22 April 2011

oh..saya rindu mahu ke pantai yang indah itu!!

Ooooh lala i'm back!!
serius tahik(seriously shit)if u were to ask me what are my biggest fav of life..definitely my answer is beach..beach..beach again..

saya dah lama tak ke pantai..sangat rindu sama itu pantai..actually..saya pantang nampak pantai..memang saya akan paksa semua orang untuk berhenti..aritu saya pergi travel mane tah(lupa)..pastu otw tu saya nampak pantai ..Oh My..cantik giler..terus saya paksa bf saya stop the car..okey sampai nangis2..pastu cam cilaka je..bf saya buat main2 xnak berhenti..waaa..on the spot saya nangis..hahahhaa..(see girls..take this as tips..how to make ur bf stop the car)..

subhanaalah..masyaallah..sumpah saya rase cam nak pengsan(nampak sgt nipunye haha)..kagum sangat..cantik sungguh ciptaan Allah.tak caye??meh nak tayang kat korang gambar yang saya ambil that day..sumpah cantik!!

eh btw..Sorry no nice nice breathtaking views pictures because this is all my darling NOKIA XXXYZ ( wtf i forgot my phone model already ) can capture haha..
So nah..take and appreciate it.

ce tengok..Ya Allah..cantiknyee alam Allah..saya macam orang giler tau tak..lepas main air..main pasir..pastu main air lagi..ewwwsome..!!

i dont mean to sepek kan my mata..tapi my mata bengkak after nangis..sumpah i hate you bf..
guys...see belakang saya tu?kalau air tenang aritu..konfum saya dah berenang pergi sana..
gile kn?
saya suka buat kerja gile..
crazy is art..isn't it?


subhannallah..kerdilnye saya disisi ciptaanNYA..

ta da..its me..try to acting hot wtf

pictures no more..

p/s: enjoy the nature guys..

btw..nurul tolong Blogshop Ayu Cinta untuk dapatkan vote for DIGI contest ..kindly do vote for BLOGSHOP AYU.help other people xsalah kan..just need your click only...big thanks readers..
this is the link

Blogshop Ayu Cinta

thanks for reading this


Shawl's@ayucinta said...

nurul sangat cantik ok...i loikke..like..like..like..:)

nazirulhazwan~ said...

bile kite nak kepantai bersama2:P hehe

Fatin Syahira Ramli said...


sy pun suka laut dgn pantai jugak :)

tp belum sempat nak pegi dlm masa terdekat nie. bdway, pic sis cantik :)

nurulmunirah said...

haihh... hari ahad ini saya mahu kepantai juga! wahhh... suke2!!

saya bukan tomato said...



NajiHa said...

cantik..pantai mane ni kak..?

QD said...

cantik sangat !! :))

ekyn ashikin said...

siyes lawa.. kt mn ek tuh???

Sesopie said...

Suka pantai gak!! Tenang je..

Eh,Nurul dah cam model laa.. Pandai posing

Siti Nurazlinda said...

bila la linda pulak dapat photoshoot dengan Kak Nurul ? mengidam nya !! ;)

Anisa Hang Tuah said...

nurul is sangat cantik.
nis suka tgok nurul (:

Cik Puan Izan❤ said...

pantainya sangat cantik...indahnya ciptaan Tuhan....modelnya lagi cantikk...saya sukaa...teringin posing mcm nurul...^__^

Sh.Aida said...

akak segak segak segak segak..

cikgu said...

nurul..sy pun pecinta pantai..nampak pantai sy akan jd giler gak kalau xbenti..haha..tu cam kat ganu je..tol x?

Anonymous said...

ni pantai otw dari rantau abang to dungun kan?? siyes nice view.. and nice sepek gurl also..;p

PinKy MoMMa said...

errr ni kat pntai pandak ke nurul..
sis suka view pantai pandak..cantikkkk ;)

eh bukan2..encit papa sis kata..
pantai pandok..haaa br betul hihihi..masih proses pembelajaran bahasa ganu..yihaaaa..

Emilia Emira said...

kak nurul this is most fevourite beach!!!rinduuuuuu lme xpegi!

murnimahyum said...

the 3rd picture was superb!
tetibe rse nk pergi pantai jugak lah... (^_^)

dhaya said...

pantai mane ni? terengganu byk pntai. :)

NazurahMN said...

saia pon sukekan pantai (:

aza said...

cantik sgt...


aza pon suka bila dok tepi pntai...
suka tgk ombak

jaya jr said...

haha,pantai yang cite merong mahawangsa shooting pon cun gk..

Axie04 said...

alway chumel je

caHAYA said...

sgt2 gojes ^_^

Zeera Lana said...

cantiknyer pantaiiii
kat mana tueeee?
nak pergi ! nak pergi !

SHAWLiSTA said...

love beach <3
btw cantik sgt :)


dea pon lama dh x g pantai!!.. huhu

istikharah cinta said...

hohoho..cantikkkkk...sis..dhener gk upenye..hahahaha..gura je..hehehe..

Invisible Me said...

nice walaupun guna nokia XXXYZ.
bestnya pantai~ :)

Pyqa Farid said...

siyes lawa. .

lame da x pegy pntai, trase rndu gk nk pegy

zila said...

pantai mane nih kak nurul?


Nazrul Ashraff said...

perghh..menangis..haha...ada contest..x masuk, kena baling batu. haha..


athisya nevercanbereplace said...

kat pantai mne ni akak..?nk itot..hehe

Syamimi Fatin said...

wah... bestnya pg pantai... fav! rsa tenang gila kn kak?

Fareha Rahmat (Bos Besar) said...

like your pic!, sangat sweet

Unknown said...

eh,kat tengganu eh ?mcm penah pergi laaaa. hihih

ina said...

salam.. ni kat pantai mana ye?

cik bahulu oren said...

bunyi ombak mendamaikan jiwa :)

Izyan Masri said...


Amy Syahirah said...

saya tgok pon terpegun dgan ciptaan NYA . btw , sis cntik leeeeeee . geram . hehe .

♥ ♥ ♥ miSz sYa♥ ♥ ♥ said...

wink2...nie pix kat pantai kemasik kn2...mmg view kat c 2 mmg santek... ;)

Pycah Abd Rahim said...

pantai tu memang cantik la :D

fatihah mamatk said...

terbaik sis..ktner ni? yg pnting tips tu..hehe.... bagus utk dicuba...:)

Nurulbadiah Lai said...

hye darlings..
thanks 4 reading..thanks 4 de comments..
nati kalau korang semua ade dtg ke terengganu..do let me know k..
we can hang out together..i will bring u there..

beach is waiting for yooo:)

Wawa Abdullah said...

beshnye k.nurul..view pantai tu pun cantik.. ske3!! :D

nadiem sharmz said...

santek nye ciptaan ALLAH n sis pon santek..hehe...dh lame xg pntai..rindunye!

Scha Aryana said...

bestnyerrr! cantiknyerr! suke sangat pegi pantaii.. pastu snap gambar banyak2.. ekeke

Mastura Seri said...

pantai cantik...kat manaa...
cantik pic :)
love it :)

Sya_Merpati Putih 88 said...

cantiknya pantai....nice view...(^_*)

PinKy MoMMa said...

ermm sis kt ganu nih..bile nak bawok ni sayangku nurul..
terserempak pun x penah! geramnye...eii eiii..

Mata Pena Fadz said...

indahnya ciptaan Tuhann....

sherah said...

haha ni pantai mane ni nurul.eii mengada nyeww dieww nak nages2 haha :P

Judiene said...

I love going to beach too!


~with luv~ said...

ni kalu x silap pantai batu pelanduk kt kuala abang, dungun..btol2 tepi jln..so if korang jln2 or lalu kt terengganu, korang akn nmpk pntai ni :)

Hishyamuddin said...

lawo2...gi lah bukit keluang pulop..kabo ah..heeh

apice@duniabaru said...

kat mane ni ek?? wah mau g jgk laa...

A Y E I N said...

cantik sgt gambo yg num 3 tuu :)

alexayussida said...


dah tahu org tgh rindukan pantai,saja je die tayang pic kat pantaiiiii T___T

niceee pic n pose dear :) cantik sangat2 ciptaan Allah

beeya neesa said...

ni pntai kemasek kn?d one yg dkt ngn awana kijal 2..klu x slah laa~ade byk gua kt pntai ni..

ikhwanzm said...

Terbaeek .. tu shootnya..
pas ni saya nak pi Pantai Dalam la...

Fiya Ahmad said...

dah lama tak ke pantai :D

KizZ said...

Wah...cantiknya....vote vote!

Anonymous said...

i love beach and you too ~!

biebulan said...

kak nurul ni pantai pandak keee ? dekat dengn kampus saya lahh :)
boleh tak nk meet up degn akak ? :)

Anonymous said...

kak nurul sgt comel. suke je zara tengok. hehe.. zara suke pantai gak. lebih2 agy bile sunset!:D

www.dunialandax.com said...

wallahweyy! pose like a model meyh! dah2~jangan nangiz2~ =)

madmoiselle juju said...

yeap..im agree with you...pantai tu mmg kejadian tuhan yang paling indah for me...i just come back from one of island which is so beautiful...

Anonymous said...

I agree with you that the beach looks very nice.. Well, most of the things that our Lord created are exceptionally nice, it all depends on how we see and appreciate it, that's all.

Just one thing that makes me wonder. The whole point of this entry is to tell us how captivating the beach is but why are all the pictures shown above have you in the center? Are you trying to sell the beach to us or are you simply trying to sell your face?

Tepuk dada, tanya iman eh? :)

rabiatuladawiyah saleh said...

saya tahu kak nurul pergi pantai pelanduk la,bkn pantai pandak atau pantai pondok ke hape.hehe. of coz la sbb tahu pntai 2 dkat aje dgn sekolah saye..haha..memg panati2 cantik sgtt! ade batu sgt besar..haha..btw, kak nurul sangtt cantikk maa.

rabiatuladawiyah saleh said...

itu pantai batu pelanduk laa..bkn pandak or pandok..haha.da puas lalu..tp siesly, pantai2 memg cntik, batu bapak besor...btw, ciptaan Allah memg cantik kan, tgok pom dpt phale..

kak nurul sgt cantik.memg xdpt dinafikan..hee ;))

Nurulbadiah Lai said...

anon: well..is up to you how u wanna define me..i dont care coz i dont live to please u..

but then..
think one minute..

if u are going to somewhere..let say kat oversea and u saw lots of beautiful flowers there..
so..of coz for sure u wanna capture the pictures with these flowers and you are in it..
just to show that you are there..

for me..
when i see beautiful scenery..
for sure i wanna be in it..
kalau x..rugi la..coz nti xtau plak bile nak ambil lagi..
just the matter of memory and my satisfaction..

kalau nak tengok pntai cantik2..dlm web penuh..nk tengok gmbar nature cntik2..dlm web pon byk..tp sy xpuas hati sbb sy nk berada ditempat tersebut..
thats y sy amik gmbar dgn nature yg cntik2. ..got that?

then..sy post kat sini..coz i wanna share with others..the beautiful memory im in it..

but then is up to u la..
i dont need your judgment..if u see me in the bad site..is up to u..

Nurul said...

bestnya g pantai. dah lama tak g. rinduuu. :(

new post: http://sigadiscomel.blogspot.com/2011/04/diy-chain-wrap-bracelet.html

CahayaCintaIlahi said...

wah... selonoknye tengok sis kat pantai tu .. nak p pantai lak rasanye huu .. :))

[leily.laily] said...

cam kenal aje tempat tu..
ekek, pantai kemasik ek..
nice shoot dear!!!

Unknown said...


laskar pelangi said...

hadoi.rindu gak pantai nie..nak g pantai kat dungun..uwaaaa..rindu kenangan bersama si teman

laskar pelangi said...

hadoi.rindu gak pantai nie..nak g pantai kat dungun..uwaaaa..rindu kenangan bersama si teman

Kumbang Jingga said...

baju awak cantik..pantai tu pun cantik....

Ieqahgajah said...

wah gune pne nokia pn sgt cantikla darl :)

www.dunialandax.com said...

owh~i love ur comment Kak Nurul! yeah! i will also do da same =)

Noor Fatin said...

ni pantai kemasik nih! haha saya selalu lepak siniiiiiiiii..

Anonymous said...

akak,ni pantai kemasik kan kan ? pena photoshoot kat sini.sumpah cantik ! hehe


sangat cantikk!!
kat mana ni??
kemasik ke kelulut??
mmg besh kan kita duk ganu ni..
keindahan alam cenggini masih ada..

☆┌─┐ ─┐☆
☆│▒│ /▒/
☆│▒ /▒/─┬─┐... HYE!! HYE!!
☆│▒│▒|▒│▒│ ..PEACE....
❤salam singgah dari mummyweiyda❤
❤eppy blogging ya!!❤

Kalo free meh ler singgah my blog..--> mummylovers blog

payid_90 said...

cntik la pic sis..sgt ske ur blog laa..

Unknown said...


cekla said...

konfirm pantai kemasik ...memang cantik..:)