13 November 2011

Behind words :I LOVE YOU!


dear readers..

how many times ur partner said this:

i love u?
do u love me?


bila someone berkata "i love u" kat kita..kite mesti rasa berbunga bunga..perkataan tu sungguh seperti magik..apatah lagi kalau kite seorang jenis yang cepat perasan and jenis hati macam kek lapis..lembut dan mudah penyek..

and begitu jugak bila tibe2 pasangan kite bertanya.."do u really love me??"..or "awk..awk syg saya tak"..
pasti kite berasa seolah2 kite ni berada diposisi atas (bukan lucah.tq)..kite berada di posisi orang memuja kita dan berharap pada kita..

hell yeah...but sometimes..do u ever think that "adakah pasangan anda benar2 maksudkannya or they just simply say because of other reasons?

what i want to wrote here is kinda funny..but sometimes..that words "i love you" or "do u love me" mean this..

i love you..

(i nak ajak u shopping and nak u belanja..i nak beli barang ni..barang tu..i tau u baru je dapat gaji..)

i love you

(i penat giler..i nak u tolong i buat kerja..i nak pinjam barang u..i tengah stuck ni and i really need your help kalau tak i boleh mampus)

i love you

(i want something Special from you..i want to sleep with u..i found u r so damn cute cant wait to touch u bla bla)

do u really love me??

ive done something stupid something very wrong and am afraid u might find out..

do u really love me??

i tinggalkan u untuk someone else dulu and now that someone else dah tinggalkan i..and i tibe2 rase tak tau mana nak pergi luckly i ade u

do u really love me??

i really boring tak tau nak buat apa..tak de sapa nak temankan i..now i lonely giler and i need someone...

i really love but..ntahlah..

you are ugly and i found someone prettier than u..

i really love u but..ntahlah..

i just nak u jadi kawan i je..tapi tak tau camne nak explain agar u tak sakit hati...

i really love u but..ntahlah..

its mean..NEXT PLEASE!!

got it readers???
so..please be prepared hehhehe..

p/s: see my bag..my wedges.and my shawl..tibe2 rasa macam pandai giler mix and match haha..:))(iklan)

Thanks for reading this..


umamahkinah said...

hikhikl..awk cantiklah..

bnyak mksud tersirat disebalik 3 words tuu :P

nuraien said...

i love u..=)

yuyu aziz said...

wah nice entry nurul!

u never fail to impress. :)

Fareha Rahmat (Bos Besar) said...

nk ckp skit...i love u too la huhuhuhu

cg4dis said...

cantik :)

i love u

Shafiqah Rashid said...

haha ! niceee one ! :)

EyqaLuvender said...

hehe...gelak2 kte bce entry ni...
btw,sis pnye dress up mmg matching...haha
pray for ur happiness! =)

Amy Syahirah said...

sis nurul...i love you.. ikhlas tawww <3

Unknown said...

Make it simple..=) i love u..You love me..nothing wrong ! ~~ =)

Yeah ! ~~ iklan itu sangat bernas..=) match semue...

dreaming iylia.. said...

waaa. haha. best best!!

Eyka said...

nice one :)

forkpoppers said...

huh.. pedas giler maknenye.. time ni sy mlas lah nak cinton2 ni.. just minat je lah.. yelah taon dpn dah nak SPM..

Unknown said...

wahh , sis dah buat research ehh ? :P

Fai Nardir said...

memang betul pun, hati kita akan berbunga2 stiap kali terima ucapan tuu...rasa mcm nk terbang jer...hihi...

atie zakaria said...

sangat2 benci bila itu yg dimaksudkn lelaki.. dah kena bnyk kali oleh org yg sama.. hmmm, nasib...

atie zakaria said...

sis, atie nk copy entri ni ek.. nk tunjuk kt girl lain supaya tak terpedaya lg mcm atie.. thnks sis..

Nailah Azman said...


Anyway, tahniah Nurul sebab dah bertunang. Semoga kekal dan cinta akhir di Syurga nanti. InshaAllah. ;)

FizaFizz said...

hahaha..sis, is it really happen?? haha :D

Cik Zety said...

u mmg pandai bergaya lah. hehe. ur words are sooo true :)

yqnq ellyana said...

entry sgt best..tetibe teringat dekat someone spesel..huhukk

eZmALiZa said...

ok, 3 words..




Hishyamuddin said...

3 kata..hehe2

joegrimjow said...

lelaki hanya akan cakap i love u kat pasangan dia bila dia betol2 cinta kat pompuan tu

lelakikan makhluk jujur :p

alexayussida said...

well said dear..hihi

Zaza said...

tp sye x suke org yg bkn mahram ckp i love you slbm khawin. lari ! !

Hebatallah A said...

very interesting , behind the words very deep meanings not from outside but deeply inside ^^

ismimaizura said...

sstgh org especially org llki malu nk say I LOVE U..but wpon kdg2 diorg x ckp dr zahir tp sbnrnya diorg sygkan kite kn ? :)..

cik LOLA said...


suke suke,

something the simple word i love u give different meaning.


Nizam Ijam said...


Unknown said...

haha, very the true lah nurul. :)
it's mean a lot,and anyone can make anyyy assumption in that simple word.haha.kinda funny

have a happy thought! :)

Nuruashia said...

hahaha...setuju sgtttttttt2222!!!
sys nurul mmg pndai matching bju ngn accessories pon :)
btw, i love u sys..!! ahahhaha

miSs aMaL said...

haha..sokom sgt sis!entry yg memg selalu nice n cool.:))

Sara Ali said...

i love u sis...
bila nak mai uum?

Unknown said...

tak suke org yg sennag ucpkan iloveu.

sayakayrulez said...

every single moment!
always keep love2..
even x de gf pun sometimes

Mya said...

Nice entry...really loved it !
nk share bole ?

ch000tz said...

lebiu gak lah hahah

Nurulbadiah Lai said...

hye darls..

tq so much for de comments..

okey..dont forget..
be careful..


Anonymous said...

nice post..bleh tak nak share?

Nurulbadiah Lai said...

btw..kepada sesiapa yg nak share any of my entry..
just do it..
no need to ask for my permission..
i dont mind..

tq darls

Unknown said...

i love ur wrote.. can u hit bout boyfriend yg kedekut or says 'no money' all the tyme?? tengs dear. :)

Admin said...

congrats nurul
