i know yellow is sunrise colour..but i hate this colour..
kalau saya pkai baju kaler kuning,..forsure rasa cam too striking..i dont know why..but i rarely dress in yellow..huhu..
dulu i slalu ckp..sy xnak warne kuning..mak jgn beli..kalau mak beli gak..along xnak pakai...
when I started buying my own clothes, I never bought yellow!I still don't wear it and never will...
but..opps...someone told me..nurul..yellow might look nice in u..i try n hahahaha..i love it..i just have a yellow shawl..jugak 2 helai baju kaler kuning.,..nice ke yellow ni ngn i??i have no idea bout that and i hope u all have no idea too..Imaybe it's not my favorite color in the world but I think 'hate' is kind of harsh..kan...kuning..cyg kamu ketat2..
p/s: she..might not be a dead gorgeous one..but i just love to see her natural face..shes naturally sweet..adored her,,:))
purple???i heart purple...

This is REALLY interesting. Apparently, the word "purple" comes from the Old English word "purpul" . .which is the name of the ancient dye (called Tyrian purple) that was used to make things purple. The dye was made from mucus secretions from the gland of a snail. The snail and its dye became associated with royalty because only the very wealthy could afford it! Too funny...
so bleh la aku leh berlagak cam org kaye skit if pakai kaler purple ni even dalam wallet just ade RM5....lol..
am i look good in this color?

yeah..yellow padan ngan nurul..nmpak ceria...
akak..akak keje peguam or model??
cik jari_ a ah tu lah dear...nurul pon da suke yellow..
apix_aint a model..aint a lawyer yet..but a good poblem maker..hehehe
yups yellow is better kot..nurul kan putih..plus pepel nmpk cam darky kot...hehe
hahaha...good problem maker?, berapa gaji sebulan tu miss nurul?. BTW you look nice in purple and light yellow~
Weee.. i luv purple! :D
how about grey? for me, grey look nice with you
nurul, u okey jer in yellow...
my b sbb u putih membuatkan u tak selesa in yellow :)
but still nice dgn aksi2 u depan kamera.. huhuhu.
mmg addict dgn kamera..terbukti! ^_*
suka kuning isokay..jgn otak kuning dah ler erk yunk..
Nurul, Talam rasa Nurul sesuai pakai apa juga kaler sbb kulit cerah...maybe not too striking kaler...purple is nice to u...
Yup, tend to agree with mytrajet74..
You will look pretty in most colours available as long as it is not so striking.
purple..purple...sy cinta purple..hahaha..
sume color pom sgt chantek la sis...mcm pelangi tu..chantek kan..hehe
nurul, i love ur wedges....hehehe..sgt simple but cantik...btw, yellow suits ur skin dear...
vote for yellow.. heh...tibe je.. ;)
luv u in yellow ok!
look gr8 n nice.
waitg to c u in striking choking green!
tak mau2! i like when u are wearing dat purple! ouch! purple.. :)
hihi..it's bcz..i'm in love wif purple so damnly sis :p huhu..
yellow and purple have different kind of personality my dear sis ;)
warna kuning sesuai dgn u..
purple pun sesuai juga..
Orang dah cantik,
pakai apa pun cantik kn :)
zue- a ah kn dear..bit darky kn..thanks 4 de good comment...
akuvision-hahaha..sgt good in creating problem..gaji?ebough to make u headache dear..:))
alinac- thanks dear..sgt kembang i..hehehe
aida- syg i luv it too...
db-grey?i do grey when i nk pergi maen gitar ..:)
nora-thanks syg..n i love plying in front of camera honey..
honey- aku mmg otak kuning la babe..lebih kuning dari porn star lagi..wakakaka
mytrajet- coz talam ckp camtu..nti sume kaler nurul test erk..sbb talam suruh kn..
niey- u should vote 4 purple syg..hehehe
hairil- have too agreed with u..klu tooo striking..cam terlebeh kn..
ceguzeha- OH..DEAR..I LOVE U IN YELLOW:))
SAB_- ololo..baru je nk paki yellow u da ckp xmahu..down i cygg...
nurza_ indeed dear...
amirah- really?thanks dear...i do cherish ur complimentary..:))
hye nurul.
betul la.. i rase kuning lg sweet dgn u. sgt2 sesuai la. sbb u cerah ;) hey. pasni beli baju colour yellow byk2 tau =)
tp pape pon, sume pon nmpak cntik ngn u ;)
cgg pun suke yellow..:)
nice one
org lawa pakai ape2 pun ttp lawa kan..eheh
i think purple is better than yellow ;) yellow nampak lembut and purple nampak lagi garang
u are so comel.. dh la peguam... woahhhh.. terbeliak biji mata tengok.. huhu
Purple look good on u!! :-)
p/s: org cantik, pakai apa pun cantik..pakai pyjama pun cumel!! hahah!!
of course purple, n kebetulan memang minat gile warna purple :))
n nurul, honestly u're cute..any color matches with u ;))
weeee~~~luv purple,,kuning menyerlah sgt,,tapi tape,,sis kan cerah,,so sesuai je,,huhuww~~^-^
both are just great for you. if i were u, i wont choose colours because i am fair enough to choose one. any colour suits u ;)
setuju2..purple lg suit la...
i hate yellow too! and i love pepel too! tapi pepel lagi cantek laa.. kuning kalo nak buat iklan garnier bleh laa.. :P
are you really a law student?
your English is just....yeah, leaving me speechless.
its better for you to stick with bahasa malaysia for everyone's benefit. not that i loathe your blog, but i have this tiny weeny bit of pet peeve with someone trying to sound cool with his/her too-broken english.
its either you improve on it or stick with your mother tongue.
-a practicing lawyer-
anonymous- of dear..it is just a blog..no biggies.my english is bad or not..doesn't matter for me.
cantik2 gambar...suka tengok..i follow yer..
kiter suka gamba yg pakai shades tu..cantik laa...macam mat sallehhh laahhh!!~:p
to anonymous who commented on this entry,
I Have this pet peeve too anonymous: People who always like to look down and discourage other people.
It is a pity to you. Why? Because of this mentality people like you make some other people feel inferior or afraid to try. Let them make mistakes and sound stupid because thats how people learn. If you are so DAMN good then teach her!
You are still like a 3rd world country thinker. No offence but let them have fun, if there is a mistake then tell them, teach them the right way. Dont just comment and give your lame excuses. You sound even more pathetic when you told her about her not-so-good English and not even trying to help and tell her mistakes.
She is better and have the guts to try, better than those who are AFRAID to even type in English.
~ Happy learning people!!!
While in here, purple is called widow's colour...hehe
But still i heart purple too...
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