22 December 2010

oh la la..i love vintage style..

vintage style..?
why not? it never goes out of style..

unik but still fresh aite?

i love vintage fashion..it remind me of my mom..

ade nilai sentimental...

so..call me old-fashioned if u like..i dont mind..
i just love to wear it..

what about you?


IjenIjen said...

akak ni comel :)

Syafiq Rosli said...

u look so pretty

Mek Onie said...

cantek la sis :D

ieda Qema said...

chantek jer! xperlu ikut2 fesyen semasa pon kalo cantek is cantek lah kan?? heh!

Nisa Kay said...

i pon suke vintag :)
saya bantai aje pakai tshirt mak saya. ehhehe
handbag lama pon rembatttt.
ehhh nice handbag u got there :)

Siti Noraisyah said...

tetap comel gituu.. hehe.. ^^

myraVea said...

uhh..cumill sis syg! LOve it tooo *Wink*

eyqaaman said...

i love vintage..simple, tapi cukup wowwwwhh!!try laa bg tips utk pakai vintage pulak.. ;)

Cik Tqah said...

comel la dear..mane de old fashion pon

ejulz said...

styLo.. heHe

Gadish Lollipop said...

sys mmg comel !

♥NuR SyAFiQah♥ said...

me too...suke perabot vintage gk..cool gitu..hehe

Yuyu Zulaikha said...


Anisa said...

vintage style is awesome

u so pretty la nurul

FA.SA'A said...

canteq :) SANGAT !

Puteri Iqa Izyan said...

kak nurul pka nape2 pon mmg comey doh.. huhu

Iris Fleur said...

Cute yaw~ I love da dress :D

ieqa zulaica said...

yeahh .. me love the smell of vintage style too !

anassuhada said...

ohhh. sungguh cantik kakak ini ;)

OhShahiela said...

i like to wear it too. you gorgeous laa babe! hihi ;)

ara rara said...

i like your stylee..
nampak comel..

Halia Kentang @ Annpaan said...

comel la bju polkadot tue=)

Unknown said...

lawa n kiut!

Nazifa M.Zali said...

i loike dear.

fleura said...

setuju!vintage n retro fashion,mmg best!btw skirt polka dot tu comel la kak nurul.sy kene tggu krs br muat pki kot.huhu

Mr. Swift said...

kejap sape photographer eh?

SyahmiFikri said...

hohoh.. chantekkk...

2 jer.. hehehe

Ryna Tri Asmara said...

i love vintage style too ! :D but i'm more attracted to florals & lacey tops :)

cikk0dok.. said...

kamu cantek maaa....

shawl n skinny 2 cantek lorh..


Syamimi Supian said...

cantikkk! ;D saya pun suka style vintage..will never be out of date. kan kan? ;)

me suya said...

xde la dear.
u pakai ape pun still cun meh..
hehehe xde nyer old style ke ape.. dats y selalu ade org jeles ng u.. hehehe

zidEL zhafiz said...

kak nuruuuulll..nk photoshoot dgn kak nurul..huhuh!!!!

Ibu Ilyanie(s) said...

amik picca kat ne dik?? cam cantik je laut tuh..

p/s: gian nk berendam nih.. :D

Budak Kuat Nanges said...

chanteknye nurul :)

De' Nurul said...

i seram la yang nak pakai dress dress ni. ayu sangat nnt. hahaha

SukaHatiAkulah said...

sis...nyssa ade 1 dress cm nih..tp x pnh pakai..segan..huhuhu

Wahidah said...

aper2 pun fashion suit ngan u la dear..:)

tomatokering said...

sweet la drees up u . ok lah tuh . suke tengok ! :D

Cik Nathrah said...

yeah! this style suit u well sis! love it :)

zarifahmr said...

lawaaa..pulau ke tu??ehe cik nurul gojes as always lah kan tidak boleh tidak ;)

Anonymous said...

absolutely, i love it. my style=ur style =) pictures u ni sume kat queesnbay penang kan?^_^

SyafikahSodikin said...

sweet sgt. and nampak cool. btw, ni kat penang ke? :)

Anonymous said...

vintage itu unik..
ayna suka jugak..
vintage ceria..
x lapuk dek zaman..
peduli ape org ckp..
yg penting kte happy..

Unknown said...

alaaaaaaaaa. liya baru nak berjinak-jinak.

doakan liya berminat ek :)

saya_smart said...

u r sooo beautiful my dear!!!u paka mcm mane pon stil looks beautiful dear..i love u soo much!!mmuahxx

Unknown said...

pretty cunnestttttt!!!

-telOrDibAsuh- said...

telor suke selekeh style hehhee

Cloverush said...

I like it to0o0.. sgt bes kan..?? skarang asek cari style ni jee.. Love it!!

Anonymous said...

i love it too :)

dr haidar said...


my cousin pon ska vintage..
but just one thing..
peace sign kat mata tuh tak elok la nurul..
just want to let u know..;)


CIK CIRA said...

saya suka pakai ape2 je...hehe.... xda konsep pown =p

Syima Emi said...

sweeeeettttttttt :)

faradeeba rosnan said...

tkde mknenye old-fashioned.
sgt comel oke!


miza said...

terbaek la sis hehe comei2 huhu

fara said...

speak about vintage dear...
love it too!!
nice polka!!! :))

Halusinasi said...

wah...cantik2...ske stail ni...teringin nak pakai macam ni...tapi, tak tau nak jalan ke mana^^...hahaha

Huda Rahman said...

your look very nice dear :D

MuchuNadh said...

comel sgt :)

Queen M said...

akk amek gambau neh katne?mcm kat tepi QB je?huehue :))

Ainna Jalil said...

i love the handbag XOXO

Lyaa Suriany said...

i suka polka dot..

u gorgeous mcm biasa babe

miss smiley said...

u r cute!.=)

Nuruashia said...

luff ur style nurul =) skeee sgttt tgkk ur dressing.. cute..! keep it up.! =)

asfira aminuddin said...

u cantik sgt sayang! i suka ;)

hannafauzann said...

ouh kakak . kamu pakai apa pun tetap cantik! :D

Jerung Tempang said...

ni depan QB ke?? hehehe

Señorita Layla Zahara said...

kt penang ke nie?

yan_n.i.m said...

nice..! <3

farah said...

babe..kat ne nih?mcm kat penang je hehe bdw..uve been tag by me =)

alexayussida said...

same goes here sayang:)
tgh gila wat collection vintage punyer brg..hehe:)

tenkiu sbb doakan yus.
pening pala suda ngadap notes.

NaEl said...

wah wah cantik baju tu. kite suke vintage jgk. It never fades ;)

cEro said...

baju tu kena dgn ko, kena dgn design blog ni...

CikPuanMiera said...


nurshaf said...

wa..nice features..

Farahanis Waheda said...

sangat vintage . simple enough . cantik !

abc said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

alolo cantik dah tue, keh keh

Siti Nurazlinda said...

kak nurul mmg meletop.! suka cara kak nurul dress. :) nak blaja jugak. tapi masa belom mengizinkan. hehe.

liyanaziz said...

polka dots!!! love it!

lolitasinta polkapolkie said...

cyess !!!
nice laa sis !!

cikyin said...

hehhe cute nurul! :)

AIMAN said...

vintage but evergreen lorrrr.. nice =)

nerves said...

hey love
i just love you...
..love to see ur pic..
(ok...incik boipren..jgn marah ye..wa gurau je)

THE GREEN said...

salam nurul...

mcm2 style la nurul niiiii... :-D

honestly, your pics cheer me up pagi ni...

PendekarPetai said...

bkn kat kuala perlis... itu yg pasti k... hehe

Naz Al Yahya said...

comel. naz kena kuruskan badan...br bole bergaya like this. haha


you tetap comel laa syg =)

CahayaCintaIlahi said...

i lYke it tOO..i lYke ur style nurul..sO cute.. nurul..de tips tuk jadi kurus takk???

Unknown said...

siyesly...berapa keping baju yg nurul sarung ni -.-"

fathiah said...

prgghh... cantek r nurul... vintage.. erm..... make me some idea... tq ya :)

Myra Arshad said...

aww. i love vintage too :)

shazika said...

i got a vintage bag from my mum ^___^
i love vintage tooo...

BabiesMom said...

NURUL DEAR... come on la.. old fashion.. nopeeeeeeee u r not..

it really sweet,... it suit u dear.. wait a minute,.,. u r wearing PURPLE?????? OMG... thats y u look so CUTEEEEEEE

u know what.. this fashion really suitable for u.. because u r sweet sweet dolly.. not all can wear it CUTE like u dear...

if people said that old fashion.. its a big NO NO NO from me...

hey.. come to penang do roger me ok dear... XOXO from budak tembam ahahhah

Lia Hasty said...

i pun br nak berminat dgn baju2 vintage.
makeup & shoes ala2 vintage.
nak beli bju vintage & photoshoot kalau boleh.



#iwrite said...

cantik sangat sangat suka tengok..

ayulunera said...

wow....nampak macam pop yeh2....cantik2...

Mawar Merah said...

Ok je Nurul.. Polka dot itu cute.. (^.^)

eZmALiZa said...

homaigod!!!soooo cantik!!!!

i adore you once again sis nurul!!



Maizatul Akma said...

kak, nurul kite tag kak nurul join contest :)

jihajamil said...

i luvvv it too! vintage is awesome evendow its an old fashion...

Anonymous said...

suka tingu cik nurul dressup macam ni..

shafifi said...

cuke22 cangat,comel mcm nurul

Rebelle said...

i like vintage!
i like old school!

Unknown said...

cantik ^^

Fariza said...

wah. sudah lama x jenguk blog ni.
cntik !!!
love vintage too

Anonymous said...

i love vintage too :D
u pretty syg :)

Ullyanazaidy said...

sgt cntik!! :)

Ecah Shafiee said...

sis, never mind la vintage..skrg ni byk fashion lame2 di'upkan' balik kan.?janji masuk dgn diri kite..jgn lebey2 sudah..but it suits u sis..cute..

Anonymous said...

nice..like that outfit! ^_^

Afendi Othman said...

nice 2..cumel je

aQmam JaFFar said...


Mek Onie said...

sis entry bout u :D


PiNky@hEarT said...

cantik.. :)

tp sedih sbb nurul da buang sy dr list blog kat tepi tu.......

Nurulbadiah Lai said...

readers: thanks 4 de komen2..u all make me happy siyesly..actuall bukan berniat nk show off ke, bajet bagus ke ape..coz ade anon yg komen camtu..nurul just nk share sumtim ngn u all..alhamdulilah..ramai diantara u all yg still terima nurul..thnks sgt2.nurul terharu..

yg bertanya kat mana ni..kat penang..depan QB..HEHEH

dr haidar: thnks 4 de info & teguran..nurul dh g cek dh link tu..thnks dear..:)

pinky: sorry dear xde niat nk buang u dr list nurul..aritu nurul mmg ade buat amendment ngn bloglist nurul..tp bile nurul link balik..xsemua yg dapat nurul add link..ade separuh je..nurul xtahu kenapa..tibe2 die jdik camtu..pastu nurul pon biarkn je..nti nurul ade mase..tenet laju sikit..nurul akan add balik link2 u all k..
hope sape2 yg xde dlm bloglist nurul tu..jgn terasa..nurul xsengaja..sorry k dear..

love u all..

nurul bit bz..so ade mase..nurul b BW kt blog korang..

nurulbadiah Lai

Anonymous said...

Akk cute r pkai bju papep0n ....
u r s0 ice ... :)
vintage style p0n chantekk ....

sab said...

hee.yg penting. sab tertarik pada purple tuh. wee~

cntik my sis ni. haih. jeles sab nie. =,=

Rani Rashid said...

cantik baju :) nanti ambil gambar banyak lagi..suka tengok gambar nurul.

nanti singgah ke blog saya
terima kasih :)


Khumaera Ismail aka Mariam Ismail said...

nampak sgt chomel la dear.. =)

Noor Fatin said...

kat queensbay ke ni??

comelnya awak :)

syahassan said...

alolo..comeylll nye.. hehehe suke!!

Nazifa said...

so gojessss!

like ur handbag so muchhhh!
nak let go x? hehehehe....

Nur-Za Marlyana Mohd Kamal said...

i love vintage too kakak ! jgn lupe , org dulu2 jugak yg memantapkn fashion2 yg dh maju skang ni tau :P

M. said...

comel oh dye oh oh oh :)

vintage mmg comel and cun! english style cam uh. :)

lotsa <3 cimut

sarah mohamad said...

i do love vintage style :) macam humble gituuu :)

Syarafina Hamidun said...

love it dear!!!

Syarafina Hamidun said...

love it dear!!!

MIMIE AIZA said...

waaa.. mmg cantekk la :)

Cik Syafika said...

gojes :)

ღ TeRU²bOzUღ said...

rase macam nk komen sume entry sbb gorjeous sgt. huuu

I love the polka tops :)

adila zulkifli said...

wah..tempat ni pun smart2 :)


nice gle dress polka dot tue..jeles :D

Anonymous said...

haniey pn suka vintage..suka polka dot..kakak nmpak cantik sgt.. :)

SaSa said...

ni mcm dekat penang..pntai kne tambak yg depan queensbay tu jek..nice place..huhu...tp bau ikan kuat uh...

so btul ke ni kat penang nurul?huhu