bercakap pasal cita2 ni..korang sume harus tahu,.cita2 aku dari dulu nak jadi lawyer..even banyak mana pon aku bertukar tetap lawyer was my desired!!aku rase jadik lawyer ni cool..coz be a law student for me..never have to worry about looking cool or acting cool..because we just cool and have no time to think about how to be cool..
study law ni..bagi aku susah jugak la sebab aku memang malas study..kaki ponteng, kaki malas, kaki hantar lambat esaimen.kaki dtg lambat kelas..sekali kaki2 yang buruk memang aku la tu..:P
after several years in law last..kami akan graduate soon..cant wait la..guys..enjoy the pictures yeah..its our class photoshoot..awesome!!believe me..
i really love lawyers dress code sebab giler awesome..hahaha..cakaplah nak cakap apa proud with the way i am..hehehe
P/S: it is so wonderful when people label u as beauty with kalau diberi pilihan between beauty and brain..i definitely choose brain 1st!!
For all the blessing..Alhamdulillah:)
p/s/s: readers..sorry if i didnt approve u all kat fb because i have about 500 request in option..just go and like my blog fans pages and u can chat with me there..tq for all ur support.
mcm penah nmpak la...time ni kat fwb ke?
girl yg amek law mmg slalu cun2 kn..
excited nak keje eh?
wahhh..nampak professional. cantik gambar2 :)
"girl yg amek law mmg slalu cun2 kn..
-sokong statement ini, lebih2 lagi yang dari UUM..haha-
wahhh biar toi ni cemua bakal2 hot2 lawyer.. cun nyer.. u alls like women got brain n beauty.. chaiyok
alhamdulillah...mudah mudahan cepat ko jadi lawyer yunk..amin..amin..
salam nurul...
all the best & good luck!
lepas ni jadilah peguam yg baik2
sangat jeles sebab x berkesempatan nak amek law sebab BI 3b! haish! all the best sis!
nuyul: hahaha.. u put dat pic...
terharu sei!!.. hahaha... laugh n fun together and i'm lovin it..
aper pun nanti kita amik pic sengal lg.. semalam men futsal apsal la balik awal.. kalau x, leh laa menggila la.. hak3..
Nice photos .. enjoying the photo much more than the entry written ... :)
yu. leh yu jadi loyar ai la nanti..
free of cas ok..nanti senang ai nak seludup dadah..jadi bapak ayam, rogol janda, main laga ayam, curi rim keta evo budak cina belakang sekolah tamil..yu sudi jadi loyer ai?
Good luck ya babe! ;)
Tumpang hepi for you.
Cepat cepat keja ye.
1st time zama loves lawyers ! suke tgk ur style :D
cayalah UUM
cantik la semua gambar ! :D
law, 1 of my choice. jeles tgk gamba2 ney hee
sis nurul..
im your junior kat uum..kakak nurul mmg cantik sgt..sumpah kakak cun giler.suka tgok kakak dress up.kakak bercakap..kakak jalan.sume saya minat..
kalau kakak nk tahu..time kakak jalan nak pergi mkn kat cengkih kan..saya selalu usha kakak..
kalu kwn2 sy nampak kakak..cepat2 dia ckp..kakak comel dah lalu..setiap hari isnin kakak abes clas kul 11 pagi kn..time tu mesti sy xsabar2 nk terserempak ngn nak jadikan kakak idola sy..kakak cantik . kakak cool .kakak xsombong plus kakak mmg student law yang hot giler..
1st time tgok kakak n tahu kakak senior sy..happy sgt tp saya malu nak tegur kakak sbb kakak cantik..
sy ingat kakak sombong tp xsangka time kat toilet terserempak ngn kakak..kakak senyum kat sy n tnya..adik ni budak law kn??
kakak mesti xingat saya kn tp kakak tahu x..saya heppy giler sbb senior sy yng cntik giler tegur saya dulu..
kakak so proud of u!!
u rock baby!!nurul u are super awesome!!indeed
btw.i just ur silent readers..
awak adalah lawyer yg comellll. sangat. hehehe
hye nurul...
u r da lawyer yg sgt gojes n hot!
tabik spring toing2 kat lawyer muda ni... :)
uhuhu.. nt november.. lau free2.. jom hang out.. nk ajak nurul bershopping.. ehehe..
u go girl..make ur mum n late grandma proud..
jadi lawyer aku la.. mana tau kot2 ada orang nak saman aku, hang backup aku tau! ahaha
lawa bergambar iya.
sekejapnya lah masa berlalu. dah nak graduate dah pun ;)
sangat cantik.. ;)
hope dpt jadi lawyer yg the best!!
hakim nampak..teros setuju with ur statement!!
u r chantekkk!! erk?belum lagi la..hahahha..kesian2..eleh..setakat blajar law..kat UUM tu..xyah nak bangga2 la..nak belajar oversea erk?xde duit erk?poor girl..xpe la..aku mitak maaf la ejek ko least..ko dapat gak jdik lawyer kan(eh belum lg la)wakakaka
i dlu masa study kat Uitm, mmg slalu lepak nga bdk2 law. maklumla..i bdk biz.ktorg biz n law share a same building kat Uitm ramai gak kwn bdk2 law.honestly, i respect bdk2 law wpun diakui yg setengah2 geng lawa ni poyo. but,no offense la..bdk2 lain pon sama kan..but i'm happy with bdk2 law..hehehe
Goodluck then..arap dpt jadi lwayer yg jujur dan amanah
akak you mmg cantik cantik cantik cantik cantikkkkkkkkkkkk sangattttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!
akak you mmg cantik cantik cantik cantik cantikkkkkkkkkkkk sangattttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!
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