ni beberape hari lepas..kitaorang ade photoshoot untuk our firm..Rajlee & co..kire nak ambik gambar letak kat dalam profile our firm la..yang aku panas hati nye..dah cakap pakai black and white..boleh pulak si Lim ni pegi tibai kaler biru..Lim..Lim..mujur ko pandai even ko ni nerd..hahaha..
ingat senang nak jadik lawyer yang pro..muke pon kena pro gak la der..kalu x..xde sape nak upah ko handle kes adalah gambar2 pro yang kami snap..hahaha..

bab kate si syukor..muke kene serius der..hahaha..aku tgok si Raj yang kat depan tu dah mcm pembunuh upahan..pastu kate si aida partner aku..muke lawyer memang kena mcm ni erk?ntah..aku pon xtahu..

tengah syok2 ambik gambar..tibe2 dari berlima..tinggal berempat je..Raj mane..aku tnye die..nape ko xde dlm gambar ni Raj ni ckp..aku ade je lah wei..ko xnampak..ko mmg xperasan aku sebab ko perasan ko hot..cilakak nye Raj..Mentang2 Firm ni NAME KO KAT DEPAN2 YE..

gaye model mesti kene ade der..baru la hot..aku refer ape yang Raj ckp..aku perasan hot..xpe la..alang2 ko ckp aku prasan..meh aku kasi lagi hot...

ambik gambar dekat ala-ala taman..kena la mesra alam..ambik hati flora kat situ(aku tahu kat dlm hati ko syukor sumpah seranah kat aku..giler nyer nurul..sempat lagi) aku tahu ko syg aku cuko..

ni hah..cop mohor aku..aku dah ade ni..ekau ade?ade??xde kan...hahaha..
p/s: i work harder to be what i am today..
ni nak bela org ke nak pukul org???hehehe nice picture...terbayekkk!!!
cayalah kak..hehe..=)
wah dh jdik lawyer eh.congrates:)
Hai cik peguam yg chantek...Hehe...
Rasa takut plak nak komen kat sini...Huhu...
(Kang cik Nurul Badariah saman saya pulak...)
Thanks eh sudi singgah di Poet Dusun Bayu...
Kalau sudi singgah la lagi...
Saya alu-alukan...hehe...
nanti kalau En.Tikus nak pakai peguam. Boleh lah En.Tikus call miss nurul ek ? ;P
best2..ade cap mohor! :D
congratez awk!!!:))
p/s : jgn lupe follow kte ek...:P
wewit...awek lawyer...leh lina upah handle kes lina?hehehehe...
God will help u if u try
and u can if u think u can :)
u mmg hot dear...i like..
waa....kakak mmg hawt oke. santekk :0
eh yunk..kalo ade kes kucing mati kena langgar aku roger² ko erk...hahaaaa
Congratulation! =) dah jadi peguam, kena tegakkan keadilan dan saksama k.. =D keep good work..
rafiq stakat ni cop pelempang tgn kanan kiri kuasa degil da la...hahahahaha..professional 2 cop 2.....sejak dr kecik dh dpt :)
by the way, tahniah sbb dpt cop 2...nice n have fun with ur work ok....
nurul ;)
cantiknye sume pictures tu. nti i nak amek u la handle kes i k?
ewahh~ tibe2 je.kes ape pon tak tau. ape kes? hehe.
x ajak nk wat photoshoot.kalau x ilang gak bosan leyh g shoot nururl
Semoga menjadi peguam yang adil dan saksama..
gila lah. cap mohor mahal tu. congrats girl ;)
i love u :))
cantek la lawyer zmn skrg .
mesti ramai yang suka kena saman
sebab ley upah lawyer cantek.
cop mohor tu best. nnt zama cr nurul kalo ade pape jd. bole jd peguambela utk zama. hihi
thanks coz visited my blog..
wewitt, lawyer skrg cun eh, dh xnmpak garang~ hehe..
btol r, mamat tu menspoilkan gambar, bleh lak pakai bju biru~
btw,i already told the steps to answer the iQ test on fb, feel free to visit back my entry.. hehe~
-sori xmantap mcm lawyer, duibuqi~
lawyer yang berjaya , saya takde cap mohor tu lah ., huhu . tp insya allah sy ad pgkt IR
tahniah berjaya menyandang gelaran peguam..
ala, nanti picture tuh dier black & white kan la. sebab tuh x kesah pakai kaler biru tuh. :P
lawyer, interesting job.. keep it up... sok2 bukak firm sndiri beb
hi thanks for dropping my blog. I just wanna say cantik nya! you are not only pretty but prettier hehehe. Thanks just added u in my link list u can add me too if u care.
stylo gak ar gambar company profile tu.
tapi betul la.
lim tu buat slack la.
ganas sikit la derrrr
comel. comel. haha. tu je nk komen.
nk jd lawyer tp x kesampaian. sobssss. T____T
Hi..thankx for following my hezancinta blog ya..u keep on blogging sweet gurl and go grab ur dreams....:)
cantik n comei jer...
neway nak say tq for visiting ma page last time. Glad to hear ur comment n happy it help some ppl like u. :D
good for you miss nurul
Wowww salute sama cik lawyer yang cantik manis :)
PojiePooh Abdullah
jumpa lawyer camni, tuk hakim pon kecut perut
jom bukak pose kat shah alam
thanks kwn2 sume yang doakan nurul..
nurul love u all..thanks 4 that...much love..
actually nurul x officially lawyer lagi..xboleh practice lagi..
nurul tunggu finish study dulu lagi 2 bulan..pastu..hurayyyy...........i can do chambering n be a lawyer..kwn2 doakan nurul ye..
p/s: psl cop tu..untuk nurul nyer professional practice subject..kmi last sem kene bentuk firm jgn salah sngka ye..nurul belum jdik lawyer lagi..hehehe
thanks u all..muahhhxxxxxxxxxxxx..
sy baru blajo bisnes cyber law.. tu pon pening.. hahaha.. all the best yer :D
sumpah kelakar dengan keberlagakan ko ni. btw, muke ko cam sembab. sape la teringin nak amek gambar ko ni. gile malu.
an0y si adie.
Keberlagakan aku?blog ak ikt suka hti ak la is just a blog which i blog what i want t0 blog..n0 biggies :)
hahaha.. bongok kau nuyul...
xleh blah kata2 ko.. mmg menusuk kalbu...
tp lee too struggle untuk jadi serius.. ko harus faham.. dia kan ssh nak serius... he is a kind n generous guy.. :)))..
thanx for uploading our pic in ur blog.. :P.
to ADIE:..
please laa bro.. if u dont know us.. please don't judge us laa... kami mmg gila2 mcm ni.. if u want to know more.. come n join us lepaking.. for sure u will know how we react... this is us.. we don't want to change that fact laa.. xnak pakai topeng!..
p/s:org dlm pic too.. hahaha...
hahaha. naem kenal raj sis! kitorang shooting under unifilm aritu same2!=D
i'm proud wit u :))
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