19 February 2012

im so arabic okay!

i mega hate my work!Im stressed a lot..penat..busy..and dont be surprise at nite..still in front of laptop typing some claims, defence so on and so forth instead of watching tv or movies or touching catching sms with lover..no.no..i have no time for that....ah sangat rindu waktu bersenang lenang dulu..

seriusly..I'm writing this while I'm on the toilet by the way..

off to toilet!..

yeah..back to the issue...

becoz im not that type of skema or focus mamalia..kerja yang sikit and tak seberape tu aku rasa sangat banyak and susah..stupid people always like that..my bad.

tak de benda yang enjoy melainkan time dapat gaji..lunch with bestfriend..and going annual grand dinner!!

oh yesss..sebenarnye merapu banyak2 diatas sebab nak cakap..last two week kot..aku pergi Terengganu bar annual grand dinner!!theme arabic lagi der..actually all the lawyers in terengganu have been invited..but tak semua pon dtg..kire yg datang pon..manusia jenis semangat2 macam aku ni..proud!

Sebenarnye aku tak de jubah nak pakai..so aku main tibai je dress yang ala2 arabic sikit but qoute my friend..ur dress like "ARAB JAHILIAH" punye pakaian.

here some pictures of mine..


I've gained weight ... in pictures..
So point is, I'm on a strict diet now.

i hope it will look like arabic one..
sometimes rase macam my outfit that nite not as nice as i want to..
i have no idea but..honestly to admit that..my wedges so sexy!

with my darling ira!
Having friends means you won't look stupid alone...hahha..
no lah..i hope that i wont look beautiful alone!!

with my darling ain!!
rasenye ain salah theme but that rantai atas kepala tu..
so far can be acceptable la..
arabic lah jugak!

shes one of the howtttt lawyer in terengganu okey!
the best dress on that nite..

with my bestfriend..
but the one yang pakai jubah tidak sealim seperti didalam gambar..
in fact..like monster!

kalau hawa and ain serius sikit..gambar mereka tidak akan menjadi seperti itu..


cepatnye ira bertukar tempat!!
only me knows why!!okey ira u sangat naughty!


leave u with this...

"i am not jealous of Nurulbadiah Lai, no offense, but why would i be?
she isn't prettier, smarter or more accomplished than i am.
she doesn't write any better than i am capable of. as far as i can tell, her only special talents include pissing people off."
- Kate Goh, 2008

Best description of me thus far.

so people..be kind to imperfect one like me ya..

Thanks For reading this..


TeQah Khaire said...

kak nurul sangat cantik (:

I added cool smileys to this message... if you don't see them go to: http://s.exps.me

ainul.zmrs said...

ehhe. kite pun sbtu ni ad dinner sis. but still cnt decide nk pki baju ap. :P

ainul.zmrs said...

ehhe. kite pun sbtu ni ad dinner sis. but still cnt decide nk pki baju ap. :P

ainul.zmrs said...

ehhe. kite pun sbtu ni ad dinner sis. but still cnt decide nk pki baju ap. :P

ainul.zmrs said...

ehhe. kite pun sbtu ni ad dinner sis. but still cnt decide nk pki baju ap. :P

❤Mrs. Myra❤ said...

ade la arabic tu sis ..
kat kepala tu jadi penyelamat..hihihi..:)

Sofea said...

ahlan wah salan

Syira Lokman said...

cantik la kaka ^_^

starzieti said...

Sis pakai ape pun cantik. Siyes ! :D

Qil_Zawawi said...

even simple tp c0mey :)

B33HA B3n said...

haha suka tgk nurul dress up..comey...

P U C A T said...

nice theme arabian..
eh..btw jom usha square hijab..
tak beli tak peeeee:)

Anonymous said...

Checkout baru situs :

Iffika | Ruslan said...

youre so beautiful la sis :)

AyaSofia said...

slm..okeyh, im gonna B blunt..Arab jahiliah..? for me, ayat tu kasar la...sgt kasar..entah la, can u keep dat thing between u & ur fren..? org bole terasa..entah la nurul, u have changed..dari segi penulisan, pakaian..dlu x rasa u camni..u became more & more , mind ma word, b****...entah la..pape pun, tu hak u kan..sekadar menegur..sori ayat i kasar...wsslm..

noname said...

ur outfit.ERRRRRR..

Mumystrawberry said...

kakak lawaaaaaaaa nak baju...nak akak juga..hehehmuah

Anonymous said...

mcm la kau tu arabic sgt nk ckp org salah theme. ko punya baju lg xde arabic lgsung. entah apa2 je mcm lawa sgt

wanie_mn said...

haha. baru nak kata lelaki yg pki jubah tu innocent gila, tp endingnya akak ckp, he's like a monster, terus tarik blik ayat td ;p

misskonspirasi said...

oklah tue.. janji ada hiasan tang dahi kan kan.. arabic lah tue.. itu motivasi berfesyen namanyer kkiiki 1st time singgha sni.. salam kenal

Cik Renex said...


VeryLawa (Scarfs) said...


saya yuyu, nak mintak nurul tlg advertise kan FACEBOOK & BLOGSHOP saye blh tak?

Im intended to give you 3 pcs of FREE SHAWLS. or kalau ada ruang sewa untuk letak iklan, im interested to rent a section.

Pls consider :)

if u wanna take a look,
http:// www.facebook.com/verylawa or verylawa.blogspot.com



kecik je nurul ne..ke kawan nurul yg terlebih tinggi?

Nurulbadiah Lai said...


tq for de comments..


nanti kalau nak g dinner..consult kite dulu..then kite ajar camne nk pakai lawa222 hehehe

Nurulbadiah Lai said...

aya sofia:

thanks for de teguran..saya ambil sebagai teguran membina dari awk..tq..

anon: tahu dh tak lawa..so?

Ieqahgajah said...

sis nurul sgt cantek..
jeles tgok dress sis sume cntik cntik....

mmg kuyuslaa..bakal pengantin kn

NajiHa said...

akak..cantik sgt..akak pakai ape2 pn swett..hehe

asfira aminuddin said...

cantik akak! tak seksi and simple je. i like! :)

Anonymous said...

cantiknya kakak... all beautiful!. but, yang pakai baju merah tu mengandung ke?

FatMoi said...

J0m follow me, i follow u, u follow i :) http://fatihahmoiden.blogspot.com/

Mek Onie said...

onie tau akak sentiasa cantik :))

ReeneeRaaid said...

you look lovely :)

Unknown said...

i should call this fashonista :D

Anonymous said...

org cantik pkai ape pun ttp cantik..

Fatimah Zahra said...

salam.. ehh ? yg pakai jubah hitam tu macam kenal je? Hafiz eh?