27 February 2012

my cat so gayyyy!!

i have a cat and named it as Snow..a male cat actually..Snow ni manje nak mampus mcm perempuan okey..aku lak mmg suka melayan sangat2 as i love cats very much more than i love my fiance!!ya ya..im so mean!

my cat ni memang sangat2 gentlemen okey..u know what..kalau aku kuar malam2..macam pergi top up ke..konfum dia akan follow aku sampai kat jalan besar..then dia akan tunggu kat tepi jalan sampai aku balik..ohsem okey!!my cat ni according to my mak..mmg tak lekat kat rumah..kaki lepak and gengster kampung kot hahaha..tapi bila aku ade kat rumah..especially weekend..memang dia tak kan pijak tanah..mean that dia tak kan kemana kemana kalau aku ade..that why aku kate gentlemen sangat!!

sebab dah closed sangat ngn aku..perangai dia pon agak2 semacam aku..giler lensa okay!!!kalau aku panggil je his name..and dia akan posing kaw2..siyes tak tipu,,

and i know his dirty liitle secret!!

he is tooooo gay!!oommmjay...
nabi tak ngaku umat sayang haha!

alone..memang bab2 buat muke sedih..juara!!
kat kawasan umah aku lak..dah xde female cats..
memang desperate and lonely habis la hahaha..

and then satu hari..aku macam omg giler when aku tgok my cat doing THAT FUNNY THING with another male cat and now diorang macam kapel je..hahaha..no kidding yaw..
so my presumption is..Cats, when they are horny , they do not recognise gender . they will go after whatever cat is available..

i try to explained that thing is strictly NO but they surely wont listen!
so dont say that i didnt warned them..Ha...hahahahh...ha.

my cat= camera addict +gay!!


aku cakap..snow..posing mcm lover2 gitu..and aku tunjuk la ngn reaksi camne nak posing..
and thats the result..
he did it..
omjayyy..comel giler okay!!


aku cakap snow posing mcm puffff..
(that isyarat yang aku guna bila aku nak gitau dia yang aku letih)
and he did it..
konon2 letih lah tu..
so cleverrr la my snow.


aku gitau, snow posing mcm kakak zzzz..
and he did it!!
he really did!!
sebijik macam aku tidor kn???

haaa.told ya..
my catt sangat pandai posing....

and lawan tokey too!

he really hate when i hold him each time nak amik gambar..
okey fine!
nak posing sendiri ya..

before kawen main kucing..
lepas kawen main ngn baby lak..ohsem bangat!

sangat comel kn????

Thanks For reading this..


Belog Budak Steady said...

Terbaik entry hang...comei sungguh kucing hang tu! (^_^)Y

Liyana said...

heheheheh lawak ok

kucing sy pun gay, hahahahha skrg dh jadi samseng kampung dusun, siap ade parut kat dahi, hahahhaa

eiyra said...

hahahha....chumyl....kte pun suka sangat kat kucing...kalau nak maen game pun kte letak kucin...hihi..

sama mcm sis nurul, kte bahasakan diri kte 'akak'...hahahhaa...rmai y ckp kte xbetul...hihi

FR said...

amboi kucing pun pandai posingggg :D
macam tuan dia, hihihi.

Admin said...

best main ngan baby sendiri tau nurul

PaK PiS said...

romantik tgok kucing tu..haha

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fifieyqa said...

Haha....hensem la Snow ni....tapi cian pulak dia ni desperate...ngeh3...ahhhaaa ape kate kite jodohkan Snow dgn kucing sy...her name is Kiki...leh la kite berbesan nnti....ahaha... **tetibe..

Anonymous said...

sangat2 comel kak badiah..sangat comel..haha!pandai lah dia pose....comel sih..:)

yang org yang pegang kucing tu lagi comey..heheheh:)

Syamimi Fatin said...

comel je, pandai dia posing...

laskar pelangi said...

kak nurul!!
saya pun peminat si meowwww yg begitu tegar dan tegar! nak kata suka sangat2 kucing la ni:)
kucing serius manje gila kan bila kita manjekan depa. fuhhhh! bila dia dah start manje2.mulakan muka kita ni,dia nak jilat jilat..eii geli gk kadang2 dgn misai panjang dia..ehehe:))
pandainyaaaa snowww kak nurul posing:) cam tuan dia gak manje2:)

Nuruashia said...

ehhehe.. comeyyyy laaa..kalo kucen nuru plak pengkid hahaha

Syazwan Che Deraman said...

snow snow..
ada jugak cat gay.

have a good day.

SuNsHiNe said...

suka sgtttt baca entry2 kak nurl..sgtt ohsemmm...hahaha..:)

Umie Naziera said...

seriuss sgt ohsem!!hehe,untongla bila manusia syg kita then haiwan pown sayang kita :)

Unknown said...

hahaha ! serious..giller comel..owsem sis ! pandai posing depan camera..hehehehe.. :)

Unknown said...

comey macam akak :)

najwawa said...

akak, akak takde twitter ke?

najihahfara said...

so comel lah kak :)

Unknown said...

i am soooooo jealous with u!!! sebab zuan takde dan tak boleh bela kucing kat rumah..

fifie said...

Can I have your cat ? Haha. Kucing kesayangan fie dah dicuri orang. Sadis gila rasa hati.

fifie said...

Can I have your cat ? Hahaha. Kucing fie dah di ambil orang, dicuri dengan lebih tepat. Sadis gila Grrrr.

a said...

ahha comelnya suh kucing posing2! kucing mya sombong sangat tau, memang tak layan mya langsung heehe =p

ps: thanks sebab sudi follow blog mya. i love your writing much! keep on blogging tau =D and i'll always support u dear ^o^

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starzieti said...

comelnye kucing sis. bersih je. :D

Maria Hasun said...

bestnyer :O

nawariah :) said...

sangat comel kucing tu. hee comel je akak :)

Miiss Tara said...

wahhh.. comel gila Snow..!! photogenic lahh him :D

Careila said...

cat gay?gile lah snow ni..hehe seram bunyinye..:)

Zya Amalis said...



Iffika | Ruslan said...

Ya Allah kak .. comel nyaaaa ! sumpah comel . sy mmg addict sangat kucing ni tak kisah le kucing parsi ke siam ke . kucing kurap kat kedai tepi jalan pun saya suka panggil .

Faieza Maddaru said...

hihihi kucen tu nmpk garang lor....hihihi tpi tuan punya kucin ttp cun...

Kasih nur azie said...

kak...kucing kita pun gay gak....

Munira Yaakop said...

comel =)

Munira Yaakop said...

comel =)

HanisLazimAndTheShaklee said...

xpa..try nasihat dia slow2..nnti dia kembali la ke pangkal jalan...hikhikhik

alyachan said...

alolo, comelnye kucing tu :) hihihi

Izyan Masri said...


Izyan Masri said...


ZaroL said...

Meoww meowww...i miss my cat already while reading this entry.

Hishyamuddin said...

hhahaa.. lawa muka dia.. gay rupanyer.haha.. mmg best bila ade kucing hok suke ikut kite g mane2 je ni, manje..dulu ade sekor hok kacik gituh, tapi dia sudah tiada..huhu

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Unknown said...

Xminat kucing. Tp baca entri ni tetiba rasa eager nk bela sekor. Takut nasib dpt yg lesbian je. Hahah.