just to share how to look simply gorgeous bila u nak keluar jumpa public..
me?senang je..xsuka bersarat sarat or berlebih lebih..but with a shades dah enough kot...hehehe ..
If you’re like most women then you would probably love to be drop dead gorgeous but have always believed you have to be stunningly beautiful first...just simply gorgeous could be cool kot..
saya kadang2 sudah bosan dengan the same style..,maka dengan penuh rasa hot and wild..saya try to keluar dengan pakai spek hitam gitu..poyo pon poyo la..who care??hehehe

muke ni..with that face..rasa macam innocent sgt..senang kena buli...nak keluar g photoshoot pon , rasa mcm xyakin.. lantas..tadaa....

dont critic me..i just like to wear clothes that fit me, suit me and show off my figure in an attractive and elegant way...
p/s: any woman can learn how to be gorgeous..including u dear:)
i'll, im on my way.. tgh cari sifu ni,, ^__^
hahah. betul betul.
pakai shades memang nampak cool.
serabai mane pun bile pakai terus stylo.
fisha- oh really..but u pretty enough i guess..xperlu bersifu2..feel free to ask me anything if u wanna get my help..hehehe
arief-indeed...agreed with u:)
memang stylo abes ar shades beso beso cmtuh.saye suke.:)
seyes cun weh.. hoho
u r gorgeous babe:)
klu dh cantik, akn sentiasa nmpk cantik ttp klu cantik di luar sma dgn cantik di dlm, alhamdullilah...maka nilai kecantikan 2 hnya Allah SWT shj yg boleh menilaikan :)
lwa nyee ! comell sgt ur pose :)) suka tengokk.
buat lah macm mane pung.. anda tetap cantik lah.. xD
nampak ok ... tak poyo pun...
suke style kamu. tp kalo sy yg pakai shdes kan mcm x kene je pulak.. hihi
tak perlu peduli cakap orang ! as long u buat benda betul . btw , u looked nice with shades :D
kakak da santek.
pakai ape2 pon santek ok!
nway u look great wit that shades!
comel sgt sis!
pakai shade trus kembalikan keyakinan erk...
U go Girl!!!
saya joe
memang gorgeous lar sis :)
smpai terbatuk2 kat sini..hehe
dear, u dress up mcm mana pun still looking gorgeous la....nyway....nice shot (refer to gambar yg last sekali)...
salam nurul...
laaa...post lama rupanya..br tgk hari ni...
brape lapis bju pkai tu?
omai sis. lepas ni kene buat tips shades that suits your face shape. haa gitu. susah kot! i end up looking like a dork!
u mak aih! tu pakai tudung atas pala ke? ke balut kelambu atas pala?
shemart sngat folow kmu hihi
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