30 January 2011

Fake Facebook guna pictures saya lagi!beware of faker!

salam..im back again!!..
Gosh had been really busy and exhausted for the past fews day..no time for blog ..
today bangun dengan malasnya terus online..tengok fb inbox..and guys..this is what i got..

somebody is stealing my pictures and created a fake fb using my pictures..gosh i feel like that somebody REALLY motherF..it happened to me twice before..and now ade lagik..

guys..please beware of faker..i guess this profile baru je dibuat since friend dia xramai lagi.

this is syakila Ramli Kila..faker of the day.haha.( i think u should try pergi audition raja lawak kot faker)

dia curi my pictures from blog..ade 5 album semuanya..damn!okey si faker u can steal my pictures but u cant steal my lover..:P


seriously tak tau nak cakap ape..i cant tell how exactly i feel now..nak marah pon xguna coz saya tak tahu sapa punyer kerja ni..but to the owner of this fake fb..beware! be very worry because if u wanna play and bitching bout me..you are dealing with a wrong babe i tell u!

this FAKER memang rajin betul..die remove semua watermark kat gambar2 yang dicuri..bukan satu..tapi semua dia remove..rajin giler kot..tapi xpe..usaha tangga kejayaan!!kan..kan..

enough with that..kalau saya tulis panjang2..konfum2 saya mencarut banyak2..be cool NurulBadiah..be a good girl dont post something dirty hahaha..
guys u never know how much i control myself to behave!

this fake fb really spoil my day..i really have no idea how long will this last but i need a hug.:(

p/s: thanks 4 reading this and if korang sudi..help me report abuse this fake fb..

p/s:somebody wonder camne saya leh tengok friend request fake fb tu..actually tu account saya la..saya bukak that fake account gune account saya la..could u see that ade "add as a friend"..so no need to wonder lagi okay..

p/s/s: thanks my readers yang selalu singgah and komen kat sini..saya hargai sangat2..sorry lama xpergi komen2 kat korang punyer blog sebab recently saya memang sangat busy..:)love u guys.


Aina said...

grrrr. tak ada muka sendiri ke nak curi-curi pic akak pulak . ish ish.

nurul rasya said...


Anisa Hang Tuah said...

waahhh,.kureng asam punye pompuann
nape mesti pakai foto org lain..
u r law student right?
sue her~~!!

-telOrDibAsuh- said...

ooo demmmmm..ade gak camni yerk...

Khumaera Ismail aka Mariam Ismail said...

OMG...ade lagi kes camnie? sbr ea cik bad..u ta try soal siasat ke tukang buat fb fake tu?

zun said...

wahh..faker tu look desperate gyle nak cari popularity kt fb smpai gune gmbar org laen..sabar ye sis..satu hari nnti die dpt blasan balek..

Anonymous said...

haishhh rajin gila dia kan amek gambar banyak2! tade kje ke hapeee!

i pun dah kena dua kali sis. sabar je la.

platipus said...

ada jugak manusia yg takda keje mcm ni

BeauTiFuLGirL said...

org nama kila mmg hampeh kot.. kan? kan? kan? :P

Siti Nurazlinda said...

mak aihh.! rajen bebenor dia kan kalau menipu.? kalau jumpa kasik pelempang je. hehe. saba ehh kak nurul.

Nazifa M.Zali said...

desperate sgt la tue dear.ahakss

Unknown said...

OWh pity u.. I think u should lodge a police report just in case la..
By the way I am ur new follower.
from http://enyusnizarmysmallworld.blogspot.com/

Have a nice day!!

saya_smart said...

saya gay

Anonymous said...

kila tu perminat u la kowt..that y la die amik semua pic u...
jadi idola sikila tu..
biasa la..mcm artis2 pn biasa mcm tu..amik gmbr wat profil pic..
mesti kila tu admire u gila2 kn.. :))

AH7 said...

awak saman je die tu....

Anonymous said...

macam ni punya perangai pun ada ke fakers ni ? -.-'

sabar lah ye, buat lah report ke kat mark zuckerberg. mungkin team dia akan tolong ke nanti.

last post : Apa sebenarnya yang berlaku di Mesir | What's happening in Egypt today

yanntulis said...

dia suka kat awak tu . hee , nak buat idol . tp da telampau obses pulak . report . saman ke

tomatokering said...

haishh ! ada jugak sampai macam tu sekali kan ! agak agak la . she knows yg sis cantek , dats why dia wat camtu . tak guna betul . huh
cool ea sis . tak ke mana orang camtu . :)

Mrdaha said...

Adeh.. kesian tul.. da banyak kali dah kena camni.. tu yang ko taw.. yang tak taw ntah camne la.. sabo jela yee..

fiqkbe said...

jahat nyer org tu! sesuka ati dia je.

Lia Hasty said...

wah geramnye i kalau jd kat i.
bukan 5 6 pic dia amek.
tp suma.
rajinnyer. diap buat folder lagi.
anyway perbuatan nie memang MELAMPAU sangat100x.
tapi awak banyak bersabar yer.
nasib baik dapat detect.
bnda2 camni selalu merosakkan mood.
tenangkan fikiran yer.


Mrdaha said...

Tp takpe la.. at least si faker tu sentiasa singgah blog ni utk curi gambar.. dapat traffic pe.. hahahaha!

fleura said...

come,come!i'll give u warmest hug ;')

Zeanne said...

erm..kena buat report fake profile lah kalau macam tu..sabar ye sis :)

Cik Ayu said...

watermark awak kecik sangat kot..senang "di"a nak remove...

ayietouch photography said...

ade jugok ke org gni???nim bru tau...kejut gok bace entri nim....x sangke ade jgk org gni....bhaye nggoh....nape ye nk auh....x bangge dgn diri sndiri lnsong....beng jd org ah org gitu...baek jd lmbu ke,kuba ke....leh gok berbakti kpd msyrkt...nim x,duk nyusoh ke org....ni ah kelemahan teknologi...sbr eh badiah...x kemane kalu org wat bnda2 jahat nim....

eZmALiZa said...


kak nurul!!!

sampai mcm tu sekali peminat kak nurul buat fb fake!

giler btol la minah tu...

kipas-susah-mati kak nurul la tuh...

hmmmmm........sabar ye kak! :)

Unknown said...

hurm..apa kata nurul blog kan atau report fb si fucker ni...nurul usha kat profile dia, pastuh klik button report fb..t fb dia kne block klo xsilap

*eh, faker lar xP

Unknown said...

p/s :: nah, http://camtaek-ei.blogspot.com/

Scorpio Warrior said...

sabar dear..dia tu xd pendirian, dia x cntik, dats y die buat cm2. jgn sedih2 ye. smile always~ u look cute when smile..

Mr. N said...

ssh giler jd org cantik ..hohoho.... agak2 lelaki kot yg gune tu

cik wanie Lovela (CWL) said...

sis saya ada bg tips kad inbox fb awak supaya owg xcury gambo kad blog lg..ok..

Anonymous said...


kebiasaan artis2 pun kena macam tu.
sabarlah, ni menunjukkan nurul pun di kalangan artis.

Hanis Azla said...

aduh.. tensionnya mcm tu.. sesuka hati aje nak guna hak org lain dan palsukan.. rendahnya budi pekerti..

zety said...

try la tegur sapa si faker tu.

♥nyeto89♥ said...

ish..bahaya nih...
tapi macam ngek jer faker nih
sume plak tu gmba sis die amik..ish2

♥nyeto89♥ said...

ish..bahaya nih...
tapi macam ngek jer faker nih
sume plak tu gmba sis die amik..ish2

Ain Tralala said...

ada jugak jenis mcm ni kan... kurang ajar.. sabar ye.. jom pakat abuse syakila Ramli Kila at fb...

Firdaus Shah said...

sy pun kna jgk.fb sy Firdaus Shah..faker tu Muhd Firdaus Shah....guna gmbr sy...sakit hati jgk ble kna mcm ni.


wah...ni memang penipu habis....

Annisa Prasetio said...

i've been there =.= a facebook account not using my photos but my email instead! even scarier T.T I'll tell you when post the story.

A~ said...

dear, u should go report kat fb admin before dia plak yg report kat fb admin kata u plak fake. bahaya lah. gilaaa aaa minah gila meroyan tu!
in terms of law plak, is there anything u can do?
take care.

Miss Sweet Tooth said...

maybe its ur secret admirer...huhuhu.. chill girl...

Paan Ovrtd said...

okay, ini gila.

soffea said...

Ya Allah.. nurul. rajin giler kot that faker siap buang semua watermark u. kalo curi satu picture takpe la jugak. ni?? semua kot.. mmg die sebok nak jd u la.. huhu~ kesian nya manusia macam ni kan. i feel so sympathy to her. huhu.

sabar yerp nurul. i da report this fake FB~ chill dear~

aydan said...

wohhh, keji gle makhlok tuhh. besaba hokehh! ;)

monsterz said...

yg selalu org nak buat faker FB ni suke amek gmbr org cantek..

pg la amek gambar org xcantik kat luar sane tu..kan belambak..

teringin sangat nak jadi org lain, syukur la dgn apa yg ade..

Naz Al Yahya said...

syg, sabar okey. faker2 ni jelesh kt u. byk sngt ni dia ambik gmbo. haiihh~ takot rasa...mcm2 kan dunia fb ni...faker belambak gler2.

mmg tht faker silap org ni nak main2, kang nnt nurul sue in court br tau.

syg, sbr okey...jz pray..Allah will punish that person.

MASTER TO BE 2015 said...

Simpati kat akak..Jahat punya Faker..Taruk la muka sendri..ni ngada2 curi gmbr org..Kejam tol..jahat!..eii..ade jgk manusia cmtu..Sabar ye kak ...

MASTER TO BE 2015 said...

Jahat punya faker...mencik tol! cian akak nurul..

Ryna Tri Asmara said...

omg. sudah la letak nama syakila ramli kila. confirm la orang tau dia poser kan. then born on 1990 pula. hahahaha~ tipu betul.

Adam Haiqal said...

dat is why adam set kan semua album eventhough profile pic album as private..:)

Anonymous said...

xde keje ke hape manusia ni

Arief Arf said...

takde keje dah tu..
report je..

Lyeanna Wana said...

nak saye buat entry supaye org ni kene block??
lex taw sis..wana pon ade spoilermood ari neh..mmg nk kne cucok dgn penyapu

Fairuz Zainal said...

dia jeles kak nurul dah glemer sgt. hohoo

Peraih udang dari Zimbabwe said...

Honest to God, I really hate this kind of people. Stealing other people identities and use it as theirs. They must be the most low self esteem people ever existed on the face of this planet!

Wahidah said...

dahsyat nya nurul..dh la fake..habis sumer gmbr2 almbum sumer gmbar nurul...aper lagi cik lawyer...selidik n kasi warning la itu syakila..:)

mr.k_boy said...

awatnya ramai org dengki kat u ni??
tu la...susah betul jadi org cantik..heheh^^
Tapi....kenapa dia x nak jadi dato' Siti????? kan ke dah mmg fofular...emmmm ( confuse )

Rara Farah said...

haha..nie namanya kak nak cepat ramai peminat nie...kunun2 pic tuh dye punyer..bajet la tuh...sabar ye kak..orang macam nie berlambak..wat malu kaum je

Huda Rahman said...

bykkan bersabar ea sis nurul :)

Siti Noraisyah said...

Yela Nurul.. SIti terus cari tadi nama "syakila Ramli Kila" ni kat FB tadi, jumpe! Siti dah pun report/abuse profile die.. hishhhh.. ni mesti keje peminat fanatik Nurul ni...

Unknown said...

Hahahaha,nak buat jugak lar fake fb untuk ur lover tu..hahahahah..nanti aku snap gambar dia bnyk2.. :P

Encik Psychopath said...

nampak sgt ade orang admire. hiks.

Anonymous said...

mesti owner blog tu yg sebenar2 nye xcantek kan..hampeh..mmg cari pasal la..


basically, the faker is a ninja. that's why he/she knows how to abuse your images notwithstanding you have marked it earlier.

bersabarla yer..hv a good day then...

Nisa Kay said...

heeeeeeeeeee nisa pon kena fake kat fb. siap guna nama sebenar lg tuh! huhuu
oke nnt nisa report this page.

Anonymous said...

hmm..saba la kak...xtau la ape motif..nak fames sngt..xboleh bla..

Alida Ali said...

Bahayanya klu org bt macam ni....org lawa mmg ramai org sukakn hehehe...

Anonymous said...

Xsgka ada jgk org buat krja xberfaedah mcm nih. huh!

Ekin Razly said...

i think normally byk berlaku laa benda camnih. so be careful biler nak letak pixca kiter sebab sesapa jek boleh copy paste kan.

WunnyNiwaa said...

sabarrrr ye sayangggg :) heheh kesian u kena layan sang fakers tu..

yan_n.i.m said...

wahhhh.. sape punyer kije la... konpem penganggur y tegar nih..! isk3..!

Aida Azryn said...

giler ah... berani benar curi gambo org len.. haish..

mira . said...

shes making you famous . :)
chill.one day ,things be revealed <3

sayaMastura said...

wah.. sabar jelah

bahaya btul lah.. erm..

Unknown said...

wah, banyaknya friend request. tak jadi nak add.

aishah said...

die cam xdek muka sndiri plakkn na ltk pic u..sbr keyhh yang...

Nurulbadiah Lai said...

readers and commentors..

thanks 4 de comment and support..
tulah..nurul sebenarnya bukan nak glamer ke apa..gambar2 kt dalam blog ni nurul post sbb tu mmg hobi nurul..kdang2 saja post nk buat koleksi..tp bila kene curi rasa gak sakit ati huhu..

thanks korang yang tolong report abuse fake fb tu..

korang jgn tertipu okey..my fb hanya NURULBADIAH lAI..Selain tu kalu ade gmbar saya..korang jangan percaya sebab tu adalah fake one..

thanks kepada pembaca and my new followers..love u all:)

Ct Kamila said...

rjin bebenor faker ni.. siap buang semua watermark.


Indah Mulya said...

faker2..peliks btol lah..kompleks btol makhluk spesis itu

Miss AZ said...

mmg peminat setia u ni nurul..
byk album lak tu.. adeh lah.. jd diri sendiri lah kan.. ok i report abuse.. :)

echah anak mashuri said...

cehhhh..siap buat album segala bagai..peminat misteriii akak kotttt..hehehee

dah buat wtermark pn kna gak.apela si peng fake ni.-_-...

sis!sori lame xdtg.line slow gila.ni pun berkali2 duk realod.sobsob

cik_HitaM puTih said...

bahaya ni.. i flw u

ezzah said...

agaknya da lama dia minat you tak cuma takut nak cakap. hehe. just kidding. tak de keje kot nak curik2, desprate ke dia sampai nak wat cmtu.sabar ea :)

eiyra said...

ntah2 die stalker sis...2y abes die wat cam2...gila r pny stalker....rlx keyh sis...maintain cuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!~

Nurul F. said...

jom report abuse reramai.
org ni memang nak kene la. sis be patience !

Mr. Swift said...


Tak tahu.

Kan dah cakap jadi lelaki bagus. Hem he. :p

Miss Meen said...

Hah !!! yang ney paling bahaya
Neyh kes jeles neyh !!
Uishh apalaaa mereka neyh xda keje nak buat keje
napa?? dgn gambar neyh mereka dapat j0b ker??
Tak da m0ral betul lagi...
Kita nak buat baik2...mereka neyh dublicate pulak isshhh geramnyaa !!!
Walaupun bukan aku tapi geram laaa m0rality l0w betul !!!

U ...tabah yaaa ..^_~

Hello World said...

hmmm memang rajin betul..tak keja dah nak buat tu...
kena letak 4 5 watermark kot..
try guna picasa

Puteri Iqa Izyan said...

woh.gile ghajin minoh tuh g buang se2 watermark..

sppangsess said...

dah jadi artis blogger... camtu le...peminat fanatik agaknya...

Ruzanna Rahman ~♥ said...

wah! faker.....jht2!

Ullyanazaidy said...

oMG sis....
abes sume die amek pic sis letak dlm fb tuh...
mmg xde identiti lgsung die tuh..
agaknyer die nk rase pemes kot....

saba k sis ...


itu tandanya sis glamour..
Tapi banyak jugak tu 5 album.
haishhh, org takda kerja, camtu lah jd..sabar ya..

Unknown said...

rajin betul die..jangan marah2 sis.. mintak la ramai2 report fake profile kat admin FB :)

aima in luv said...

sepandai2 tupai melompat,,, akhinya dpt tngkp jugak....
sbr ye sis

-ilhamArman- said...

aku xnak focus kat faker ni..
gambo ak nyebok dlm blog ko pn.. dia sental kata kawan dia.. sejak bila laa ak kawan ngan dak nm syakila ramli...xngaku dunia akhirat!..

aper pun ak nak focus kat frind request ko cik nuyul!!

based on 2nd picture...


-ilhamArman- said...

btw nuyul.. based on "IT"(dia xlayak nak diberi gelaran "HIS/HER") comments..

dia mmg kenal dgn mohd hanif anip(FB)!..
kekadang ak rasa dia ni laki!..

violetless said...

wat a jerk la muka sendiri takda agaknya..

amal said...

erk.. macam ni pun ada. seriously xde keje btul org ni...

tujuhhariseminggu said...

eheee... scary nye...

Nur-Za Marlyana Mohd Kamal said...

bia je kat die akak. nk buat cmne. kalo muke cntik, die pun nk muke cntik la. hehe

aLya maNip said...

ish..gile la pompoan nie. ciap buang watermark agie tu..huhu

umk store said...

That why many people said that dont upload ur pictures on FB. This is why. You'r lucky because she/he used ur original picture. Maybe someone else have used ur pic in overseas and they make some adjustment with adobe or whatever and place ur pictures at the billboard with ur face and sexy body or even worse. Happend to some overseas FB user. Moral of the story dont upload ur pictures. Maybe they already keep safe ur pic some where and u cant do anything. Dont play around if you dont want ur picture marked as " lonely hot asian please call.." on website which you do not know. SCARY HUH..

Liza Hashim said...

hi nurul.. im new follower of your blog.. be strong ok.. mungkin sebab u cantik sgt that's why this faker curi u nyer pic letak kt FB dia.. minta Allah beri dia petunjuk.. moga dia terima diri dia seadanya.. tk perlu nk curi gambar org lagi. salam ukhuwah dari saya.

Nurulbadiah Lai said...

thanks all yang tolong me report this profile..
i take this as pengajaran..mybe next time kena hati2 time upload gmbar..mybe saya nak disable right klik but still xpandai sgt..anybody yang tahu please help me..

thanks all..

btw ilham my capten class..anything happen aku serahkan this case pada ko k hehe

btw HK..WHAT U have said totally true..i take it as advice and next time..i should be more careful..:)

till again


lynnlola said...

hey sis cantik.masalah tol kan lau jd org cantik ni,sumer org nak jadi 'kite'. haha. akak laa,bukan lynn.btw,lynn tahu care nak disabled right klik.nnt lynn aja akak=)

nazirulhazwan~ said...

sape2 nak buat fake facebook den x??haha
chillex nurul, peminat ramai sgt tu.haha

❤Mrs. Myra❤ said...

whoaaa. .
speechless~ :/
be strong k sis ! :)

gaThisLimaNama said...

haha..lwak2...i da tgk da fb die...still ade lagi kot...haih ntahla manusia...myb kak badiah chnatek sgt thats y die amek sume pic akak...sob3

Anonymous said...

mcm mana u bole tgk dia punya friend request?

s u g a r p i e said...

how come u bole tgk brp banyak fake account tu punya friend request eh? just wonder*

FatimahNordin said...

wow ! penipu besar tuu. tah pape je amek gambo org. adoii~~

Marhaenonymous said...

nasib baik den x ensem dan femes jadi xdo laa org nak menyamar..selamat!!hehe

Nurulbadiah Lai said...

thanks all 4 de comment..

anon and sugarpie: thats my fb request..tu fwen request fb saya la okey..could u see that bile i buka that fake account die tulis add as a fwen..
try bukak ur pages..then u bukak la pages mana2 pon..u can see ur own request kn..:)

THE GREEN said...

salam nurul...

sorry 2 say this - ni la sbb knapa saya xbrapa suka letak muka sndiri dekat blog..kalo boleh tu, saya suka utk elakkan dr letak pics personal..

dekat fster or tagged or fb pun, saya akan letak gmbr2 yg xberapa ok..tu pun still xboleh jamin kalo2 ada pulak yg berkenan ambik n guna utk kepentingan peribadi n ngaku tu dia punyer...

yg suka ambik org punyer tu, xde rasa bsalah ker?? xsedar diri betul!!

Mr. Swift said...

Anon tu takde FB kut. HAHA.
Gurau je anon.

Afams Chan said...

Gosh, i think this will be too much if someone use our photo especially the real image of us and manipulate it for their own advantage. Lucky your sis had found out

I think the best is if you can put some watermark in the middle of your pic so that nobody can steal it anymore. Just my 2 cents

MK yorke said...

fuuhh, terkesima bila bace post nie. kene berhati2 ah lepas ni . tak pepasal kang org wat naye kt kite .
sabar kak nurul and bullshit tol faker tuh . *ops. mencarut lak *
be strong sis . be strong . kami ada untuk akak . HEE

Anonymous said...

sis~ muka da cantik..tp jgn la mencarut..erk..

adieha said...

ok. sy pon dah report abuse 'fake profile'. korang yg blom, buat la jgk. FB ni, kalo dpt byk sgt complaints utk 1-1 FB profile, baru la derang bertindak.

btw, td tgk wall dia.. rase geli la plak. siap perasan cute.. siap ngorat2 jantan. haih. euw geli. :))

Nurulbadiah Lai said...

thanks all..pada yang tolong report abuse..thanks sgt2 nurul hargai..

anon: sorry dik if sometimes my words tu nmpak kasar sgt..but thats they way i wrote but sorry for my words ya dik..:)

sniffa93_aznil4eva said...

knapa skarang makin menjd2 ouh benda ni..

baru2 ni my sista pun ada yg sebok nak curi. tp gambar semua taklah..cuma dia guna nama my sis.

belum penah terpikir yg ada org sama nama/ sebijik mcm ktaorg punya nama..sbb ejaan nama ktaorg complicated sikit.

btw, reportt2:)

bella said...

ish2..xde keje kn org cmni?saba yeh:)

bannie said...

jahatnye dia!!!!ni mst xbrsyukur dgn muka sendirik!

adventure mama said...

takotnyee...ade org psycho...hehe..tapi die mmg minat u sangat kot..hehe :P

eyna azmi said...

ada jugak orang jenis macam nie

shazika said...

ish3..sis gojes sgt..sbb tu dia pon nak gojes mcm sis..hehehe..

SyedGraphix Dot Com said...

oh sangatkejam.com! grrr..bengang plak rase

adila zulkifli said...

ouch,byk nye kes2 mcm ni kan.adeh susah tol..ish2.kesian sis.

alexayussida said...

agugugu,die siap bt album photoshoot oh,kekeke lemau betol faker tuh..
meh nk hug u syg!!im home d!

Areyoudys said...

as salam... lepas mni, bubuh watermark kat tengah2 pict kamu ya

Anonymous said...

wowww mmg rjin glerr...
plak tuh yg add beratus pending...

Mata Pena Fadz said...

bhaye..da dew pencuri mcm tuh...x agk2....sume skali die ngopi...uish2...sbr yew cik nurul....ttp kool..

RastaMat said...

usaha tangga kejayaan..

Tuan Penasihat said...

peminat kot yg buat camtu.


haha!!~~ abaikan jer kan!! public figure mmg cenggitu kan!! kan!!~~ sobawwww ye manissss

Kalo free meh ler singgah my blog....klik je link ini --> mummylovers blog

Suhana Ramly said...

haha! kalu sye sye malu.. huhu,,gne gmbr org.. siap ngan nme album 'it's me syakila ramli'

Suhana Ramly said...

rajinnyer dye save sumer gmbr sis.. -,-'