09 April 2011

you have to know WHAT I DID LAST FRIDAY haha..

hye guys..
tajuk entry macam nak minta penampor..padahal benda nye xde pape pon..
Friday is a public holiday..yahuu...so time tu lah saya boleh ber-enjoy sakan..nak wat camne..nak pergi clubbing..club xde kat terengganu..pastu takoot Tuhan marah..hee..

every weekend i had..

basically spending my time very not wisely.(i really mean it)..so omg since i have nothing to blog about and i only have pictures from photoshoot last Friday so there it goes lah hehe..

pictures credit to Garage Poklie

u never know how much i appreciate nature..

masyaallah..this is so beautiful..i mean.. that lalang and sky..

If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it..

This is me..looking stupid wtf..quote my liltle bro..

nah..old version..

purpose of this stupid entry?

I want YOU to share my happiness.
I want YOU to be know that I'm still alive
i want YOU to know that I've got plenty of pictures to post up.
i want YOU to know that i have no idea to blog about
I also want you to know that I'm stopping this want-you-to-know-issue because this is getting lame lol..

bye..thanks 4 reading this..


Azariah Kamis said...

cntik sngt pmndangn kt situ...
nurul pon cntik gak...

Anonymous said...

cantik sgt2!!! n u too sis.. :)

Cik Nathrah said...

cantikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk sgt! heheheh. sesuai dn attire sis

Mek Onie said...

kakak! sukooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....hehe :)

misz nana said...

comel sis..

cik wanie Lovela (CWL) said...

sayang akak sgt2 ...cantil lah baju nak!

Lyeanna Wana said...

geramnya. lawa betul background dye..
btw, yes. finally u update!!

soffea said...

nurul.. bestnye photoshoot dear.. n seriously, i dpt rasa kehappy-an u :) be happy always dear. jom photoshoot same2. hehe.

Noor FazLiena said...

nice pic sis..:)

PinKy MoMMa said...

kat mana ni nurul?
sooooooo beauty okeh ;)

ke sbb model tu dh mmg beauty ni ;)
so amik kt ner pun nmpak cntik je..

Anonymous said...

waaaaa...cantiknye pic...
org nye op kos la
,,ni kmeraman yg sama tu ke? terer la

Budak Kampung said...

nice pictures=)

Wawa Abdullah said...

nice view + nice pic la sis..cantek!! :D

Rahmah IsMe said...

cantik nye kamu :)
luv u style :)

cik wanie Lovela (CWL) said...

akk sayang tgu entry sal akak tau...akak punya lagi meletop wani wat!

isma said...

I love most the 2nd and 3rd pic.combination of lalang n sky sooo perfect!!

Ifa Young said...

nurul cantik la tempat ni..kat mane ning??

cik bihah said...

last pict sangat sweettt

ruby zaizi said...

cantik sangat!! ^^

eLLa said...

suker gmbr lasttt

istikharah cinta said...

bkn lalang n sky je yg cntik..orgnye pon cntik..full mark 4 u..hehehe :)

Unknown said...

seyesssssssssss lawa... pakai apa pun nurul tetap lawa..

HaFizaH aYu said...

luv all da pix...cantik sgt2

Unknown said...

lens tu nampak cam kotor. perasan x? huhu

Aida said...

nice pic...saya sangat jeles ngan dyer...cos kebnyakkn pic dyer semua cantik2

Zue Sancer said...

kak nurul yg comel!!tak sgke akak komen kat blog zue!!1nak gtahu zue da hbis stalker entry akak sampai dari first akak brblogging hhe...comey2 gambar :) nice to know u kak....

eZmALiZa said...

OMG! pretty damn much...

kak nurul, lame xdtg blog kite kan?

LuLuLaLaLengLeng said...


Nursyahira izzati Ngadimon said...

woaaa ! akk comel sgtt ,
allahuakbar. cantik pemandangan tuu :)

ishiko said...

ahh... seronok nye.. nk lompat2 gak laa~

ieyka dinda said...

kaka nurul cntek..:)
pic no2 n no3 tuh siyes cantek..lalang2 n sky..subhanallah..:)

Unknown said...

saya dtg sini mmg nak tengok gambar aje punnnn...

and ur sweetest words tooo.hehe

Emilia Emira said...

love the place..seyes cantekk!

zanox said...

wah...lapangnya..kat mane shoot ni?

Jenguk blog saye jugak ye : Suka suki by zanox

Homemade by zanox

Ayuni said...

you are so beautiful!

iwan de la roc said...

yes.. just be yourself n happy.

anyway, saya di blog baru sebab blog lama dah kena malware attack.

feel free to visit ya

anis said...

suke dress akak. comel!
secomel si pemakainye.. ^_^

Indah Mulya said...

i adore the pics lah kak!cantek cam bese! n u looked happy in the 1st pic!niceee

sabrina said...

wah cantiklah akak nie..
posing sume cntek2...

.... said...

awk cantik nurulbadiah! ^^

pink said...

I laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaveeeeeee your photos ! Superb la sys :D

Nurulbadiah Lai said...

hye darlings..

thanks 4 de comment..

actually tempat ni somewhere dekat terengganu..dipesisir pntai..
memang cantik kalah oversea..hehehe

thanks 4 reading this

Syafiq Rosli said...


Anonymous said...

wah....kat maner ni??ske la tgk awk pkai tudung mcm ni,jarang-jarang nampak...

Anonymous said...

wah....kat maner ni??ske la tgk awk pkai tudung mcm ni,jarang-jarang nampak...

Yuyu Zulaikha said...

lawa nyaaaaa my chantekk ni!!!

ehh tak leh jadiii! nak jumpe la cenggini!


Pycah Abd Rahim said...

cantik la tempat tu . kat mana ni ?

alexayussida said...

cantiknyeee tempat tuh..^^

psst tak gatai ka?kekeke

i miss u sayang..makin berseri seri..seri pengantin ka?heee

mmuahh muuuahhh

shanas ishak said...

memang lawa la.. akak cantik plus tempat mcm oversea!

EmmaAkma said...

cantik nye...nmpak cam tol2 happy..

Anonymous said...

cntiknya tmpt ni! kt mana ni? selalu nk snap pic dkt tmpt byk lalang cntik!

btw, kakak pun cantikkkkkkkkk sgt :P

Ryna Tri Asmara said...

the blue skies looks soooo nice against your yellow outfits :)

Aina said...

background awesome !
Cantik sangat dengan awan biru. Lalang-lalang tu. Permandangan infiniti. Ditambah pulak dengan model cantik. Perfect :)

Izyan Masri said...


Izyan Masri said...


Mata Pena Fadz said...

comelnye + cantiknye...ayunye = nurul

cikk farah said...

canteknyee tempat tu .. nakk g jugak .. ta ajak pun .. huhu ..hee ~ lawa laa kaka .. cun laa .. :)

PiNky@hEarT said...

everything is superb!! =)

LittleGurl said...

OMG!akak nampak hot gile. Yellow and red is really suited u dear..

nazirulhazwan~ said...

bile wes kite nak photoshoot sesame:P


hahahaha kelakar gila lompat.. lain kali jgnlah buat perangai cenggitu..

Ecah Shafiee said...

makin cantik..

syira said...

cantekk!!u cantik nature pun cantek!due2 cantek..anyway shoot kat mane ni..the view so beautiful!=)

Akak Kembang said...

sangat comey Cik Peguam ni ek :)

aNa said...


Amy Syahirah said...

perrgghhh !! cntik giler sis !!

Fareha Rahmat (Bos Besar) said...

cerianya gambo dia huhuhu

Miss AZ said...

cantik sangatttttttt..
semuanya cantik.. lawa lah tempat tu :)

amier azrul alias said...

plus nature pon cntik..
kt mne oo

Siti Hanizah Sahar said...

cantek giler!!!..

nak gak follow g photoshoot..hehhehe..

just kidding...=)

Fariza Othman said...


Schubert Serenade said...


haniem buntal said...

nice pix aka. aka cumil. !! :D

Anonymous said...

kat area kuala trg ke ni sis??nk pergi jgk..hehehe

Rosmarieza said...


Nurulbadiah Lai said...

thanks korang..

thanks 4 reading this..
tempat ni somewhere kat trg..mmg tantekk sgt2:)

Ayun Ayunar said...

Looking gorgeous syg! Sampai hari ape kat KL? senyap jer :(

mimmarazaq said...

kat mne tempat nie???...nice sangat-sangat....

Salam Ziarah
mey join "moment to be remember Giveaway" mima||

Anonymous said...

ok, jeles ada bf suke tukang tgkp gambar.

bf akak, baru 8kali suh tangkap gambar akak dah start buat muke bosan....

sungguh, ceshhh????

ok, kita clash!

nak carik bf sorang rajin tgkp pix akak.


bf nurul kan yg jd photographer sumer nih? ke bukan?? errr....

Eliana Althafunnisa said...

dear..tganu ktner????
siyes chantek sgt2...

Eliana Althafunnisa said...

dear..tganu ktner????
siyes chantek sgt2...

Zya Amalis said...

SUBHANAALLAH, ciptaan ALLAH...cantik...i do love nature too akak...n also love u...hak3x...gewddix lak ase...