09 November 2011

my engagement day:PART 1

dear readers..
as i promised..
here the pictures on my engagement day..
just the simple one..

my own mini pelamin..decorated by me and amir..
baju pon tempah sendiri..
make up pon sendiri..simple je..so no wonder ramai yang tegur my face nampak so pucat..
but after all..Thanks God for all the blessings..

nah the pictures..take and appreciate it..hehe

hope u preoccupied..
the simple me..


amir's mom.

thankful enuf

i feel beautiful..


me and amir(who desperately want to be mention haha)

u can count on me like one two three i be there...

and i know when i need u i can count on u like four three two u be there..

Thanks Garage poklie for this photo

amir's nieces

my bff yg banyak giler tolong my majlis..

me with my beautiful young lawyer yang beloom lagi berpunyer hehehe..

with my boy and my girl ira..

Thanks Ira coz u datang awal and tolong betulkan tudung kita..


wait for de second part..
nape second part ??
coz ade buat outdoor jugak..
aduh lelebeh kan!!

Thanks for reading this..


hani said...

wowww..dah lame tak bukak blog bukak2 tup tup you're engaged!!
congratulations :)
n u look soo cantek lah as usual.
takpayah make up sgt pon lawa natural beauty kan. anyways, semoga berkekalan n congrats again :))

idafirdausi said...

seriuosly comel!! congratulations dear.. tak sabar nk tunggu the 2nd part! :)

Isyraq said...

congrats... nanti kahwin jangan lupa jemput yupp...

Cik Zety said...

Finally, u dah bertunang. diam2 je kan. hehe, im happy for u as ur reader. suka sgt tgk perkembangan life you. wish u happy bersama yg tersayang :) amin


congrats! you look so beautiful dear :)

Niza Romli said...

selamat bertunang :)

Niza Romli said...

selamat bertunang :)

a said...

congrats alhamdulillah!:) less is more and u look cantik sangat=D may Allah bless you both inshaallah n cepat2 naik pelamin:)

nyna amani said...

congrate kak nurul! :)

y i e n said...

u engaged bape aribln? i sminggu before raya haji, tema pink jugaq, hehehe~~

neways congrats for ur engagement~~
baju adalah sgt chanteq :)

Admin said...

congrates cik nurul dan tunang..semoga melayari alam pertunangan dengan penuh sabar..ye la kan bak kata org tunang ni byk dugaan n cabaran nya

maisarah sarah said...

wah comel ^_^

NuR IzZaTi said...

tahniah!! sweet sangat! ^_^

PinKy MoMMa said...

adik cantik..tahniahhh ;)

makan nasi minyak jgn lupa jemput ye hehehe..manis dalam warna pink itu...ai loikeee..

Mila Ahmad said...

cantik, congrate nurul!

yqnq ellyana said...

tahniah kak Nurul..awak sgt2 comel tau..btw,Tahniah ^^

jemput singah blog yana jugak

updated !
kelas mekap tipu2..hihihi

Khumaera Ismail aka Mariam Ismail said...

suke-suke-suke. entry yg sgt ditungu2. tahniah dear nurul! comey bangat tau...kad kawen jgn lupe pos ye.hihi~ =)

tomatokering said...

congrates kak nurul ! u r really2 beautiful !! hope kekal sampai bila2..nanti jangan lupa jemput kita oke ^^

ieda wahida said...

simple tapi cantik..love pink!(^,^)
waiting for second part(",)

FR said...

Congrats akak ^^
akak nmpak sweet sgt, tmbah2 pakai pink pulak . hihihi.
cepat2 update 2nd part ye :)

mira moshi said...

tahniah kak nurul, btw akk cantik sgt :)

oshin-jamel said...

tahniah nurul :)

Sue Izza said...

tahniah nurul...semoga kekal ke akhir hayat dan sentiasa di berkati Allah cinta kalian...

Pn.Ibu said...

congrats dear ;p

abby said...

congrats nurul! wah, darah manis skrg ni :)

Azizah green line said...

sis! u look gorjess!! im happy for u..congratz sis :)

Ezzattie said...

woa! selamat berbahagia akak ^.^

Zuliana Harun said...

sis... super duper cantik.. tahniah.. nanti kahwin jemput la kita... :))

rockyroshi said...

hi dear. congrats. and you're looking soooooo stunning! tahniah again. and make it quick for wedding. good luck!

Aini Azman said...

simple tpi cantik sgt sis,.suke,.=))

Citrus Azwa said...

congratulations...:) follow awk..;)

Anonymous said...

owh. melepas la saya! hehehehe =) anyway congrats kak nurul! u r stunning like always, no wonder ramai yg minat akak but best men win rite?

-zara bakar-

nooghulegha said...

tahniah kak nurul >.<

Wahidah said...

Congrats on ur engagement dear..selamat menempuhi alam pertunangan nurul..

Cik Puan Tqah said...

congrats dear..semoga kekal ke akhir hayat :)

Naz Al Yahya said...

congrats dear for ur engagement.

shuhadah Zainol said...

gorjes sgt !!

Leya said...

congrats sis :DD

Unknown said...

now learn to be a great and good fiancee pulak..
gud luck dear.

amiera said...

aduh..ptutlah lame nak tunggu nurul update blog..rupenye bz..^_^ tahniah nurul, natural tu lg cntik..^_*

Cik Asma BLuppy said...


Judiene said...

Congratulation Cik Nurul Badiah on your engagement.
Semoga cepat ke jinjang pelamin.
I wish the longest happiness to both of you.


~ NANA ~ said...

congrats! :)

cikgu said...

waahh..nurul syg dah tunang..tahniah ek..manis..:)

Cik NuNu said...

congratz on ur engagement.. pink make u sweet la.. ;)

Mek Onie said...

wah akak dah tunang?tahniah kak nurul! really2 miss u sis :'(

fara said...

cantiknyee..baby pink...:) congrats!!!

Unknown said...

tahniah....semoga berkekalan hendaknya.....

FaiZaH Fyn said...


Mata Pena Fadz said...

congrate dear :)
fadz tumpg hapy...cpat2 kawin..
coz lamer2 tunang byk dugaan ...~
im happy for u...

misyamissyou said...

aww..sangat cantik kak! xsabar nk tgk gmbar wedding plak ni ^^

Sya said...

wow! mcm artis lah.. hakhak. one word, beautiful! you are so beautiful & sweet ;)

Nuruashia said...

alahaiiii simple pon da superb cenggini.........cpt2 update second part ehh..kalo before isnin ni..hehehehe..sbb isnin nuru da nk blek umah sewa..da xleh on9 uhhuh...

Anonymous said...

wahh..kak badiah :) congratzzzz

starzieti said...

cantiknyee kak nurul ! :D

tak saba nak tgu yg 2nd part. :)

Siti Hajar said...

congratulation =D

nur amalina athman said...

tahniah kak nurul..:)

Arizakiah said...

Tahniah....sekamat bertunang....
Cantik sangat..so natural....

Unknown said...

sis cantek sgt~nk tgok pic sis with fmly jgk~=)

Unknown said...

sis cantek sgt~nak tgok pic sis with fmly~de x?=)

MOMOCHAN said...

Congratz sis!
tak sangka da bertunang
can't wait to see the 2nd part.

Mak Izz said...


Rtp Farra Arisha said...

Auwwww terjua sangat arisha tengok foto pertunangan sis :) these are so awesome :) you're very pretty on soft pink busana!! :) congrats to both of you then!

Unknown said...

wow..nice and cute..
macam nikah pun ye gak sis..hihi

Marya Hana said...

congrat's sis .. sweet sgt in pink! :)

Hana Soffelia said...

Congrat Nurul.. ^_^

Najma Osman said...

congrats NBL.
long lasting..inshaAllah :)

Syima Emi said...

congrats nurul.. berseri2... pink comey sangat...

tapi bakpo cik abe tu tok kacing butang tu..panas ko... hehehe...

Anonymous said...

ohh , a big eplause for you lol siss . baju you cantek , muka canteek . rawrr , sukerk gilaa tengok u happy in youre engagement day . pry the best for you .

Hishyamuddin said...

tahniahhhhhhhhh... :-)
makan nasi minyok, jemput2 la..keh3,,

Unknown said...

sys!!! u look perfectly gorgeous!!! so so so so envy!!
nk tunang jgk..nk tunang jgk..nk tunang jgk!!
nyway....once again..congrat kak nurul.. :)

Miss AZ said...

tahniah nurul..
cantikkkk sangat :)

fatian athiea said...


hubungan yg sekian lame akhirnye terikat juga..

may Allah bless you syg..

hope bhgia sampai ke jinjang pelamin dan sampai ke hujung nyawa

sarah said...

congratzz kakk :)

Unknown said...

cOngratz sis :)

annys said...

wahh ! tahniah sis nurul ! smoge berbahagis sehingga akhir hayat.. amin..=)

*from ur silent readers

* annys

MamaKaisah said...

cute! congrats dear....

Nia Ridzwan said...

congrats sis! ;)

Unknown said...

alalalal...tahniah la ye..:D...
smge kkal hingge ke anak cucu...hehehhee...*teringin nk tunang tgok org mcm 2...*...:P

BLOG ANAK MAMA^^ said...

sweetnya color pink..macam orangnya jugak, anyway congrats to you girl^^

Syarafina Zaini said...

pink means pretty.. :D
tahniah kak nurul..

insta: lea_na_nur_ said...

simple n nice sgt2. akk puteh ptt bibir kasi merah ckit. sbb nmpk cm pucat laa

yana nana said...

wahh dah tunang dah kak nurul.
cantek.simple je.
x sabar tngu part 2.
nk tgk gambar. heh3 :D

najihahfara said...

akk..cantik sangat

Love hurt aeNnn said...

sis cantik sangattttt. bila nak nikah nie.. hihi

Anonymous said...

awak tahniah!!! =)

Unknown said...

wow! congrats sis! you look very beautiful :)

lovecandysweet said...

cantik ny akak.. btw congratulation :)

Unknown said...


alexayussida said...

waiting 4 this..nurul cantik in pink!suit u the best!!

tahniah sayang..cepat2 majlis menyusul ye :)

Nur-Za Marlyana Mohd Kamal said...

kakak dah bertunang? tak inform zama pun :(

Anisa Hang Tuah said...

Nurul.semoga bahagia

sangat cantik

farah said...

waaa dah tunang! congrats akak :)

Farah Suraya said...

tahniah kak badiah :D

Myra Abdullah said...

wah! congrat sis.huhu..
gorgeous in pink.
can't wait to see the next entry (part 2).
btw,happy day's yea sis ^-^

Unknown said...

So sweet , jgn lelama tung , ngee,

Amy Syahirah said...

ya ALLAH .. gojes nye sis!! tahniah sis!

Unknown said...

simple tpi mmg cantik...

bella hamzah said...

comelnya kak nurul warna pink.. btw tahniah :)

Cik Suheela said...

tahniah yang..cantik je mekap sendiri :)

Ieka Ahmad said...

Alhamdulillah. Tahniah kak nurul sayang :')

me suya said...

chnatek la dear.. waaa dah engaged... tahniah

Nurulbadiah Lai said...

salam semua..

thanks for the visiting..commenting and wishing...

hanya Allah yg dapat membalas kebaikan korang yang memberi kegembiraan pada nurul even kat dunia ni nurul tak mampu nak balas...

thanks for ur support..



-nurulbadiah lai-

Zalia Hezlin Abolah Zawawi said...

tahniah adik cantik :)

Nadiah Jahari said...

I'm happy for you (: Tahniah kak ,wishing you a smooth journey towards the next step.I hope your relationship everlasting(:


cantiknya..in pink!!! congratez dear sis.. last day fifi ada d kuala terengganu. but i dont have ur contact number, kalau tak pasti boleh jumpa....:)

Pen MErah said...

tahniahhhhhh.. :D

Anonymous said...

tahniah kak nurul... :)

Nini Mohd said...

wahhh~ pinkk!!!
sama ngan my engagement's theme. hehee~
btw, congrats!
kawen bila plak? ;)

Lyaa Suriany said...

congrats hun
love to c ur engagemnt picha..

anna kyra said...

owhh okey i rase i penah jumpe u kat pantai batu buruk and ask u to take my picture with my boyfie.ye eh?

zaty said...

SIS ! comgratulations.semoga ke gerbang perkahwinan pulak ye.u're so sweet in pink.hope be blessed. :)

syima harun said...

tahniah kak.

wah baru tunang dah pakai inai ea?hehe :)

S4Z said...


semoga berbahagia hingga akhir hayat. =)

NadyaBubble said...

wahh, tahniah kak ! :D


alahai...pink!!.. :).. gojess la sis,!!.. congratss!!..:)

Ameera.Alias said...

cantek pink lembut tu.congrates sis.:)

ester xanserveir said...

tahniah...moga Allah berkati 2 jiwa yg bakal bersatu ini...happy engagement...=)

ester xanserveir said...

by the way..cantik baju pink tu...;)

Cik Tetra said...

tahniah!..btw u look so cute and adorable..wlpun simple tp nice.. :)

cg4dis said...

tahniah :)

Anonymous said...

wah..sangat2 comel + cantik ^_^

cEro said...

harap bersambungan dgn majlis langsungnya..
dan berkekalan hingga akhirnya..

Unknown said...

yeay dah tunang :)
semoga berkekalan akakkkk!
and yes, u look cantikk as usual. congrats ;)

eZmALiZa said...

perghh!! kak nurul badiahh...smapai hati you curang and bertunang dgn org lainnn...kecik hati aii tawww...

hik3...gurau2 aje kak nurul. OMG! that's sooo awesome! sgt terbaik! tahniah kak nurul and abg amir. semoga cecepat nikah pulak..and please, dun forget to invite me ok? :)

Myza Sam said...

tahniah Kakak Cantik :)

I added cool smileys to this message... if you don't see them go to: http://e.exps.me

Mawar Desa said...

at last..dpt jugak teng0k!

Mawar Desa said...

at last..dpt jugak teng0k!

emieysandra said...

tahniah nurul, sume pic u cantik sgt :)

hanani wirdah said...

tahniah kakak comel .. biler nak kawin pulak ??

THE GREEN said...

salam nurul....

jarang saya singgah sini lately. sedar tak sedar, bakal jadi bini org dah nurul.. anyway tahniah...

molek2 laa dehhh... :-)

Kasih nur azie said...

kak nurul. bila kahwin?

Fareha Rahmat (Bos Besar) said...

wahhh congrate dear :)


wahhhhhhhhhhhhh nurul dah bertunnag.. tahniah nurul.. moga kekal ke akhirnya..

Izyan Masri said...


ayleencutegirl said...

nurul .. congratulationn dear.. ;)

Unknown said...

alhamdulillah,so simple and u always gorgeous!

semoga Allah menyatukan hati mereka :)

Sheila Salim said...

Hai kak ina! taniah, syukur dah bertunang. Semoga cepat dilangsungkan ya! Amin.

Unknown said...

tahniah dear

nazirah said...

ya Allah .. sissss dah brtng da rupenyee?? alahai sorilah lme tak dtg sini congrate sis.. congratee !! simple tp mcm bese.. sis sgt cntk n gojesss..i like ur way.. tahniah agian sis ;)

Unknown said...

congrats sys!!! cantik.. x sabar nak tunggu 2nd part plak..hehe

Akak Kembang said...

congrats Nurul..jaga2 darah manis tu..hehehe

Ieqahgajah said...

oh...my sis da bertunang.. walaupun lambat...happy engagement day sis..kawen nanti jgn lupaa ajak naa :)

Fai Nardir said...

sape yg cakap muka u pucat? hehe... comel la in pink, so sweet. manis jer ^-*

semoga berkekalan hingga saat dinikahkan dan berkekalan selama-lamanya...

Rin Saharina said...

congrats Nurul :)
happily ever after :)

Ieqahgajah said...

btw sis.. u sanagat jelitaaa..so pinky..like like like

Anonymous said...

Congratulation girl, u earn a happy life. Cherish what u got. May ur days will always be shine by love n gets a rainbow everytime when it's raining. My best wishes 2 u.

Shima said...

Congrats..sgt cantik!!!

Amirahh said...

wah. congrats sis. sgt cantek :)

La Espera Queen ♥ said...

Congrats kak Nurul ! such a beauty one :))

p/s : aritu terserempak dengan kat Nurul dekat maydin tapi xsempat nak tegur sebab jalan laju sangat*

Mira said...

nampak natural je kak nurul. cantik!

Loyar Lawa said...

kak nurullll congratessss

GadisNotaPelekat said...

congrate sys ..!! tak sbar nak tnggu second part .. :)

Sya_Merpati Putih 88 said...

tahniah nurul..semoga jodoh kamu berdua berkekalan hingga akhir hayat dan semoga sgala majlis akd nikah yg bakal berlangsung nanti berjln lancar..

~kamu nampak comel...(^___^)

rosmina samin said...

Congratz dear ;p

yuyu aziz said...

hi nurul.

canteknya you. i love the colours, kain unt baju nurul tu santek la!

i remember macam baju nikah mama i dulu..sekarang corak camtu in balik..

nice dear.

happy e-day! :)

♥Reen NorFazreen♥ said...

wow! tahniah syg...
u sangat cantik!

Zizi Aziah said...


lourvetravel said...

babe! selamat menjadi tunangan org. byk dugaan nya. i'm so happy for you darl :) love lots

farhanafabulous said...

congratulations for ye E-Day :)

Syairani Tarmizi said...

congrats. semoga bahagia naaa.. :)

NeenaAnuar said...


you look sweet and gorjes! :)

Mumystrawberry said...

cantiknya kakak...mcm bidadari..love love!

ieyka dinda said...

kak nurul..congtraz...cntek sgt even mekap sndiri...mge bhgia selalu taw..:) lagi 1 comey2 kawan2 kak nurul..:)

Mardhia Yusof said...

congrats sis!!
u look so beautiful in pink! ;)

Call me, Eyka said...



tahniah adik...proud of u..

ieda ann@ ayat said...

WAAHHH. thniah kak badiah....tgok akak da brtung rasa nk brtung jgk lh...

♥ aiNa yaZiD ♥ said...

congrate dear~!! wow da bergelar tunangan org.. =)

Rosmarieza said...

tahniah~ kamu sgt cantik!:)

Unknown said...

congrate :)

sayakayrulez said...


Unknown said...

u look so gorgeous dear ! ~~ =)

N U R A L Y N said...

kakak,cantex la evendo simple..btwy,tahniah atas pertunangan..haiyah!! chumel abiz la akak ni :)

fae jamal said...

cantik sgt ! :D

Anonymous said...

sekali pandang mcm nikah. vouge la sis..

Anonymous said...

sekali pandang mcm nikah. vouge la sis..

Nour Aien said...

suke baju nurul :)
pink. cantik ! :)

Anonymous said...

hey nurul blh kenal dgn yg tak berpunya tu?hehee

Payein said...

Assalamualaikum, Kak Nurul. :) Dah lama tak buka akak punya blog. Buka buka tengok akak dah tunang. WAAAA, CONGRATS! (Y) You look beautiful in pink. Heee. :)

nurulhidayah said...

muke abg amir melayu habis, and muke akak mix habis, dapat anak mesti cun habis.pray fer u.:)

Anonymous said...

nurul xyah makeup pon lawa.lawa sangat!