer..
hey did u realized..muke u cam pelakon korea and mcm yang berlakon dalam drama puteri tu..nora danis kot?u cute like her..

emieysandra said...


Ayun Ayunar said...

Comell sgt222 sgt syg... <3

~~NuR nAzLiNa sAiMoN~~ said...

gile comey la u ni nurul...mcm nak buat tutorial pakai shawl pun ade gak video ni...hehehe...

asnidahani said...

comel nyeeeeeeeeee~ heee.. i x berani nak buat mcm ni taw..

Nadieya said...

kelaka plus(+)c0meyy lahh sys :D

aibaks said...

haha.. i'm here back.. sori.. i suke tgk video u..

hana said...

nak tgk jgk la.kat opis ney.kne block xbley tgk..uwaaa...balik nak tgk terus..hehe

Adeela Oh Lala said...

kak nurul. u mmg comel! :)

-telOrDibAsuh- said...

lucah la hahaha

asfira aminuddin said...

babe! u mmg comel sangat! sgt adorable. :)

btw, i follow u. :)

Mata Pena Fadz said...

comel + cantixxxxxxx.... : nurul badiah lai....
suke tgok video tuh....
igtkn nk nyanyi tdi...
hihihih..mcm baby gal flying kiss kt mama die....mmg cun!!!!

Mr. N said...

woi3...jgn puji3 lg...nnt ade org cemburu... HAHAHAHAHAHAH

ailin nilza said...

comel la sis...he...=)

izyan said...

comelnyer sis :)

lavender ungu said...

heheee...chumels...ske sgt tgk..buat sy tersenyum.. ^_^

Unknown said...

hehehe jgn la panggil encik saya becoz saya sebaya nurul jugak huhu xnak la tua huhu..ok thnkx coz accept wat isaid if my wrong i apologize ok keep go what good for u k..:)

Mawar Merah said...

Hihihi.. U r so cute la dik.. Stay cute n stay happy (^.^)

nadia farihah anuar said...

cumel sgt akak nie ! adehh ..

zetty napiah said...

hee , comel nye kakak ni ;)

Mimi said...


Peguam Bisaya said...

wahh!!! muka suci ni kak!! hihihi

SAM said...

Nurul. ketara bilik kamo messy giler...kesian roommate anda je? btw siapa rooomate kamu tu?? lol anyway, thumbs for tryin to make this video...craving for ur future video k

Yaya Maisarah said...

cute sgt video niee.. geram!! mcm patung plakk..
btw, geram giler giler bile tengok comment dkat u-tiub.. saba je la ea akak.. we'll never hurt u the way they does..